Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Anarchast with Sterlin Lujan: Taking the Red Pill and Exiting the Matrix

Jeff interviews emerging anarchist thought leader Sterlin Lujan, topics include: a victim of the unjust war on drugs, the application of emotional relational psychotherapy to anarchism, build compassionate and loving communities, the value of human connection, logical emotionalism, life enhancement through psychedelics, MDMA and war, the global anarchist awakening, opening up anarchism to women, Bernie […]

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from The Dollar Vigilante https://www.dollarvigilante.com/blog/2016/05/31/anarchast-sterlin-lujan-taking-red-pill-exiting-matrix.html
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Texas Construction Signs Hacked to Endorse Bernie, Call Trump a Shape Shifting Lizard

We Are Change

Electronic construction signs belonging to the Texas Department of Transportation were hacked on Monday, and changed to display messages such as “Bernie for President,” and “Donald Trump is a… shape shifting lizard!!”

Other signs also had their messages changed to phrases such as “work is cancelled, go back home,” and “party hardy yall!”

The signs along Interstate-30 in Dallas were all hacked over the course of 48 hours on Monday and early Tuesday. The signs, which are meant to warn drivers about road construction, were all eventually turned off.

“Due to safety concerns, we strongly discourage people from stopping in work zones to create situations such as this,” Texas Department of Transportation spokesman Tony Hartzel said in a statement on Monday.

So far, no suspects have been named in the hacking, nor has it been confirmed if it was done on site or remotely.

A spokesperson for TxDOT told local station KRLD that there is no humor in the hack, and that the messages removed warnings about nearby construction zones.

The idea of reptilian humanoids is often used in science fiction and has been pushed by conspiracy theorists such as David Icke who believe that shape-shifting aliens control earth through political power.

In 2011, comedian Louis C.K. appeared on the Opie and Anthony radio show and repeatedly questioned former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld about whether or not he and former Vice President Dick Cheney are actually lizards people who enjoy eating human flesh.

Rumsfeld did not outright deny being a lizard, causing C.K. to run with it as an admission of guilt.

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from We Are Change http://wearechange.org/texas-construction-signs-hacked-endorse-bernie-call-trump-shape-shifting-lizard/

NSA Whistleblower Compares US Surveillance to Nazi Germany

We Are Change

William Binney

William Binney

On Tuesday, National Security Agency whistleblower William Binney compared the US surveillance program to Nazi Germany.

Binney was once a high-ranking official within the agency, having worked for them for three decades. In 2002, along with two others, he demanded that the US Department of Defense investigate the NSA for wasting “millions and millions of dollars” on a program called “Trailblazer,” which was designed to analyze data on the internet.

He has also been openly critical about the domestic surveillance program which was brought to light by Edward Snowden.

“They [the NSA] don’t care what they do, they feel that they have the right to do anything that they feel necessary, and they will cover up crimes and procedures and violations of regulations that they’ve done to achieve whatever their ends are,” Binney told Loud & Clear host Brian Becker on Radio Sputnik.

Binney had created a software program called ThinThread that would monitor terror suspects, while safeguarding the privacy of Americans. He alleges that the agency took his software and corrupted it, violating the Constitution.

“They used our software and corrupted it and turned it against the people of the United States,” he stated. “That was fundamentally a violation of the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments of the Constitution. So they were scrapping the Constitution, they were doing this all in secret.”

Proponents of the controversial surveillance program insist that it is justified to keep Americans safe from terrorism, but Binney disagrees.

“The president can declare anyone a terrorist threat and have the military take them off the street, anywhere, and incarcerate them indefinitely without any due process. Those are violations of fundamental rights of the Constitution,” he explained.

“That’s exactly what Special Order 48 issued by the Nazis in 1933 did, right after the Reichstag fire. It says almost exactly the same thing.”

Further, he expressed concern that the US government may use what they obtain through the NSA as a power play against foreign governments and private businesses.

“It’s not just inside the US, it’s worldwide. [The NSA] gives them power and evidence to use to intimidate and manipulate members of parliament in any government in the world. Any commercial company that’s doing things [the US] doesn’t want to happen, they’ve got data on them to.”

“It gives them a great deal of power. Knowledge is power.”

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from We Are Change http://wearechange.org/nsa-whistleblower-compares-us-surveillance-nazi-germany/

Clinical Trial Suggests Psychedelic Drugs Could Be Used To Treat Depression and Addiction

We Are Change


Scientists in London recently showed the brain scan results of people under the influence of LSD.

The results revealed far more positive then negative results in the study’s 20 participants.  The study, headed by Professor David Nutt and Amanda Feilding of the Beckley Foundation, found that LSD and the active ingredient in Magic Mushrooms called psilocybin could help depression, alcoholics and possibly even drug addictions in a way traditional methods of therapy can’t.

Another study published in 2012 headed by David Nutt suggest “magic” mushrooms expand the mind by dampening brain activity.

However, there is still one problem before treatment can be widespread – both Mushrooms and LSD are categorized as Class A drugs Hallucinogenics by the FDA and are prohibited –  which is ironic, considering its history with the CIA.

Declassified documents released in 2012 show that before LSD was a drug handed out at rock concerts in the 70’s, the CIA dosed hundreds of unwitting Americans under the umbrella of Project MKUltra.
The CIA conducted uncontrolled tests on subjects, including many who did not consent to be lab guinea pigs for the agency.

From beach goers to bars and restaurants, prostitutes and johns – even their own agents were dosed. Then they would follow their test rats around stalking them taking notes. This went on for a decade in secrecy under various operations such as Operation Midnight Climax and two hubs – one in San Francisco the other in New York City. Why would the CIA do this? Remember, this is the same agency that wanted to create lone-wolf killers under “Project Bluebird”.

LSD shortly after all this mess was classified extremely dangerous made illegal and research into its benefits of potential treatment for addictions and alcoholism was shutdown – possibly because LSD, rather than allowing the CIA to create brainwashed killers, gave people spiritual experiences.

LSD users often feel more connected to nature, the world and everything around them – renewed and refreshed with everything feeling beautiful and very vivid — seeing the grass and flowers and trees look different.

Its an experience many choose for a spiritual and psychic re-awakening.

Only now are psychedelics being recognized by scientist as being potentially helpful to mental health after the stigma’s created by the CIA’s botched experiments of bad trips.

Indian tribes have been using psychedelics for years in ceremonies – such as the famous Ayahuasca tea, which is said to make you throw up hours after consumption and have a spiritual life changing journey. Those that seek spiritual enlightenment can now pay to do so safely, at a retreat in Washington for $1,500. Cheaper then a Disney resort vacation!

Ayahuasca translates to the vine of the dead, or soul. Those who take the leap are said to experience confronting their fear of death. With so many people pushing for legalization of Marijuana – also considered to be a psychedelic – are we headed towards a push for legalization of psychedelics for medical purposes?

The more psychedelics are studied and the effects of psychedelics on the human mind are understood, the closer we come to a world where the war on drugs is near an end.

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Google Raided in France for Tax Evasion:

We Are Change


France seems to be cracking down on tax evasion lately, as only last week McDonald’s was raided by authorities for embezzling money to its facility in Luxembourg, Germany.

Now we find out that Google was also involved in a separate tax raid last week.  To conduct Operation Tulip, investigators spent nearly a year working on word processors and avoiding the internet.

On Tuesday, the operation paid off as the offices of Google in Paris were raided. France has previously told the company to pay back taxes of 1.6 billion euros ($1.8 billion).

“We decided to never utter the word ‘Google,’ to give the firm another name” and “we worked on this case fully offline for nearly a year,” said French official Eliane Houlette.

The raid acquired several terabytes of data which Houlette hopes will take months not years to comb through.

The resulting case is expected to last a while as cases in France are not swift, and Google is sure to try every legal maneuver possible to avoid paying $1.8 billion.

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Alan Greenspan Warns That Venezuelan Style Martial Law Will Soon Come to the US

Alan Greenspan Warns That Venezuelan Style Martial Law Will Soon Come to the US
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Disney Takes Legal Aim At China’s Richest Man

We Are Change

disney china

The feud between Chinese real estate and entertainment giant, Dalian Wanda, and Walt Disney Co. has continued to escalate, with the latter threatening legal action over alleged intellectual property infringement.

Last week, Dalian Wanda chairman Wang Jianlin, directly called out Disney as an “old brand” that would be no match for the “pack of wolves” his conglomerate was planning to unleash on China’s theme park scene.

On Saturday, Dalian Wanda unveiled the first of a series of “Wanda Cities” planned for the Chinese and overseas market – developments that include theme parks, malls, hotels and resorts, as well as food and beverage options – designed to capitalize on a growing appetite for entertainment among China’s rising middle and upper middle classes. Government estimates have China’s $610 billion tourism industry doubling in size by 2020, making it a particularly lucrative prize for both Dailan Wanda and Disney.

The opening of the $3.2 billion Wanda City development came just weeks before the official opening of the long-awaited, $6 billion Shanghai Disney theme park, slated for June 16.

In comments at the Wanda City opening ceremony in the eastern Chinese city of Nanchang over the weekend, Wang Jianlin emphasized a major advantage of Wanda’s model would be the emphasis on local culture, rather than the imported pop culture propagated by rivals Disney.

“Chinese culture led in the world’s for 2,000 years, but since the last 300 years, because of our lagging development and the invasion of foreign cultures, we have more or less lacked confidence in our own culture. We want to be a model for Chinese private enterprise, and we want to establish a global brand for Chinese firms,” the 61-year-old said.

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Huffington Post Fires a Writer Over Hillary Article

We Are Change

Huffington Post Writer: Editors Deleted My Article on Hillary’s Imminent Indictment, Disabled Me from Writing

Hillary removed

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A writer for The Huffington Post is still waiting for an explanation as to why editors deleted his piece reporting that the FBI will pursue an indictment against Hillary Clinton.

Huffington Post freelance contributor Frank Huguenard, a scientist and public speaker, wrote a report for the liberal site Sunday entitled “Hillary Clinton to be Indicted On Federal Racketeering Charges.” But the piece was not up for long before the Huffington Post pulled it down and replaced it with a “404” Error screen.

“Huffpo has yet to respond to my request for an explanation,” Huguenard tweeted at this Breitbart News reporter Monday morning. “I’ve got my sources, they never asked.”

Huguenard later told Breitbart News, “I want to do another story but my HuffPo account has been temporarily disabled. Not sure what’s happening with them.”

Huffington Post Politics senior editor Sam Stein told Breitbart News that he doesn’t know why the piece was pulled.

“Sorry. I don’t know. I’d direct your question to a blog editor,” Stein said.

Pressed to provide contact information for the blog editor in question, Stein did not respond further.

Huguenard, an apparent Bernie Sanders supporter judging by his Twitter account, wrote that the FBI will recommend indicting Hillary Clinton on racketeering charges. Huguenard wrote:

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a United States Federal Law passed in 1970 that was designed to provide a tool for law enforcement agencies to fight organized crime.  RICO allows prosecution and punishment for alleged racketeering activity that has been executed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise.

Activity considered to be racketeering may include bribery, counterfeiting, money laundering, embezzlement, illegal gambling, kidnapping, murder, drug trafficking, slavery, and a host of other nefarious business practices.

James Comey and The FBI will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, that includes a cogent argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic.

A note at the bottom of the original article explains that “This post is hosted on the Huffington Post’s Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and post freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email.”

The Huffington Post media team did not return a request for comment.


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Alan Greenspan Warns That Venezuelan Style Martial Law Will Soon Come to the US

To find out more about subscribing to TDV: http://www.dollarvigilante.com/subscribe For the video on how to profit from the Bitcoin halving event go to: http://www.dollarvigilante.com/bitcoin2 The video SUPER SHEMITAH: Elite’s Jubilee Year Plan to Crash World Economy by October 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0sOp60ZqYI Survive Shemitah free white paper at: http://surviveshemitah.com/ The Dollar Vigilante: http://www.dollarvigilante.com

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from The Dollar Vigilante https://www.dollarvigilante.com/blog/2016/05/31/alan-greenspan-warns-venezuelan-style-martial-law-will-soon-come-us-2.html
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Alan Greenspan Warns That Venezuelan Style Martial Law Will Soon Come To The US

It seems barely a day passes now without some big name person warning of imminent collapse.  The latest is Alan Greenspan. In an interview on Thursday he told Fox News that Venezuela is now under martial law and that “America is next.” He said that what was happening in Venezuela was inevitably going to take place in […]

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from The Dollar Vigilante https://www.dollarvigilante.com/blog/2016/05/30/alan-greenspan-warns-venezuelan-style-martial-law-will-soon-come-us.html
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Bitcoin Skyrockets and is Now Up More Than 100% This Jubilee Year

Bitcoin Skyrockets and is Now Up More Than 100% This Jubilee Year
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Huff Post Removes Article Claiming Hillary Clinton Will Be Arrested

We Are Change

Huffington Post Removes Article Claiming Hillary Clinton Will Be Indicted

SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

The liberal publication Huffington Post removed an article on its website Sunday claiming that the FBI plans to pursue an indictment against Hillary Clinton on federal racketeering charges.

HuffPo freelance contributor Frank Huguenard, a scientist and public speaker, posted an article on the site’s blog entitled “Hillary Clinton to be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges”. Huguenard wrote:

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a United States Federal Law passed in 1970 that was designed to provide a tool for law enforcement agencies to fight organized crime.  RICO allows prosecution and punishment for alleged racketeering activity that has been executed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise.

Activity considered to be racketeering may include bribery, counterfeiting, money laundering, embezzlement, illegal gambling, kidnapping, murder, drug trafficking, slavery, and a host of other nefarious business practices.

James Comey and The FBI will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, that includes a cogent argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic.

The piece was publicized on Twitter by conservatives including Clinton critic Jared Wyand:

But the article link now directs to a page that says “404” with a frownie face and the message “This is so embarrassing” after Huffington Post took the piece down Sunday.

A note at the bottom of the original article explains that “This post is hosted on the Huffington Post’s Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and post freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email.”

The Huffington Post’s media team and also HuffPo senior politics editor Sam Stein did not return requests for comment. The Full Redacted Article Published on HP contributors can be found here 

Original Link – http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/05/29/huffington-post-removes/

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Sunday, May 29, 2016

VIDEO: Bitcoin Skyrockets and is Now Up More Than 100% This Jubilee Year

To find out more about subscribing to TDV: http://www.dollarvigilante.com/subscribe For the video on how to profit from the Bitcoin halving event go to: http://www.dollarvigilante.com/bitcoin2 The video SUPER SHEMITAH: Elite’s Jubilee Year Plan to Crash World Economy by October 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0sOp60ZqYI Survive Shemitah free white paper at: http://surviveshemitah.com/ The Dollar Vigilante: http://www.dollarvigilante.com

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from The Dollar Vigilante https://www.dollarvigilante.com/blog/2016/05/30/video-bitcoin-skyrockets-now-100-jubilee-year.html
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Bitcoin Skyrockets And Is Now Up More Than 100% This Jubilee Year

Bitcoin has risen more than 25% in the last week, from near $430 to a high over $545 today. It has now risen more than 100% since last summer when we said it was a screaming buy. In that time it has been pronounced dead at least once and is now at a 20 month high. […]

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from The Dollar Vigilante https://www.dollarvigilante.com/blog/2016/05/29/bitcoin-skyrockets-now-100-jubilee-year.html
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Collateral Damage’ US Changing the meaning of Hero

We Are Change

Collateral Damage’ The Legacy of Jimmy Pain

A Memorial For The Millions of Innocent’ Lives destroyed in America’s War on Terror. 

By. Danny F. Quest

It’s the home of the free, the land of the brave they proclaim over the intercom, as they lower the flag half-staff on the pole out side the State capitol building. Trumpets wale the familiar anthem as the prom queen, and local talent show winner- a southern bell with jean shorts and an American flag tank top sings in defence of Fort M’Henry. It had Just been announced three days prior that Jimmy Pain a local high school graduate had been killed in action while serving in Afghanistan. Little was shared about the events surrounding Jimmy’s death, but what was clear was that Jimmy, ‘JP as he was called by his friends and family was a Hero, and that he deserved nothing less then respect for his contribution to the Democracy and Freedom of this Great Nation.

“If I hadn’t ever been in Iraq, I wouldn’t be in the kind of trouble I’m in now,” Green said. “I’m not happy about that.”

Dont ask dont tell” a law directing that military personnel “don’t ask and don’t tell” pertaining primarily to homosexuality in the armed service extended it’s mantra to many other aspect of military culture, esp Rape, there have no less then hundreds of rape allegations made against the US armed forces dating back a century or more, but the case of Jimmy Pain is particularly heinous. JP was a member of a gang of five soldiers who raped a 14-year-old girl before killing her and her family and setting them on fire. Much publicity surrounded the reported  ringleader  Steven Green, 24, who was sentenced to life in prison after a jury in Kentucky failed to agree that he deserved to die. Green was indeed the ringleader of a gang of five soldiers who raped Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi before killing her, her parents and her six-year-old sister in a town near Baghdad in 2006. He was tried in a civilian court after being discharged from the army due to a ‘personality disorder’, and found guilty.



Lawyers depicted him as a victim of combat stress and a bad childhood trapped in the ‘Triangle of Death’ combat zone south of Baghdad where he saw comrades die and could no longer tell friend from foe.

But no media surrounding Jimmy’s contribution to this event was mentioned this Memorial day weekend,

American soldiers raping an Iraqi women and go back home to their women.:

American soldiers raping an Iraqi women and go back home to their women.

Jimmy, 19 at the time of the crime, was described by the prosecution as the look out man in the group.

They all donned black ‘ninja’ outfits and raped the girl before shooting her and her father, mother and 6-year-old sister.

According to witnesses during the eight-day trial, Green shot the girl’s family in a bedroom while two soldiers raped her.  covered her head with a pillow and shot her three times. The soldiers then set fire to her body to try to cover up the crime.

Later they bragged about the assault, saying what he had done was ‘awesome’.

The horrific incident took place after the soldiers had drunk whiskey, played cards, and plotted the attack in Mahmudiya.

It was one of several incidents involving American soldiers that enraged Iraqis and strained U.S. relations.

the 101st Airborne fort Mahmudiyah, Iraq

Pain was one of four US soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division involved gang raped a 14 year old Iraqi girl and murdered her and her family —including a 5 year old child, was only cited only as “an additional soldier involved in the cover-up”.  The leaked assault photographs put the 101st media team into a “passive posture” — withholding information where possible. It concealed presence of both child victims, and described the rape victim, who had just turned 14, as “a young woman”. The reason why Pain’s name is seldom mentioned along with the events in Mahmudiyah can be summed up in one word Karma’. Staff Sgt Jimmy Pain was killed before the
investigation began. Details of how exactly are murky but official documents cite that a member of the 101st in  Mahmudiyah, Iraq was killed by an improvised explosive device while attempting to ‘secure a location’.

Had Jimmy not been killed and survived to face trial he would be have been a known murderer and someone who assisted and covered up for child rapist, however because of the timing of Jimmy’s death, he will be forever known by many in this small town as a patriot and a Hero, someone who fought for freedom and democracy, and who died for liberty.

(note) Some of the names and locations in this story are changed to protect the families of the people involved, but this story represents a reality that plays itself out repeatedly in the modern American Zionist Empire.  

The deaths intensified Green’s feelings toward all Iraqis, whom soldiers often called by a derogatory term. “There’s not a word that would describe how much I hated these people,” Green said. “I wasn’t thinking these people were humans.”





Rape in the US military: America’s dirty little secret

US Soldiers Raped Boys In Front Of Their Mothers

“A female soldier in Iraq is more likely to be attacked by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire”

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Freedom is Rising: Jeff Berwick on FreedomFest TV

Freedom is Rising: Jeff Berwick on FreedomFest TV
http://youtu.be/cBHUZAmam90 Jeff is Interviewed by Terry Brock, former chief enterprise blogger of Skype, former editor in chief of ATnT's Big Blog, member of the hall of fame of the National Speaker's Association and MC of FreedomFest 2016 and Media Marketing Expert, Gina Carr for FreedomFest TV. Jeff has announced his attention to attend FreedomFest 2016! FreedomFest 2016 website: http://freedomfest.com/about/ Survive Shemitah New Video: http://surviveshemitah.com/ Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante at: https://www.dollarvigilante.com/ The Dollar Vigilante on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DollarVigilante/?fref=ts Anarchast: http://anarchast.com To learn more on the Perpetual Traveler/Prior Taxpayer (PT) theory, you can see an hour long presentation on it as well as more than a dozen other related presentations here: http://vimeo.com/ondemand/tdv
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Billionaire Gross: Jubilee Debt Relief as Prelude to New Global Economic Order

Billionaire Gross: Jubilee Debt Relief as Prelude to New Global Economic Order
http://youtu.be/UdduyqhowYk To find out more about subscribing to TDV: http://www.dollarvigilante.com/subscribe To see all the video presentations on PT Theory, and economic preparedness: http://www.dollarvigilante.com/IIS The video SUPER SHEMITAH: Elite's Jubilee Year Plan to Crash World Economy by October 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0sOp60ZqYI Survive Shemitah free white paper at: http://surviveshemitah.com/ The Dollar Vigilante: http://www.dollarvigilante.com
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Turkish Pilots Saw UFO with Green Flashing Lights shortly Before Egypt Air MS804 Crashed.”

We Are Change

“Turkish Pilots Saw UFO with Green Flashing Lights shortly Before Egypt Air MS804 Crashed.”

Move over Roswell,
The Australian News Agency www.news.com.au has reported that
hurriyetdailynews.com has said Two Turkish Pilots told Air traffic control in Istanbul. They had an Unidentified flying object encounter with green lights pass 2-3,000 feet above them. “Then it vanished all of a sudden we are guessing it was a UFO.
The pilots are quoted as saying shortly before flight MS804 Crashed.
However the report doesn’t suggest that a UFO is to blame for Egypt Air’s Crash and says its more then likely due to a fire as smoke was reported shortly before the crash.
Its just highly interesting that Turkish pilots reported seeing an unidentified flying object prior. Are we alone or are we sharing our skies with extraterrestrials?

See Official Source Here: EgyptAir MS804: Pilots ‘saw UFO with green flashing lights’ shortly before tragic plane crash

That answer may have already been given to us,
It’s interesting to note..
Another incident where its said a UFO possibly collided with a Chinese plane in 2013.
When an unknown object caused a severe dent in the planes nose cone.
That aviation experts can’t even explain..
Its the Age old question and one many people are interested in.
Are we Alone or are we being visited by Extraterrestrials and is there a government cover up, since Roswell and the UK equivalent the Rendlesham Forest incident?
The other question is who’s paying the insurance bill that’s a pesky thing to deal with i don’t think ET has Insurance like we do on Earth. Do insurance companies cover Extraterrestrial Incidents? or do they consider those “Acts of God.” One thing is for sure Dorothy I don’t think were in Kansas Anymore..

Was it a bird? A Plane? Or a UFO?? Chinese passenger jet hits mysterious object at 26,000ft and lands with severely dented nose cone:

UFO Hits Air China Passenger Jet? Aviation Experts Baffled By Damage To Boeing 757 [REPORT]:

Overtime Several Pilots Have reported UFO sightings. In my own opinion Aviator pilots and Military personnel are always one of the best sources of information when it comes to UFO sightings. Because they fly they know every aircraft in the sky and when something is out of place they know.
Here is two examples of pilots reporting UFOs.
One week prior to the incident with a UFO colliding into a Chinese jet three Pilots flying passenger planes over Britain’s Scientology base say they saw two UFOs hovering above the Scientology Headquarters.
The next and final case is in Russia where
Flight controllers claim that Extraterrestrials spoke to them in a cat like language purring and meowing at them. Maybe or maybe the Russians just had a bit too much whiskey and brandy rum.. Oh and that insurance claim i checked Geico doesn’t cover Intergalactic crashes bummer ET ask All State..

Close encounters of the purred kind: Aliens spoke to us in a ‘cat-like language’ claim Russian flight controllers:

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Billionaire Gross: Jubilee Debt Relief as Prelude to New Global Economic Order

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Natural seed proponents are now Potential Terrorists

We Are Change

Natural seed proponents are now Potential Terrorists according to the US Government 


grow food not lawns

(NaturalNews) Increasingly, when Americans “dare” to color outside the lines of government food regulation, those who seek to rule us label them extremists and, now, even “agri-terrorists.”

As noted by Daisy Luther at The Organic Prepper, officials in more than one state have turned into food Nazis:

It looks like Michigan is not the only state with a Department of Agriculture that is adamant about the best interests of their citizens. Residents in Pennsylvania can now breathe a little bit easier since an illegal enterprise has been shut down.

The Joseph T. Simpson Public Library in Mechanicsburg was participating in an activity that put the entire ecosystem of the state at risk.

In an astonishing act of hubris, they were running a seed library, right there amongst the books, in the very facility where small children go to have stories read to them.

Yes, that’s right: a seed library.

‘We’re from the government and we know what is best’

For those who are not familiar with seed libraries, they permit consumers to walk in and take home Heirloom seeds — for free. The “borrower” plants the seeds and then, when harvest time comes around, he/she saves seeds and then returns them to the library, where they can then be loaned out to others.

But apparently, Luther writes, that practice is in violation of the “Seed Act of 2004.” Yes, America, there is actually a law that makes seed lending and replacement illegal.

In commenting on the ludicrous nature of the law, Luther wrote that, “luckily for the Cumberland County Library System, the state D of A [Department of Agriculture] decided that SWAT was not necessary and instead sent a high-ranking official and a team of lawyers to shut down the seed library.”

Alas, another national emergency averted.

Luther noted that Jonelle Darr, the executive director of the library, said that 60 local residents had signed up to participate in the seed library. She added, however, that continuing the project is not possible now, due to the overly restrictive requirements from the state department of agriculture.

According to The Sentinel newspaper, prior to having its seed library shuttered, the library system had spent a great deal of time working in partnership with the Cumberland County Commission for Women and obtaining information from the local Penn State Ag Extension office in order to create the pilot seed library project.

“The effort was a new seed-gardening initiative that would allow for residents to ‘borrow’ seeds and replace them with new ones harvested at the end of the season,” the paper said in its online version.

Mechanicsburg’s effort was launched April 26 in conjunction with an Earth Day festival, however, a number of similar efforts had already begun across the state before that local initiative was launched.


In researching the project, Darr said that no one had come across any information indicating that there were problems with the idea, the paper reported:

That was, until, the library system received a letter from the state Department of Agriculture telling them they were in violation of the Seed Act of 2004.

“We did talk to the county extension office before establishing the seed library,” Darr told Cumberland County commissioners at a recent meeting. “We were never apprised of the Seed Act.”

Commissioners were equally stunned about learning of the law and the change of events, as well as the manner in which the state agriculture department handled its investigation — sending high-ranking officials and lawyers to the library.

But one of them commissioners, Barbara Cross, excused the heavy-handedness by labeling folks interested in this program as extremists.

“Agri-terrorism is a very, very real scenario,” she said. “Protecting and maintaining the food sources of America is an overwhelming challenge … so you’ve got agri-tourism on one side and agri-terrorism on the other.”

The agriculture department told the library that it could not set up a seed program until its staff tested each seed packet for germination and other data. Darr said that was not obviously not something the library staff was capable of handling.

“This is not our core mission,” she said. “We thought we were doing a good thing in helping the Cumberland County Commission for Women (who requested the idea and the library’s participation).”






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VIDEO: Freedom is Rising: Jeff Berwick on FreedomFest TV

Jeff is Interviewed by Terry Brock, former chief enterprise blogger of Skype, former editor in chief of ATnT’s Big Blog, member of the hall of fame of the National Speaker’s Association and MC of FreedomFest 2016 and Media Marketing Expert, Gina Carr for FreedomFest TV. Jeff has announced his attention to attend FreedomFest 2016! FreedomFest […]

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Billionaire Gross: Jubilee Debt Relief as Prelude to New Global Economic Order

Bill Gross just made headlines by explaining that Japan was bankrupt and its central bank would have to acquire the nation’s debt and then “forego repayment.” What billionaire Gross is talking about here is a debt jubilee. And we’re not surprised. We’ve predicted this after all.  I’ve often said that Japan will be the first […]

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Viral Video: Watch How This Anarchist Paid His Speeding Ticket In Pennies

Viral Video: Watch How This Anarchist Paid His Speeding Ticket In Pennies
http://youtu.be/RFGFT5nXvoI Anarchast 292 Jeff interviews Texan Anarchist Activist, Brett Sanders. Topics include: paying a speeding ticket with pennies, liberty activism, liberty is nature, Adam Kokesh, arrested for open carrying, irrational gun control laws, streaming the arrest via Cell411 app, community support and effecting positive change, order followers the most evil people in the world, lobbyists and the NRA, still no real right to bear arms in the USA Brett Sanders on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/brett.sanders.5201?fref=ts Brett Sanders YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/bmsanders Virgil Vaduva Anarchast interview: https://youtu.be/IqHYYroJXVA Cell 411 App: http://safearx.com/ Mark Passio The Cult of Ultimate Evil, Order Followers video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEy9Zqq4brk Anarchapulco: http://anarchapulco.com Anarchast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Anarchast/?fref=ts The Dollar Vigilante: http://dollarvigilante.com Anarchast: http://anarchast.com/ Enjoy our content and would like to see us get more amazing guests and spread the word of freedom? A donation to this BTC address will give us more resources to do so: 16AJs5DFEcfCuXkwmx1o54Ld4yXzPP1gVR
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120,000 antelope died in 4 days WTF ?

We Are Change

120,000 antelope died in 4 days, and no one knows why? According to CBS news

It started in In May 2015, when nearly half of all the saigas, a critically endangered antelope that roams the steppe of Kazakhstan, died off. And according to CBS NEWS Exactly why is a mystery

When geoecologist Steffen Zuther and his colleagues arrived in central Kazakhstan to monitor the calving of one herd of saigas, a endangered antelope, veterinarians in the area had already reported finding dead animals on the grounds.

“But since there happened to be die-offs of limited extent during the last years, at first we were not really alarmed,” Zuther, the international coordinator of the Altyn Dala Conservation Initiative, told Live Science.

But within four days, the entire herd — 60,000 saiga — had died. As veterinarians and conservationists tried to stem the die-off, they also got word of similar population crashes in other herds across Kazakhstan. By early June, the mass dying was over. [See Images of the Saiga Mass Die-Off]

Now, the researchers have found clues as to how more than half of the country’s herd, counted at 257,000 as of 2014, died so rapidly. Bacteria clearly played a role in the saigas’ demise. But exactly how these normally harmless microbes could take such a toll is still a mystery, Zuther said.

“The extent of this die-off, and the speed it had, by spreading throughout the whole calving herd and killing all the animals, this has not been observed for any other species,” Zuther said. “It’s really unheard of.”

Crucial steppe players

Saigas play a critical role in the ecosystem of the arid grassland steppe, where the cold winters prevent fallen plant material from decomposing; the grazing of the dog-size, Gonzo-nosed antelopes helps to break down that organic matter, recycling nutrients in the ecosystem and preventing wildfires fueled by too much leaf litter on the ground. The animals also provide tasty meals for the predators of the steppe, Zuther said.

“Where you find saiga, we recognize also that the other species are much more abundant,” Zuther told Live Science.

Saigas, which are listed as critically endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, live in a few herds in Kazakhstan, one small herd in Russia and a herd in Mongolia. The herds congregate with other herds during the cold winters, as well as when they migrate to other parts of Kazakhstan, during the fall and spring. The herds split up to calve their young during the late spring and early summer. The die-off started during the calving period.

Die-offs of saigas, including one that felled 12,000 of the stately creatures last year, have occurred frequently in recent years. But the large expanse of the country affected by last year’s die-off meant veterinarians couldn’t get to the animals until long after their deaths. The delay hindered any determination of a cause of death, and researchers eventually speculated that an abundance of greenery caused digestion problems, which led to bacterial overgrowth in the animals’ guts.

Detailed analysis

This time, field workers were already on the ground, so they were able to take detailed samples of the saigas’ environment — the rocks the animals walked on and the soil they crossed — as well as the water the animals drank and the vegetation they ate in the months and weeks leading up to the die-off. The scientists also took samples of the ticks and other insects that feed on saiga, hoping to find some triggering cause.

The researchers additionally conducted high-quality necropsies of the animals, and even observed the behavior of some of the animals as they died. The females, which cluster together to calve their young, were hit the hardest. They died first, followed by their calves, which were still too young to eat any vegetation. That sequence suggested that whatever was killing off the animals was being transmitted through the mothers’ milk, Zuther said.

Tissue samples revealed that toxins, produced by Pasteurella and possibly Clostridia bacteria, caused extensive bleeding in most of the animals’ organs. But Pasteurella is found normally in the bodies of ruminants like the saigas, and it usually doesn’t cause harm unless the animals have weakened immune systems.

Genetic analysis so far has only deepened the mystery, as the bacteria found were the garden-variety, disease-causing type.

“There is nothing so special about it. The question is why it developed so rapidly and spread to all the animals,” Zuther said.

Mystery endures

A similar mass die-off of 400,000 saigas occurred in 1988, and veterinarians reported similar symptoms. But because that die-off occurred during Soviet times, researchers simply listed Pasteurellosis, the disease caused by Pasteurella, as the cause and performed no other investigation, Zuther added.

So far, the only possible environmental cause was that there was a cold, hard winter followed by a wet spring, with lots of lush vegetation and standing water on the ground that could enable bacteria to spread more easily, Zuther said. That by itself doesn’t seem so unusual, though, he said.

Another possibility is that such flash crashes are inevitable responses to some natural variations in the environment, he said. Zuther said he and his colleagues plan to continue their search for a cause of the die-off.

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Anarchast: Viral Video: Watch How This Anarchist Paid His Speeding Ticket In Pennies

Anarchast 292 Jeff interviews Texan Anarchist Activist, Brett Sanders. Topics include: paying a speeding ticket with pennies, liberty activism, liberty is nature, Adam Kokesh, arrested for open carrying, irrational gun control laws, streaming the arrest via Cell411 app, community support and effecting positive change, order followers the most evil people in the world, lobbyists and […]

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‘Chicken Trump’ Savagely Mocked For Ducking Out of Sanders Debate

We Are Change

On Friday afternoon, the perfect time in the news cycle to make an announcement that you want buried, Donald Trump announced that he has decided not to debate Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Chicken Trump

Chicken Trump

Trump had originally accepted the Vermont Senator’s challenge, provided that proceeds from the event would go to charity, even stating that he would “love to debate Bernie,” at a campaign rally in North Dakota on Thursday.

“He’s a dream,” the real estate magnate said. “If we can raise for maybe women’s health issues or something. If we can raise $10 or $15 million for charity, which would be a very appropriate amount.”

“I understand the television business very well. I think it would get high ratings,” Trump continued.

The plan for the debate began on Wednesday evening, when Trump appeared on Jimmy Kimmel. During the interview, Kimmel read a note from the Sanders campaign inviting him to debate in California.

“How much is he going to pay me?” Trump asked.

“That could happen, I’ve been saying that should happen anyway,” he added. “If he paid a nice sum for charity, I would love to do that.”

Immediately after the segment aired, Sanders took to Twitter and proclaimed “game on.”

In his statement the next day, Trump, suddenly concerned about what is acceptable behavior, wrote that debating Sanders would be “inappropriate.”

“Based on the fact that the Democratic nominating process is totally rigged and Crooked Hillary Clinton and (Debbie) Wasserman-Schultz will not allow Bernie Sanders to win, and now that I am the presumptive Republican nominee, it seems inappropriate that I would debate the second-place finisher,” Trump’s statement read.

The presumptive Republican nominee also asserted that networks “are not proving to be too generous to charitable causes,” despite the fact that several have made offers — including the Young Turks, who offered a million dollars.

Sanders responded to Trump’s statement by telling reporters “well, I hope that he changes his mind again.”

“Mr. Trump has been known to change his mind many times in a day,” he continued.

The democratic socialist then added: “Well Mr. Trump, what are you afraid of?”

Clinton had previously agreed to debate Sanders prior to the California primary, but has opted not to fulfill her end of the deal as she essentially asserted that the state’s votes do not matter and that she will be the nominee regardless of the outcome.

Naturally, Twitter jumped in to let the former reality star know that he looks like a chicken.

Amusing how a man who claims he will take on ISIL is apparently afraid to take on septuagenarian senator from Vermont in a simple war of words.

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BREXIT: There is Much More to it Than Meets the Eye

BREXIT: There is Much More to it Than Meets the Eye
http://youtu.be/zSbi154qnkc BREXIT full documentary film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTMxfAkxfQ0#t=2014 To find out more about subscribing to TDV: http://www.dollarvigilante.com/subscribe To see all the video presentations on PT Theory, and economic preparedness: http://www.dollarvigilante.com/IIS The video SUPER SHEMITAH: Elite's Jubilee Year Plan to Crash World Economy by October 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0sOp60ZqYI Survive Shemitah free white paper at: http://surviveshemitah.com/ The Dollar Vigilante: http://www.dollarvigilante.com
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VIDEO: BREXIT: There is Much More to it Than Meets the Eye

BREXIT full documentary film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTMxfAkxfQ0#t=2014 To find out more about subscribing to TDV: http://www.dollarvigilante.com/subscribe To see all the video presentations on PT Theory, and economic preparedness: http://www.dollarvigilante.com/IIS The video SUPER SHEMITAH: Elite’s Jubilee Year Plan to Crash World Economy by October 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0sOp60ZqYI Survive Shemitah free white paper at: http://surviveshemitah.com/ The Dollar Vigilante: http://www.dollarvigilante.com

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The Super Shemitah, Jubilee and How to Prepare For the Coming Collapse

The Super Shemitah, Jubilee and How to Prepare For the Coming Collapse
http://youtu.be/lJMy9dgiq78 Jeff is interviewed by Joe Joseph for Truth Frequency Radio, topics include: the discovery of the Shemitah 7 year cycles and the upcoming collapse, the last Shemitah was the worst market event in history, there are signs all around us, the impact of technology and the internet, elite planning of society, the disastrous war on drugs is a war on people, attempts to control the internet, the ongoing devaluation of the US dollar, US government bankruptcy, creating a new system that makes the old system obsolete Truth Frequency Radio website: http://truthfrequencyradio.com/ Survive Shemitah New Video: http://surviveshemitah.com/ Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante at: https://www.dollarvigilante.com/ The Dollar Vigilante on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DollarVigilante/?fref=ts Anarchast: http://anarchast.com To learn more on the Perpetual Traveler/Prior Taxpayer (PT) theory, you can see an hour long presentation on it as well as more than a dozen other related presentations here: http://vimeo.com/ondemand/tdv
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Half of The misogynistic Tweets posted on Twitter Are from women

We Are Change

Half of all misogynistic tweets posted on Twitter come from women, a study suggests.

Twitter logo

Twitter boss Jack Dorsey has pledged to tackle abuse on the platform

Half of all misogynistic tweets posted on Twitter come from women, a study suggests.

Over a three-week period, think tank Demos counted the number of uses of two particular words as indicators of misogyny.

It found evidence of large-scale misogyny, with 6,500 unique users targeted by 10,000 abusive tweets in the UK alone.

Twitter boss Jack Dorsey has said that tackling abuse is a priority.

The research comes as UK MPs – Yvette Cooper, Maria Miller, Stella Creasy, Jess Philips – alongside former Liberal Democrat minister Jo Swinson, launch their Reclaim the Internet campaign, in response to growing public concern about the impact of hate speech and abuse on social media.

America’s secret history of forced sterilization: Remembering a disturbing and not-so-distant past

The campaign has opened an online forum to discuss ways to make the internet less aggressive, sexist, racist and homophobic.

Launching the campaign, Ms Cooper told the BBC: “The truth is nobody knows what the best answers are. There is more when there is criminal abuse, for example rape threats, that the police should be doing but what is the responsibility of everyone else? What more should social media platforms be doing?”

She said that the campaign was an opportunity for the public to “put forward their proposals and demands for the changes we want to see”.

In response to the survey, Twitter’s head of trust and safety Kira O’Connor told the BBC: “Hateful conduct has no place on the Twitter platform and is a violation of our terms of service.

“In addition to our policies and user controls, such as block, mute and our new multiple tweet reporting functionality, we work with civil society leaders and academic experts to understand the challenge that exists.”

The Demos study also looked at international tweets and found more than 200,000 aggressive tweets using the words, “slut” and “whore”, were sent to 80,000 people over the same three weeks.

Woman hiding from laptop


The commonsense approach to posting comments on social networks would be to never say anything online that you wouldn’t say to someone’s face but that simple rule seems to be regularly ignored.

Being able to post anonymously helps and, in many ways, social networks have become the modern day equivalent of a natter over the garden fence or a gathering on the village green – but on a global scale.

And just as in the old gossip circles of old, there will be people whose comments are meaner or more aggressive than the rest, so that is amplified online. And now the voices of the trolls can be heard and they can pick victims – generally people they don’t know – pretty much at random.

Abuse on social networks is not new and neither is the revelation that women contribute to the problem.

A 2014 study from cosmetics firm Dove found that over five million negative tweets were posted about beauty and body image. Four out of five were sent by women.

The bigger question is what can be done about it?

We have seen in recent years the police take the issue much more seriously and trolls have faced lengthy prison sentences. Some have made public apologies to their victims.

Education will be key. Teaching youngsters who haven’t yet joined social media platforms that politeness is not a dying art and that if you say hurtful things online, they could genuinely cause distress, may give the next generation pause for thought before they start typing.

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Demos used algorithms to distinguish between tweets being used in explicitly aggressive ways and those that were more conversational in tone.

Researcher Alex Krasodomski-Jones said: “This study provides a birds-eye snapshot of what is ultimately a very personal and often traumatic experience for women.

“While we have focused on Twitter, who are considerably more generous in sharing their data with researchers like us, it’s important to note that misogyny is prevalent across all social media, and we must make sure that the other big tech companies are also involved in discussions around education and developing solutions.”

She added that it was not about “policing the internet” but was more “a stark reminder that we are frequently not as good citizens online as we are offline”.

Thousands have responded to the hashtag #ReclaimtheInternet, with many congratulating the female MPs for starting the campaign.

Others though questioned how effective the campaign would be, with some questioning whether it would damage free speech.

Demos research reveals women and girls as well as men responsible for using misogynistic words in abusive manner online

Looking at this data set of thousands of pieces of misogynistic abuse, and looking at the people the perpetrators of this abuse were following, gave us a good indication of who they were,

READ MORE: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36380247

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