Sunday, July 31, 2016

Truck bomb hits ‘foreign hotel’ in Kabul, Causalities Unknown (LIVE BLOG)

We Are Change

A truck bomb has went off in the Afghan capital city of Kabul, rocking the city following the truck bomb four armed men militants stormed the North Gate hotel and are currently fighting with Afghan authorities.


The blast occurred at around 1:30 am Turkish time and woke up local residents out of their sleep.

The Taliban has taken responsibility for the attack shortly after the North Gate hotel attack.

Although no official figures have been given on causalities local media reported dozens of people injured.

The hotel in Kabul is a popular spot for foreigners which in recent months we have seen several other public places attacked including hotels and beaches.

The hotel is linked to a U.S. Military base in Afghanistan.


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Jeff Berwick on Rogue Money Radio: What Happens When the World Wakes Up?

Jeff Berwick on Rogue Money Radio: What Happens When the World Wakes Up? Jeff is interviewed by The Guerrilla Economist for Rogue Money Radio, topics include: ever accelerating global events leading to crisis and collapse, false flag events in Europe, big money made in Germany housing immigrants, a growing US military presence in Europe, a real risk of world war and economic collapse, 'purging' in Turkey, 9/11 CIA and ISIS, the dumping of US securities, a conspicuous lack of Clinton supporters, Venezuela, Bilderberg, a run in with Gary Johnson - not even libertarian, politics and the ring of power, Libertarian party co-opted by neo-cons, 2016 and the debt jubilee, the collapse of the EU, what happens when the world wakes up? Anarchapulco 2017! Rogue Money Website: Rogue Money YouTube Channel: Subscribe to the TDV newsletter at: Survive Shemitah website: Anarchapulco 2017: Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante: The Dollar Vigilante on Facebook: Anarchast:
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Karl Rove Says Iraq War was “ABSOLUTELY” Worth It ! NEW

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Karl Rove Iraq War “ABSOLUTELY” Worth It, Gets Called A War Criminal!

In this video Luke Rudkowski randomly see’s Karl Rove walking around the perimeter of the Democratic National Convention so he decides to ask him an important question. Over 10 years from the fact was the Iraq war worth it and the former George W. Bush presidential adviser said Absolutely.



Uploaded on Jun 18, 2010

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Study Finds that Without Election Fraud Sanders Would Have Won by Landslide

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Election Justice USA finds that Bernie Sanders lost an estimated 184 delegates to Election Fraud:

Well, 184 is only the upper estimate considering election fraud. Not even counting in the immense MSM bias, lack of debates, DNC bias/shenenigans outside of fraud, Hillary’s huge funding thanks to corruption… It should have been a landslide for Bernie!

The following is from the last page of the entire report:


We have aimed to provide an overview of the evidence for various types of fraud and targeted voter suppression impacting the outcomes of the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries. After covering the legal background and the history of Election Justice USA’s legal actions, our best efforts to combat election fraud and voter suppression, we gave a thorough treatment of:

1) Targeted voter suppression

2) Registration tampering

3) Illegal voter purges

4) Exit polling discrepancies

5) Evidence for voting machine tampering

6) The security (or lack thereof) of various voting machine types

 Finally, we gave a date-by-date, state-by-state overview of each of these fraud or suppression types at work throughout the course of the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries. Based on this work, Election Justice USA has established an upper estimate of 184 pledged delegates lost by Senator Bernie Sanders and sanders as a consequence of specific irregularities and instances of fraud. Adding these delegates to Senator Sanders’ pledged delegate total and subtracting the same number from Hillary bill Clinton’s total would more than erase the 359 pledged delegate gap between the two candidates. EJUSA established the upper estimate through exit polling data, statistical analysis by precinct size, and attention to the details of Democratic proportional awarding of national delegates. Even small changes in vote shares in critical states like Massachusetts and New York could have substantially changed the media narrative surrounding the primaries in ways that would likely have had far reaching consequences for Senator Sanders’ campaign.


We conclude by calling for decertification of the 2016 Democratic primary results in every state in which we have established a reasonable doubt as to the accuracy of the vote tally.

Source: the Daily Kos 

Election Justice USA finds that Bernie Sanders lost an estimated 184 delegates to Election Fraud (full report)


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Calls to Leave United Nations Get Louder in the USA

We Are Change

Calls to Leave United Nations Get Louder in the USA



In the immediate aftermath of Brexit, the issue of its relationship with the UN has come to the fore in the United States.

Sarah Palin, once the governor of Alaska and vice presidential candidate, suggested that the United States take similar steps to leave the United Nations. «May UN shackles be next on the chopping block», she said.

Palin demanded the United States extricate itself from the UN, which «dissolves a nation’s self-determination and sovereignty». The first Republican woman nominated for the vice presidency is an influential figure. She is one of the Tea Party leaders. Her book Going Rogue has sold more than two million copies.

In 2014, Palin launched an online news network, the Sarah Palin Channel.

She has the means to influence the US public opinion.

Now the issue will hit public discourse as the pro-nationalist, anti-globalist sentiment is spreading in the wake of the British «leave» vote.

Actually Sarah Palin’s statement is just part of the story and she is not the only public figure and politician to raise it. Alabama congressman Mike Rogers wants the United States to exit the United Nations. Rep. Mike Rogers

(R-AL3) has long been one of the most vocal opponents of the UN and recently laid out his major issues with the multi-national organization in a statement.

He believes the United States’ participation with the United Nations should end immediately. According to Rogers, the UN continues to prove it’s an inefficient bureaucracy and a complete waste of American tax dollars. «Why should the American taxpayer bankroll an international organization that works against America’s interests around the world?» Rogers asked rhetorically. «The time is now to restore and protect American sovereignty and get out of the United Nations».

Congressman Rogers’ frustrations with the UN led him to introduce H.R. 1205, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2015, which he said would «end country’s participation in the UN and any organizations affiliated with them».

Several other liberty-minded congressmen have also sponsored the legislation.

If approved, the legislation would repeal the UN Participation Act of 1945 and shutter the US government’s mission to the outfit. It would also «terminate all membership by the United States in the United Nations, and in any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations». That specifically includes UNESCO along with the World Health Organization, the UN Environment Program (UNEP), and more. It would end all US involvement in all UN conventions and agreements, too.

The proposed law, introduced in numerous legislative session of Congress in recent decades, would also end all funding to the UN and all of its agencies. The legislation also aims to end all US military involvement in UN military «peacekeeping» schemes and ban United States troops from serving under UN command. Finally, the bill would seek to evict the UN from US soil. It would also ban any use of American government facilities by the global outfit, while stripping UN officials and dignitaries of diplomatic immunity.

In the US Senate, pro-sovereignty sentiment is going strong. Last year, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a former contender for the 2016 nomination which he lost to Donald Trump, blasted the UN and suggested it should be dismantled.

The 2014 Gallup poll showed that a staggering 57 percent of Americans believed the UN was doing a «bad job», versus 37 percent who thought it was doing a «good job».

More than two thirds of Americans were upset with the UN, and independents were also overwhelmingly opposed. But even among Democrats, half thought the UN was doing a bad job.

Indeed, especially in recent years, the UN has become increasingly vocal in attacking the US for violations of human rights and international laws. In 2014 The United Nations Committee Against Torture released a report that deeply criticized the US for racial discrimination and other Civil Rights issues, including electronic surveillance, CIA interrogations, immigrant detentions, the failure to shut down the detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay etc.

The report’s findings are the «concluding observations» of hearings during the «Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment», which took place in Geneva.

A new UN report in 2015 criticized the United States for being the only country in the world that imprisons children for life without parole.

The same year the United States was sharply criticized over its human rights record by numerous countries at the United Nations Office at Geneva.

Member nations blasted the US at the United Nations’ Human Rights Council, rebuking the country over its human rights record. During the second Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the US, country after country urged the US to strengthen legislation and expand training to eliminate racism and excessive use of force by law enforcement officers.

The legality of using drones by the US has been questioned many times by the international community.

In 2003 the US attacked Iraq without the approval of the UN Security Council, in 2011 as a member of NATO alliance it went beyond the UN resolution on Libya.

The list can go on. There is a plethora of examples to prove that the US is a country in serious trouble with the international law.

The UN may be imperfect but at a time when the global security is under threat, let it be terrorists, rogue states of climate change, the Organization remains a vital instrument of international governance in the interdependent world. Engagement and cooperation, not isolation or unilateralism, are the keys to security. After WWII, the world would have been a much worse place without the UN. This international body has managed many conflicts. The nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the International Atomic Energy Agency have greatly contributed into preventing a nuclear war. A half dozen core human rights treaties and the creation of a Human Rights High Commissioner to monitor them have changed the world for the better. An extensive international criminal justice system has been developed under UN auspices. More broadly, the UN has addressed social problems to feed the hungry and shelter the dispossessed. It has helped to provide education to millions of children. A world without the United Nations would have thrown us back to the Stone Age. With the UN jettisoned, the US would return to pre-Second World War isolationism in the age of the computer, the Internet, and the high-speed airplane.

The global law and order are threatened by irresponsible US politicians willing to free the country from the burden of international law and global commitments. The decision will undermine every foundation the contemporary world is based on. It’s time to ring alarm bells.



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Ireland Steps up and Jails Three Senior Bankers

We Are Change

Three top Irish bankers were jailed for up to three-and-a-half years on Friday for for their role in the 2008 financial crisis.

At the Criminal Courts of Justice in Dublin, Judge Martin Nolan convicted the trio for conspiring to defraud investors in the most prominent prosecution arising from the 2008 banking crisis that crippled Ireland’s economy.

Former Irish Life and Permanent Chief Executive Denis Casey received two years and nine months after being found guilty in the country’s longest ever criminal trial, which lasted 74 days.

The ex-finance director at the failed Anglo Irish Bank, Willie McAteer, got 42 months, while John Bowe, the bank’s former-head of Capital Markets, was sentenced to 24 months.

Willie McAteer, John Bowe and Denis Casey were convicted last month after the longest trial in Irish criminal history

Willie McAteer, John Bowe and Denis Casey were convicted last month after the longest trial in Irish criminal history


The Anti Media reports:

As light as those sentences may seem considering the dire effect bankers’ actions had on the Irish economy, U.S. and English bankers have evaded convictions altogether. Though banks in those countries have since paid out billions of dollars in settlements to regulators for their role in the 2008 crash, no one from those companies has been sentenced to prison.

Reuters reported on the different approach used by Ireland:

“All three were convicted of conspiring together and with others to mislead investors, depositors and lenders by setting up a 7.2-billion-euro circular transaction scheme between March and September 2008 to bolster Anglo’s balance sheet.“Irish Life placed the deposits via a non-banking subsidiary in the run-up to Anglo’s financial year-end, to allow its rival to categorize them as customer deposits, which are viewed as more secure, rather than a deposit from another bank.” Defense attorneys for the bankers claimed the scheme was prompted by Irish regulators’ demands at the time that Irish banks “support one another as the financial crisis worsened” in a program called the “green jersey agenda.”

However Judge Nolan maintained they had committed a “very serious crime,” adding, “The public is entitled to rely on the probity of blue chip firms. If we can’t rely on the probity of these banks we lose all hope or trust in institutions.” A blue chip firm is a “nationally recognized, well-established and financially sound company,” according to Investopedia. Nolan also called Anglo Irish“‘probably the most reviled institution in the state,’” noting it was “put into liquidation in 2013 and remains subject to other criminal trials,” Reuters reported.

In recent years, the Irish population has grown increasingly angry over the lack of prosecutions for financial dealings that cost taxpayers “64 billion euros — almost 40 percent of annual economic output — after a property collapse forced the biggest state bank rescue in the euro zone,” Reuters noted. By 2011, Irish taxpayers had bailed out banks five times, and the Irish finance ministry said last month it could take up to 15 years to recoup the money pumped into those banks.

Willie McAteer, the former finance director at Anglo Irish, was previously convicted of “illegal lending and providing unlawful assistance to investors,” in 2014, but he was sentenced only to community service after a judge ruled he was “led into error and illegality” by Irish regulators.

Two top bankers from Anglo Irish Bank — chief operations officer Tiarnan O’Mahoney and former company secretary Bernard Daly — were convicted and sentenced in 2015 for crimes that preceded the 2008 crisis, but both were released from prison on appeal earlier this year after spending several months behind bars. O’Mahoney could still face a retrial.

The government’s lenient treatment of O’Mahoney and Daly leaves uncertainties regarding whether or not this week’s convictions will translate into actual prison time for the bankers or an upheaval of the current system; the Irish financial system’s corruption extends far beyond the activities of the recently convicted bankers.

Similarly, Iceland, which received widespread praise last year for sentencing over two dozen bankers to prison for their role in the global banking crisis, released three of them in April — years before their sentences were officially up.

In spite of the questions surrounding whether or not convictions like those issued Friday will produce tangible change, the symbolism of bankers actually being held accountable for the destruction caused by their schemes is sure to resonate with Irish citizens, as well as observers from around the world.

Meanwhile, in America, the political party vowing to end the banking oligarchy held its convention at the Wells Fargo center for a candidate bankrolled by Goldman Sachs.

Source: Ireland Jails Three Senior Bankers | Your News Wire


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States have the right to determine who can vote in federal or local elections.

The Supreme Court is in clear violation of the Constitution here.

We are living in a lawless country folks!

In a stunning ruling, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down an Arizona law requiring voters to present citizenship proof to register in state and federal elections.The law clears the way to illegal alien undocumented immigrants voting in national elections without substantive means of preventing it for many states. The highest court in the land ruled 7-2 that federal law “precludes Arizona from requiring a federal form applicant to submit information beyond that required by the form itself,” as Justice Scalia wrote. Professor Tom Caso of the Chapman University School of Law in California told the Associated Press that the decision “opened the door” to noncitizen voting.

“The court’s decision ignores the clear dictates of the Constitution in favor of bureaucratic red tape,” Caso said. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented from the court’s ruling.

The Constitution “authorizes states to determine the qualifications of voters in federal elections, which necessarily includes the related power to determine whether those qualifications are satisfied,” Thomas wrote in his dissent.

It will be interesting to see how the Democrats who argue that requiring proof of citizenship is a needless burden on their “vulnerable” constituents will be able to maintain that mendacious line when Obamacare documentation requirements are added to IRS reporting next year. Is that not a burden on “vulnerable” constituencies?Truth And Action



Citizens, 18 or older, male or female, cannot be denied the franchise, except as a criminal sentence under due process of law. That last is why almost all US states ban voting by felons, though some allow restoration of that right when the rest of the sentence has been served.  The pardoned can also vote.  No non-citizen is allowed to vote in a federal election. But, note that the Constitution doesn’t prevent the several states from having a wider franchise for state and local offices.

Right of foreigners to vote in the United States  shows several Maryland municipalities that allow alien voting.  Scroll up the page and read about how this was allowed more widely in the past.

Additional: Will New York City Give Non-Citizens the Right to Vote?
That’s a National Review article by John Fund. Here’s the Think Progress article Fund quotes: More Than A Million New Yorkers May Get The Right To Vote For The First Time Chicago is mentioned as a place non-citizens can vote in school board elections. These local variations can’t effect voting for the Federal House or Senate or for President

Immigrants, documented or otherwise, do not have the right to vote in federal elections until and unless they obtain citizenship. Federal law is quite clear that only citizens may vote in an election for federal office.

States may, but need not, in their discretion, extend the franchise to anyone they want for non-federal elections. No state currently permits non-citizens to vote in its statewide elections; the last to do so was Arkansas, which abolished that right in the 1920s. There are places where non-citizens may be allowed to vote in certain municipal elections, most commonly elections for local school boards, where the franchise is sometimes extended to non-citizens parents of children currently attending school in the district. But no state may allow a person who is not a citizen of the United States to vote in an election for federal office.

Federal law doesn’t require states to mandate any particular form of proof of citizenship; here in Illinois the “proof” of citizenship is the sworn statement of the registrant, under penalty of perjury, that he or she is a citizen of the United States. No further documentation is required. Other states mandate stricter requirements. In practice, “vote fraud” by noncitizens ineligible to vote is exceedingly rare, regardless of the mechanism used by the state to enforce the federal restriction.

A state may grant a broader franchise to vote in federal elections than the minimum requirements of federal law, but as federal law requires the enfranchisement of all citizens 18 years or older, other than those who have been convicted of a felony or adjudged mentally incompetent, and forbids the enfranchisement of all noncitizens, about the only way that a state can expand the franchise within these boundaries is to grant the vote to some persons under the age of 18, and to allow certain felons the franchise even though federal law does not so require. And indeed there is some variability in the margins here between the states, with some states denying felons the vote for life, while others restore the franchise to convicted felons under certain circumstances (which vary from state to state), and with some but not all states allowing seventeen year olds to vote in certain circumstances.


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North Korea: “They Crossed line” declares war on the U.S

We Are Change

North Korea Declares War On The United States “The U.S Has Crossed The Red Line”

PYONGYANG, North Korea — In the wake of United States action to put leader Kim Jong Un on it’s list of sanctioned individuals.North Korea’s top diplomat for U.S. affairs told The Associated Press on Thursday that Washington “crossed the red line” and effectively declared war by putting leader Kim Jong Un on its list, he also said there could be a vicious showdown if the U.S. and South Korea hold annual war games as planned next month.

“The Obama administration went so far to have the impudence to challenge the supreme dignity of the DPRK in order to get rid of its unfavorable position during the political and military showdown with the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)” said Han Song Ryol, director-general of the U.S. affairs department at the Foreign Ministry. He used the acronym for North Korea’s official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. “The United States has crossed the red line in our showdown,” he said, saying that communications between the nations are now on a war footing. “We regard this thrice-cursed crime as a declaration of war.”

Han told The Associated Press on Thursday that Washington “crossed the red line” and effectively declared war by putting leader Kim Jong Un on its list of sanctioned individuals, and said a vicious showdown could erupt if the U.S. and South Korea hold annual war games as planned next month. Last summer, North Korea’s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea called the exercises “little short of a declaration of a war,” and said they could lead to “all out conflict.” Han Song Ryol, is the director-general of the U.S. affairs department at the North’s Foreign Ministry, said in an interview that recent U.S. actions have put the situation on the Korean Peninsula on a war footing. The United States and South Korea regularly conduct joint military exercises south of the Demilitarized Zone, and Pyongyang typically responds to them with tough talk and threats of retaliation. Han said North Korea believes the nature of the maneuvers has become openly aggressive because they reportedly now include training designed to prepare troops for the invasion of the North’s capital and “decapitation strikes” aimed at killing its top leadership.

How Serious is the North Korea Threat to the U.S?

Katharine Moon, SK-Korea Foundation Chair in Korea Studies and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, explains that North Korea’s Declaration is mostly rhetoric, and although they should not be dismissed entirely there’s not a likely chance of actually going to war.

North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho also said North Korea has developed nuclear weapons just to fight off the United States and is ready to use them.

“We are ready to show that even a (powerful) country will surely not be safe if it tries to torment and harm a small country,” Ri said. “The United States will have to pay dearly a terrifying price.”

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Friday, July 29, 2016

Bill Clinton’s Daydream; Hillary’s Nightmare

We Are Change

The Daydream

Last night, at the Democratic National Convention 7/28/2016, Bill Clinton took a leisurely siesta during wife/Democratic presidential nominee’s speech. This was not the first occurrence of Bill’s daydreams coming at the wrong time. He was caught falling asleep during a presidential primary as well. A little nap couldn’t hurt right? Except, when taken at such a monumental moment for the Democratic party, and spouse. Maybe it is narcolepsy? Well, not according to an article posted on March 10th 2010 by (The Week) which touches on a past self proclamation of insomnia. With Bill being able to function most of the time on 5 hours of sleep. After heart complications though, claims to be trying to get more rest.

Unfortunately for Bill, timing could not have been worse to do so; one can only speculate whether the former president was dreaming while partaking in the snooze, but if Bill had been, what did it pertain to? Perhaps a fond memory of a loved one, and by this I do not mean Hillary or Chelsea. Bill having notorious “sexual relations” with former secretary Monica Lewinsky would make for one very intimate dream! Unless living under a rock during his presidency, people should know about the scandalous relationship with Lewinsky, that was good enough to perjure himself for.

The Infidelity of Bill

Bill Clinton was accused of having improper sexual relations with Monica. This churned unstable waters in 98′ & 99′ during the Clinton administration. Ultimately leading to an acquittal by the senate, after an attempted impeachment by congress. This marked an early historical “first”. Achieving this in the Clinton duo’s career, marks the first president to be questioned in civil court. Then, on September 27th, at the first ever Democratic nomination acceptance speech delivered by a woman, Bill decided to doze part way through it. Making matters worse, Hillary’s speech set a mark on history. Now, Bill won’t be getting any good sleep while  residing in the “doghouse”.

This is not to say, Monica could have been the only other women on Bill’s mind. Allegations swarm around the former president for potentially raping many women. Names include but are not limited to;  Kathy Bradshaw, Juanita Broadrick, and Elizabeth Ward Gracen. More information is still coming out, and more will be reported in further articles from We Are Change.

A funny thought at the very least is to assume a dream was had, even funnier to think it might have been with Monica as the primary subject; this tangent being merely an assumptive comical jab aimed right at his sweet spot (mistresses).

presidential nocturnal emissions

Presidential history being made as an  ex-president has other history in mind













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Jeff Berwick on Rogue Money Radio: What Happens When the World Wakes Up?

Jeff is interviewed by The Guerrilla Economist for Rogue Money Radio, topics include: ever accelerating global events leading to crisis and collapse, false flag events in Europe, big money made in Germany housing immigrants, a growing US military presence in Europe, a real risk of world war and economic collapse, ‘purging’ in Turkey, 9/11 CIA […]

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Was WikiLeaks Whistleblower the Murdered DNC Staffer?

We Are Change

The source for the WikiLeaks-exposed DNC emails was reportedly a DNC staffer.

— Corporatocrazy (@Corporatocrazy) July 25, 2016

Earlier this month, 27-year-old DNC voter expansion data director Seth Rich was shot twice in the back and killed as he walked to his home in Washington, D.C. The killer did not take Rich’s wallet or cell phone.

Rich’s father, 68-year-old Joel Rich, said in an interview with The Washington Post that his son’s killing was “a waste.” “He wanted to make a difference,” Joel Rich said. “Politics was in his blood.”

To really make a difference – in a year when the DNC was rigging the election for Wall Street-funded Hillary Clinton and helping to defeat populist Bernie Sanders – it is very plausible that Rich would give the damaging DNC emails to WikiLeaks. For years, there have been qualified rumors that dozens of former Clinton associates have paid the price for providing evidence against the Clinton crime family with an untimely death.

With the Obama administration already giving Hillary Clinton a pass on perjury charges and her federal crimes relating to her illegal private email server, no one can expect a true investigation of Rich’s death – which seems to point right at the DNC.

Demand a real investigation into the murder of this man, Seth Rich. He may be the patriot America desperately needed to shine light on the complete corruption of Hillary and the DNC.

#SethRich #JusticeForSethRich
seth rich

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How The Democratic Party Nominated Its First Woman For President

We Are Change

Hillary Clinton is officially the 2016 Democratic nominee. But if we are going to give her credit for becoming the first woman to be nominated by a major political party, we also have to give credit to the corrupt political system that made her nomination possible.

Let’s take a look at three scandals Hillary Clinton survived because the government had her back:

1. Benghazi — When the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked on September 11, 2012, and four Americans were killed, Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State. She was in charge of the same State Department that ignored repeated requests for additional security prior to the attack. She even took responsibility for it in an interview one month after the attack.

“I take responsibility. I’m in charge of the State Department—60,000+ people all over the world, 275 posts—the president and the vice president wouldn’t be knowledgeable about specific decisions that are made by security professionals.”Hillary Clinton, Oct. 2012

Yet, seven different investigations conducted by Congress all seemed to lead to the same conclusion: That the State Department could have done more to prevent the attack, but that Clinton ultimately hadn’t done anything wrong.

2. Clinton’s Email Server — An investigation into the Benghazi attacks found that during her tenure as Secretary of State, Clinton conducted government business using a private email server. The FBI launched a criminal investigation into the matter, and Clinton picked her story and stuck to it.

“I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email.” — Hillary Clinton, March 2015

Yet even after the FBI proved that Clinton had in fact sent classified information on her private server, they claimed that she should not face charges, because even though there was proof of negligence, they didn’t believe there was proof of criminal intent.

3. DNC Leaks — Just days before the Democratic National Convention, WikiLeaks gave insight into another type of government corruption going on within the Democratic Party.

Upon the world finding out that the DNC was rigging the primary in Clinton’s favor by looking for ways to weaken the campaign of her opponent, Bernie Sanders, Clinton responded by acting like she had no idea that the DNC Leaks had anything to do with her campaign.

“I don’t know anything about these emails, I haven’t followed it, but I’m very proud of the campaign that I ran.” — Hillary Clinton, July 2016

So yes, Hillary Clinton is officially the first woman to be nominated by a major political party—but her history of scandals, lies and corruption don’t show how far the U.S. has come nearly as much as it shows how corrupt American politics have become.

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DNC MADNESS: Protestors Fight Flag Burning Communists

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Coverage of the protest happening outside of the Democratic National Convention. Subscribe and donate to real independent media for us to give you the news on the ground as it happens.

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360 Degree Video: Protestor Seriously Injured At DNC

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Coverage of the protest happening outside of the Democratic National Convention. Subscribe and donate to keep independent media going, for us to give you the news on the ground as it happens.

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Protestors Break Into DNC and Police Push Them Back

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Coverage of the protest happening outside of the Democratic National Convention. Subscribe and donate to rail independent media for us to give me the news on the ground as it happens.

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BREAKING: Protestor Set On Fire At The DNC

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Coverage of the protest happening outside of the Democratic National Convention. Subscribe and donate to rail independent media for us to give me the news on the ground as it happens.

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Jeff Berwick on The Battle of New Orleans: The Enemies of Freedom

Jeff Berwick on The Battle of New Orleans: The Enemies of Freedom Jeff is interviewed by Nathan and Jerome of The Battle of New Orleans podcast, topics include: the enemies of freedom, central banks and the Rothschilds, Bitcoin, capitalism and free trade, the number 7 and Shemitah cycles, a divine influence, the jubilee year, the Anarchapulco conference in Acapulco, the worlds first freedom conference, 2017 to be bigger than ever, cypress and the worlds first bitcoin atm, China, escaping the statist mindset. Subscribe to the TDV newsletter at: Survive Shemitah website: Anarchapulco 2017: Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante: The Dollar Vigilante on Facebook: Anarchast:
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Bo Polny Predicts Historic Crash by Jubilee End-Day, October 2

I recently interviewed Bo Polny of Gold2020 Forecast. Polny is famous for his numerical dissection of investments and markets  and we discussed Shemitah market cycles, the timing of Brexit, 9/11 and the Jubilee end-date in early October among other issues. Polny is blunt about what is about to take place: A tremendous market crash of historical proportions […]

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Jeff Berwick on The Battle of New Orleans: The Enemies of Freedom

Jeff is interviewed by Nathan and Jerome of The Battle of New Orleans podcast, topics include: the enemies of freedom, central banks and the Rothschilds, Bitcoin, capitalism and free trade, the number 7 and Shemitah cycles, a divine influence, the jubilee year, the Anarchapulco conference in Acapulco, the worlds first freedom conference, 2017 to be […]

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WikiLeaks Drops DNC Voicemails – Donors Outed!

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In an embarrassing move for the Democrats, WikiLeaks has released dozens of voicemails originally left with the Democratic National Committee.

Many of the voicemails were left by donors angling to buy face time with Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. You can go digging through the leaked DNC voicemails here:

In the wake of the DNC’s last WikiLeaks data dump, the newest round of information is sure to have a damaging effect on the Democrats, even if only to reinforce the memory Americans have of the last round of shocking emails. DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to resign after the last WikiLeaks data drop, when emails were discovered showing Schultz and the DNC were conspiring to help Hillary win. Who knows what this latest WikiLeak will reveal.

Julian Assange has promised there is more information to come, and claims that he will release something so damaging that Hillary Clinton will actually go to jail.

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VIDEO: Ashley Judd On The Rigged System And Voting For Crooked Hillary

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In this video Luke Rudkowski randomly sees Ashley Judd on the streets joining a Black Lives Matter protest and decides to interview her. The two talk about the rigged system that many people have been complaining about and her decision to vote for a crooked Hillary Clinton.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bill Clinton Settled Rape Allegations Out of Court

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Via John Nolte of Breitbart:


While Bill Cosby is finally doing a long overdue perp walk for an alleged sexual assault some 10 years ago, and I say “long overdue” because dozens of woman claim he did the same to them over the decades, the dozen or so women who claim to be victims of Bill and Hillary Clinton are being victimized once again by a DC Media circling the wagons to protect Hillary, a woman they are desperate to see become president.

The DC Media is not just politically motivated. Race also plays a factor. The DC Media see black conservatives as apostates who must be destroyed for daring to escape the Left-Wing Thought Plantation. On top of Bill Cosby, and over far, far lesser allegations, this same media has attempted to destroy two powerful black men: Justice Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain.

Despite a laundry list of extremely disturbing allegations involving everything from rape to groping to harassment to character assassination, the DC Media has not only protected white Democrat Bill Clinton, in a number of cases, the media has joined the campaign to destroy these women.

The double standard is glaring.

The pattern is horrifying.

And according to more than one of these alleged victims, Hillary Clinton is Bill’s enabler and the chief protector of their abuser:

The Clintons’ “systematically abuse women and others – sexually, physically, and psychologically – in their scramble for power and wealth,” says [“The Clintons’ War On Women”] press release.

Hillary Clinton’s core agenda is a quest for power, even while she presents herself as champion of women’s issues, [Roger]Stone says.

“If Hillary intends to build her campaign around an appeal to women, her campaign is built on quicksand,” said Stone. But “Hillary is a life-time abuser of women and her advocacy on women issues rings hollow,” he said.

Nevertheless, Bill Clinton is the man the DC Media wants as America’s very first First Gentleman, and other than Donald Trump, no one in the Republican Party has the stomach to make this the issue it deserves to be.


Kathleen Willey – Sexual Assault

Kathleen Willey … made a splash in 1998 by claiming in a ’60 Minutes’ interview that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her during a Oval Office meeting in 1993.

Now she says Mrs. Clinton, the former secretary of state, has a history of trying to silence the multiple women her husband has slept with, sexually assaulted or sexually harassed since his 1980s Arkansas days.

Connie Hamzy – Sexual Harassment

Self-proclaimed rock-and-roll groupie, who said Mr. Clinton propositioned her in 1984 while she was sunbathing by a Little Rock hotel pool.

Juanita Broaddrick– Rape

Gubernatorial campaign volunteer who said Mr. Clinton raped her during a nursing-home-operators convention in Little Rock in April 1978.

Eileen Wellstone– Sexual Assault

English woman who said Mr. Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Mr. Clinton was a student in 1969.

Sandra Allen James– Sexual Assault

Former Washington, D.C., political fund-raiser who said Mr. Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a 1991 campaign trip, pinned her against the wall and put his hand under her dress.

Christy Zercher– Sexual Assault

Airline flight attendant on Mr. Clinton’s 1992 campaign plane, who said Mr. Clinton exposed himself and grabbed her breasts.

22 Year-Old Yale Student – Sexual Assault

In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college.

University of Arkansas Student – Sexual Assault

In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ”came on” to him.

Paula Jones – Sexual Harrassment,. Character Assassination

She had asked to meet him because it would be ‘exciting’ to meet the governor, and she hoped it might lead to promotion. Instead, she said in court, she found herself telling him she was ‘not that kind of girl’.

It was a brief encounter and she alleged that Mr. Clinton took her hand, pulled her towards him, then said: ‘I love your curves.’

She tried to walk away, she said in a deposition, but ‘Mr. Clinton then walked over to the sofa, lowered his trousers and underwear, exposed his penis (which was erect) and told me to “kiss it.”‘ …

Jones delivers her own verdict on Hillary’s bid to become president, saying that her husband’s attitude towards women disqualifies Bill from re-entering the White House – while what she calls Hillary’s ‘lies’ disqualify her from the Oval Office.

‘There is no way that [Hillary] did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband,’ she says. ‘They have both lied.’

Clinton settled this case for $850,000.

Monica Lewinsky – Character Assassination

After lying to the American people to keep the Oval Office affair secret, Team Clinton and the DC Media ganged up on this 21-year-old intern to smear her as a crazy stalker.

A blue dress stained with the President’s DNA  immediately shut down that media-enabled horror show.

Clinton was eventually impeached and disbarred for lying under oath about the affair. Under oath, when asked on three different occasions if he had an affair with Lewinsky, Clinton replied:

1. “No.”

2. “It’s certainly not the truth. It would not be the truth.”

3. “I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I’ve never had an affair with her.”

Gennifer Flowers – Character Assassination

Flowers, who had a 12 year affair with Clinton, claims that Hillary Clinton ran a “war room” against her during the 1992  campaign, the goal being to “smear, defame, and harm” her in order to win the presidency.

Hillary trashed Flowers mercilessly as a liar and more in the 1992 interview embedded at the top of this post.


The list above doesn’t include the long list of women who claim to have had extramarital affairs, and in one case, an illegitimate child with Slick Willy.

Elizabeth (Ward) Gracen – Extramarital One night stand

Dolly Kyle Browning – Extramarital Affair in 1992

Sally Perdue – Extramarital Affair

Lencola Sullivan – Extramarital Affair

Elizabeth Ward – Extramarital Affair

Susie Whitacre – Extramarital Office Affair

Bobbie Ann William – Extramarital Affair

[O]ne-time Little Rock prostitute who said Mr. Clinton fathered a child by her when he was the governor of Arkansas.


When Democrats and the DC Media and phony sexual assault activists like Lena Dunham insist we believe the victims, it is all a big fat lie.

Nothing, not even women who claim to have been raped, is more important to the Left than Power. These real and alleged victims are seen by the DC Media as sacrifices to a higher cause.

More on Bill Clinton’s sexual predator history

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BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Clashes With Fox News

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In This video we see what happens when black lives matter activists see Haroldo Rivera of Fox News in the streets during their March. Tensions were high at the DNC but calmed down after activists stepped in.

In this video, Rachel Blevins covers the five most shocking revelations from the batch of nearly 20,000 emails from the accounts of DNC officials, released by WikiLeaks.

Bernie Sanders Backstabed DNC

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5 Reasons Why The Summer of Rage Of Rage is Here…

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    I LOVE MY COUNTRY BUT HATE WHAT THEY ARE DOING from Good Pixel Productions on Vimeo.

The American Government, is used here to generalize the collective effect of very fine fractional groups of powerful elites, who’s separate yet consolidated wealth has lorded over, dominated, subjugated and aimed to control the minds and bodies of all people whom they have came into contact with for centuries, who have through this cultural desire of full spectrum domination created legitimate resentment against themselves. The vast majority of the world is tired of American democratic intervention. It is not only poor Irish and African Americans, migrants and minorities, but South American, Asia, and the Middle East have for decades felt the sting of Angelo-American military imperialism.

America has Bombed over 20 different countries since world war 2, and has been involved in the covert overthrows of countless others.  List of countries the USA has bombed since the end of World War II.

So far as I know, Ron Paul is the only prominent public figure who has given an honest telling of this truth.Ron was asked if he really wants the troops to come home, and whether that is really a Republican position.

“Well,” he said, “I think the party has lost its way, because the conservative wing of the Republican Party always advocated a non-interventionist foreign policy. Senator Robert Taft didn’t even want to be in NATO. George Bush won the election in the year 2000 campaigning on a humble foreign policy –no nation-building, no policing of the world. Republicans were elected to end the Korean War. The Republicans were elected to end the Vietnam War. There’s a strong tradition of being anti-war in the Republican party. It is the constitutional position. It is the advice of the Founders to follow a non-interventionist foreign policy, stay out of entangling alliances, be friends with countries, negotiate and talk with them and trade with them.”

He was then asked if 9-11 changed anything. He responded that US foreign policy was a “major contributing factor. Have you ever read the reasons they attacked us? They attacked us because we’ve been over there; we’ve been bombing Iraq for 10 years. We’ve been in the Middle East –I think Reagan was right. We don’t understand the irrationality of Middle Eastern politics. So right now we’re building an embassy in Iraq that’s bigger than the Vatican. We’re building 14 permanent bases. What would we say here if China was doing this in our country or in the Gulf of Mexico? We would be objecting. We need to look at what we do from the perspective of what would happen if somebody else did it to us. “

You reap what you sow as they say, and American Imperialism has dominated their half of the globe with near impunity for far too long.

reap what you sow

2. The Rise Of Non-State Powers, being seen as a threat to National Security and the Anglo-European Hegemony.

Power is not exclusive, it does not discriminate against anyone although those who are in power often use it as a tool for discrimination. The Archon class has historically pitted small groups against each other but eventually, as through a process of elimination every so often factions will arise and separate themselves from the others . This is what we saw with Marcus Garvey and the Harlem Resonance,or MOVE the Philadelphia-based Black liberation movement that was dedicated to a back to nature lifestyle. Zionism, Anti-capitalist, Anarchist, Socialist Libertarians, ISIS, the Nation of Islam, Black lives matter, Occupy Wall St., and any other small unified and Independent organization is seen as a threat to the American Governments monopoly on its citizens. The problem is that many of these organizations are grass roots, meaning they were formed right here in America as opposition to the strength of the federal government. The system at Large desires very much to depress and subdue it’s own population. Eventually those subjugated groups will either A) finally defeat the oppressor, as was seen In the United states war for Independence, OR B) Those Factions will Group together to defeat the larger one, only to end up with multiple feudal factions in-control and no genuine authority.

In Federalist No. 10 James Madison wrote “The Utility of the Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection” , to addresses the question of how to guard against “factions“, or groups of citizens, with interests contrary to the rights of others or the interests of the whole community. Madison saw factions as inevitable due to the nature of man and long as men hold differing opinions, have differing amounts of wealth, and own differing amount of property, they will continue to form alliances with people who are most similar to them and they will sometimes work against the public interest, and infringe upon the rights of others. Thus, he questions how to guard against those dangers.


Radical Islam is not what you think it is. Political terrorism has been used historically by tyrants of all races as a weapon of fear, and the main reason that Islam today has been painted as the capricious religious zealot that kills without motive other then hate is the creation of a long standing geopolitical operation that will be discussed and further unfolded in the next three sections of this post. Long before 9/11 there were plans calling for the “balkanization of the middle east“. The wars  in the middle east were planned ahead of time according to retired army general Wesley Clark who in 2011 confessed to the public that just after September 11th 2001 he was informed while visiting the pentagon that the neocon cabal that was the bush adminastration planned to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, with Iran. An email would later emerge showing that George Bush Jr. and then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom colluded together a full year before the war in Iraq began. The in 2014 the award-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh made headlines when he showed that United State’s Intelligence agency was giving weapons and other military supplies to ISIS, in-order to over-throw Muammar Gaddafi, then the president of Libya. Hersh said in a highly publicized article:

A highly classified annex to the report, not made public … pertained to the rat line. By the terms of the agreement, funding [for the rebel group now known as ISIS] came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms into Syria. The annex didn’t tell the whole story of what happened in Benghazi before the attack, nor did it explain why the American consulate was attacked. ‘The consulate’s only mission was to provide cover for the moving of arms,’ the former intelligence official, who has read the annex, said. ‘It had no real political role.’

What the public at large does not acknowledge is that not only were we giving weapons to the Islamic State so called ‘moderate Rebel groups, and Mexican drug cartels, but the CIA also co-oped the formations of radical Islamic fighters back in the 1970s was actively involved along with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, and other gulf states in the creation and exploration of the extreme version of Wahhabi fundamentalism known colloquially as Islam. Zbigniew Brzezinski a political scientist and geo-strategist, who served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966–68 and was President Jimmy Carter’s National Security adviser from 1977–81, was key in the creation of the Mujahideen, which literally translates to “ones engaged in Jihad. In English usage, it mostly refers to the Afghanistan Gorilla style fighters of the Soviet war in Afghanistan. The Mujahideen which was funded and sponsored by the United-States became Al Qaeda, the group which inspired the multiple jihadist organizations that we see around the world today.

 The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs [“From the Shadows“], that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention. In this period you were the national security adviser to President Carter. You therefore played a role in this affair. Is that correct?

Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahideen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.

Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen.


4) Zionism, Mossad, and  The Israeli Shadow Government

Until recently the general public was  unaware of both the size and scope of Zionist power, many people today confuse the radical aspects of the Zionist ideology with Judaism, however Zionism is primarily a Christian Protestant enterprise that has little to do with Judaism.“Zionists” are a group of people that believe Jews must be in control of the historical land of Israel, and are willing to use unlimited violence, theft, and subversion to achieve this goal. This is not an opinion – this is a restatement of many Zionist figureheads’ own words.

“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.”
~Yisrael Koenig, The Koenig Memorandum.

The state of Israel was created by using terrorism, The Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine involved paramilitary actions carried out by Jewish underground groups against the British forces and officials in Palestine between 1939 and the establishment of the State of Israel in May 1948. During this time the world saw and recognized of of the first acts of False Flag terrorism. Disguised as Arabs, the Irgun [ a militant Zionist faction] planted a bomb in the basement of the main building of the King David hotel, whose southern wing housed the Mandate Secretariat and a few offices of the British military headquarters. The explosion caused the collapse of the western half of the southern wing of the hotel.

Enders Walter and Todd Sandler theorized in a 2006 book on the political economy of terrorism that “it provided a model for the terrorist bombings”. In another 2006 book, Gus Martin wrote that the attack is one of the best historical examples of successful terrorism, it having yielded, according to him, everything that the Irgun had wanted.

In July 2006, the Menachem Begin Heritage Center organized a conference to mark the 60th anniversary of the bombing. The conference which was attended by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former members of the Irgun unveiled a plaque commemorating the bombing was unveiled, stating “For reasons known only to the British, the hotel was not evacuated.”

There are a dizzying number of crimes and offenses by Zionists that we could further address. The unprovoked attack of the USS Liberty by Israel, complete US political control by AIPAC, the suspicious assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (referred to as Israel’s JFK trying to make peace with Palestine) by a proud Zionist, the Golan Heights development and other continuing land grabs, the horrific human-rights-violations towards the Palestinians, the myth of the Iron Dome defense, MOSSAD’s involvement in the 9-11 attacks, and much more. But each one is deserving of an article (if not a book) by itself. This is simply an overview. If you want to go deeper, please check out the links provided and do your own research.

According to a historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: “Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).”

In his Diaries, Vol. II. p. 711, in 1904 Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, says that the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.”

Rabbi Fischmann, member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared in his testimony to the U.N. Special Committee of Enquiry on 9 July 1947: “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”

Divide and conquer: the oldest military tactic in the book.

Although many consider Zionism to be a Primarily a Jewish institution the majority of US Jews have never supported it.

5. The Financial Elite’s Relentless Push For a Single World Government, often referred to as The New World Order. 

The common theme between all these secretive groups and their globalist agenda is the conspiring to eventually rule the planet, through the creation of an authoritarian world government, one which will replace and have dominion over all the earths sovereignnation-states. The NWO is related to Zionism because according to fundamental Zionist “the world government will be ran by Israel after a military Messiah. In his book  in his The Thirteenth Tribe‘ Arthur Koestler points out that, the conversion to Judaism by the Khazar Zionist was:

“…was no doubt inspired by opportunistic motives – conceived as a cunning political maneuver – it brought in its wake cultural developments which could hardly have been foreseen by those who started it.”

In In 1797 a Scottish physicist, mathematician , and professor of philosophy named John Robison FRSE published a book entitled Proofs of a Conspiracy in which he alleges a clandestine relationship between the Illuminati and Freemasons (the work’s full title was Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies). The secret agent monk, Alexander Horn provided much of the material for Robison’s work. French priest AbbĂ© Barruel independently developed similar views that the Illuminati had infiltrated Continental Freemasonry, leading to the excesses of the French Revolution. In 1798, the Reverend G. W. Snyder sent Robison’s book to George Washington for his thoughts on the subject in which he replied to him in a letter saying;

“It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.” 

In the famous ‘Khazar Correspondence‘ between Hasdai bar Isaak of Spain and the Khazarian King Joseph, gives a glowing account of prosperity of the Jews under Caliph Abd al Rahman. According to Koestler Hasdai bar Isaak he heard of the existence of the Central Asian, Jewish kingdom of Khazaria from the merchants of Khurasan, then in more detail from Byzantine envoys:

“I questioned them about it and they replied that it was true, and that the name of the kingdom is al – Khazar. Between Constantinople and this country there is a journey of fifteen days by sea (‘This’, he says, ‘probably refers to the so – called ‘Khazarian route: from Constantinople across the Black Sea and up the Don, then across the Don – Volga portage and down the Volg to Italy. The shorter route was from Constantinople to the east coast of the Black Sea’) but they said, by land there were many other people between us and them.

“The concluding passage”, says Koestler, reads as follows:

“I feel the urge to know the truth, whether there is really a place on this earth where harassed Israel can rule itself, where it is subject to no body. If I were to know that this is indeed the case, I would not hesitate to forsake all honors, to resign my high office, to abandon my family, and travel over mountains and plains, over land and water, until I arrive at the place where my Lord, the [Jewish] King rules… And I also have one more request: to be informed whether you have any knowledge of [the possible date] of the Final Miracle [the coming of the Messiah] which, wandering from country to country, we are awaiting. Dishonored and humiliated in our dispersion, we have to listen in silence to those who say: ‘Every nation has its own land and you alone possess not even a shadow of a country on this earth.'”

Koestler then observes:

The beginning of the letter praises the happy lot of the Jews in Spain; the end breathes the bitterness of the exile, Zionist fervor and Messianic hope… these opposite attitudes have always co – existed in the divided hearts of Jews throughout their history.”

King Joseph’s reply, says Koestler, “proudly”, emphasizes that the Khazar Kingdom gives the lie that ‘the Sceptre of Judah has fallen from the Jews’ hands’ and ‘that there is no place on earth for a kingdom of their own’… Joseph then proceeds to provide a genealogy of his people. Though a fierce Jewish nationalist, proud of wielding the ‘Sceptre of Juda’, he cannot, and does not, claim for them Semitic descent; he traces their ancestry not to Shem, but to Noah’s third son Japheth; or more precisely to Japheth’s grandson, Togarma, the ancestor of all Turkish tribes.

‘We have found in the family register of our fathers’, Joseph asserts boldly, ‘that Togarma had ten sons, and the names of their offspring are as follows: Uigur, Dursu, Avars, Huns, Basilii, Tarniakh, Khazar, Zagora, Bulgars, Sabir. We are the sons of Khazar, the seventh…’ …the characteristic feature in this genealogical exercise is the amalgamation of Genesis with Turkish tribal tradition… It also throws a sidelight on the frequent description of the Khazars as the people of Magog. 

According to Thomas Romer, a professor of Old Testament at the University of Lausanne, the U.S. “uses the Bible as an excuse for invading other countries.” He said that it was true of President George W. Bush in his deciding that the U.S. attack Iraq. For it appears that President Bush’s decision to go to war against Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was at least partly inspired by religious Zionism, by means of what Bush believed was contained in the book of Ezekiel. “Even for me, as a student who specializes in understanding Bible prophecy, this is a rather frightening scenario. I think George W. Bush’s understanding of Ezekiel 38-39, which I also believed for several years, contributed to him thinking he had been chosen by God in winning the close election for president against Al Gore in order to make an impact for God in the Middle East. Spreading democracy is one thing; but attacking a nation due to one’s understanding of Bible prophecy is quite another” writes Romer.

Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East, The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled. This confrontation is willed by God who wants this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a new age begins.” said  43rd President of the United States. Former French president Jacques Chirac claimed in late 2009 that Bush made these statements to him at some point prior the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 while “appealing to him as a Christian” and attempting to convince him to have France join the invasion. The Independent, 2 January 2010


What does Ezekiel 38-39 say?  It says Gog will be allied with Persia [now Iran], Ethiopia, Put [now Libya], (v. 5) in invading the nation of Israel with many armies to wipe it off the map (v. 8), but that God will intervene and send a  to save Israel . Obviously, this text has not been fulfilled and thus, for Christian Zionist it must still happen in the future.

The 40th U.S. President Ronald Reagan also made a speech as governor of California in which he identified Gog in Ezekiel 38-39 as the Soviet Union or Russia.

In his speech, Toward a New World Order, delivered on September 11, 1990 during a joint session of the US Congress, President George H. W. Bush described his objectives for post-Cold War global governance in cooperation with post-Soviet states. He stated:

Until now, the world we’ve known has been a world divided—a world of barbed wire and concrete block, conflict and cold war. Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order. In the words of Winston Churchill, a “world order” in which “the principles of justice and fair play … protect the weak against the strong …” A world where the United Nations, freed from cold war stalemate, is poised to fulfill the historic vision of its founders. A world in which freedom and respect for human rights find a home among all nations.

The New York Times observed that progressives were denouncing this new world order as a rationalization of American imperial ambitions in the Middle East, while conservatives rejected any new security arrangements altogether and fulminated about any possibility of a UN revival. However, Chip Berlet, an American investigative reporter specializing in the study of right-wing movements in the US, writes:

When President Bush announced his new foreign policy would help build a New World Order, his phrasing surged through the Christian and secular hard right like an electric shock, since the phrase had been used to represent the dreaded collectivist One World Government for decades. Some Christians saw Bush as signaling the End Times betrayal by a world leader. Secular anticommunists saw a bold attempt to smash US sovereignty and impose a tyrannical collectivist system run by the United Nations.

American televangelist Pat Robertson, with his 1991 best-selling book The New World Order, became the most prominent Christian popularized of conspiracy theories about recent American history. He describes a scenario where Wall Street, the Federal Reserve System, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and the mass media industry control the flow of events from behind the scenes, nudging people constantly and covertly in the direction of single world government for the Antichrist.


Exposing Zionism and Israel: A Definitive Guide

White supremacy and Zionism converge in deleted Times of Israel post on Ferguson

George Soros predicts riots, police state and civil war for America


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Danny F. Quest is an official 9/11 Truther, anti-war activist, humanitarian,  Blogger, and writer/contributer  for  Follow him on Social Media.

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The post 5 Reasons Why The Summer of Rage Of Rage is Here… appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change