Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Putin Prepares for Nuclear War Just Week After Germany Prepares for Attack

We have recently written about how Angela Merkel in Germany has encouraged her citizens to begin stockpiling food and provisions to protect themselves in the event of an “attack”. Since, in the last week, the US State Department has issued an updated travel warning for Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza strip as well as […]

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Chinese Embassy In Kyrgyzstan Car Bombed, Six Injured

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A suicide bomber drove a Mitsubishi Delica car filled with explosives through the gate of the Chinese Embassy in the Kyrgyzstan capital Bishkek on Tuesday.

He later detonated himself, blowing out the windows and injuring three officials at the embassy.

Six people were injured and suffered non-life-threatening wounds from shrapnel and shards of glass.

The explosion happened in the center of the Embassy grounds at around 9:30 a.m. and close to the Chinese ambassador’s office, a day prior to when the nation of Kyrgyzstan marks it’s Independence day.

Social media was flooded with images of smoke pouring out of the embassy court yard.

Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying condemned the attack calling it “appalling and an extreme violent act.”

“China is appalled and strongly condemns the violent act.”
~Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

She added that China has launched an investigation into the incident and has demanded that the authorities investigate who was responsible and to harshly punish the perpetrators,
ending her speech saying “China would resolutely strike against all forms of terrorism and protect the safety of its people and government organizations overseas.”

“Authorities take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of Chinese institutions and personnel in Kyrgyzstan, launch a thorough investigation to find out the truth of the incident and harshly punish the perpetrators”
~~Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying, said.

Although officials have not called the incident a terrorist attack, according to RT a TASS source in the Interior Ministry said the explosive was planted inside the attacker’s car. The source, however, said that it is too early to call the incident a “terrorist attack.”

In June, a Turkish official said that one of the three suspected Islamic State suicide bombers involved in the deadly attack on Istanbul’s main airport was a Kyrgyzstan national.

Additionally, an anti-Chinese radical militant separatist group made up of ethnic Uighurs, mainly Muslim people living in China’s Xinjiang region, are believed to be operating in Central Asia. The Uighurs are waging a separatist insurgency against China near the border between China and Kyrgyzstan. This group is believed to be responsible for 2015’s Bangkok explosion that left 18 dead when a suicide bomber left a backpack in the crowd. They are also responsible for the 2014 car bomb attack in Urumqi a city in the north-western region of Xinjiang that left 31 dead and 91 injured when Uighurs ploughed through the crowd then set off explosives.

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The unthinkable – an internet controlled and operated by the United Nations.

If the U.N. INTERNET TAKE OVER happens it could change the Internet and our world as we know it. When Obama was president, he announced publicly the plan to give up U.S. protection of the internet – he also promised the United Nations would never take control. But if the U.S. gives up internet protections, the likely result could be the U.N. taking control of the internet under the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) on September 30.

What would the implications be of a takeover of the World Wide Web by the United Nations under ICANN?

Censorship galore. Think communist China – so called “conspiracy theories” and unfavorable opinions would cease to exist. Calling George Soros an evil bastard would not be possible.

Indeed, with all the funding Soros gives to “globalism” to destabilize countries in favor of international governing rackets, the U.N. would certainly protect their sugar daddy the way CNN protects Hillary Clinton.

Speaking of Soros, he has his ugly crinkly hands all over this issue – a leaked document by DCLeaks shows that Soros’s Open Society Foundation called for regulating the internet to favor it’s supporters. Maybe the “Open Society Foundation” should change it’s name to the Censored Society Foundation because such a proposal is ludicrous.

From the Daily Caller –

An internal proposed strategy from George Soros’s Open Society Justice Initiative calls for international regulation of private actors’ decisions on “what information is taken off the Internet and what may remain.” Those regulations, the document notes, should favor “those most supportive of open society.”

“Our freedom of expression work furthers the free exchange of information and ideas via the media and internet, and proposes to begin to address the free expression and association rights of NGOs. The internet has been a key tool for promoting freedom of expression and open societies — as in the Arab Spring — and is a potential safeguard against monopoly control of information in such places as China and Central Asia”

“But it is also presenting underaddressed challenges, including lack of regulation of private operators that are able to decide, without due process procedures, what information is taken off the Internet and what may remain. A ‘race to the bottom’ results from the agendas of undemocratic governments that seek to impose their hostility to free speech on the general online environment. We seek to ensure that, from among the norms emerging in different parts of the world, those most supportive of open society gain sway.”
~Open Society Foundation Document.

Without the U.S. contract allowing ICANN to keep it’s anti-trust exemption, ICANN would seek to be overseen by another government group.

Already, authoritarian regimes have proposed that ICANN become another arm of the U.N. to make it easier for these regimes to censor the internet globally.

There is still some time for Congress and We The People to come together and fight back – demand our legislators vote and prevent the Obama administration from giving up protection of the internet.

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5 Questionable Clinton-Related Deaths In 2016

We Are Change

The “Clinton Body Count.” It’s a term that has been around for years, but has gained publicity this year given both the election and recent events. Let’s take a look at five questionable Clinton-related deaths in 2016.
5. John Ashe – The former United Nations General Assembly President was found dead in his home on June 22, 2016. While initial reports claimed that Ashe had a heart attack, the police reported his throat had been crushed, and attributing it to a mishap while working out.

However, Ashe was due to testify the following week as the co-defendant of a Chinese businessman who had been accused of smuggling hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democratic National Committee during Bill Clinton’s administration.


4. Joe Montano – The former chairman of the Democratic National Committee was found dead in his home on July 25, 2016, after a reported heart attack.

In addition to working with the DNC, Montano also was an aide for Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine. He died around the time thousands of documents were leaked showing a rampant bias within the DNC.


3. Victor Thorn – The author was found dead in his home on Aug. 1, 2016, due to a reported self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Thorn had written a trilogy of books on the Clintons detailing their involvement in sex, drugs and murder, and his latest book was titled, “Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn’t Be in the White House.” Thorn reportedly said in one interview that if he were ever found dead, it would have been because of murder, because he would never kill himself.


2. Shawn Lucas – the attorney who had recently filed a lawsuit against the DNC was found dead in his bathroom on Aug. 2, 2016. The cause of his death is still reportedly unknown.

The lawsuit Lucas filed claimed that DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz helped rig the Democratic primary in favor of Hillary Clinton.


1. Seth Rich – The former DNC staffer was shot in the back and killed on July 10, 2016, when he was walking home around 4 a.m.

Rich’s death occurred just two weeks before WikiLeaks released nearly 20,000 emails that were sent and received between DNC officials. While WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange did not explicitly say that Rich was the one who leaked the emails, he did say that WikiLeaks is offering a $20,000 reward for information on Rich’s killer, and he mentioned in multiple interviews that there were questionable circumstances surrounding Rich’s death.


While these five deaths are just many in a long line of lives lost in relation to the Clintons over the years, they are yet another reminder that if the Clintons are getting away with this now, we should be asking ourselves what more will happen if Hillary is elected?


Follow Rachel Blevins on Facebook and Twitter.

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Thirty Hillary Emails About Benghazi Among 15,000 Kept From FBI

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Among the 15,000 emails Hillary Clinton failed to turn over and deleted, the FBI has recovered thirty Hillary emails discussing Benghazi.

The State Department says thirty emails of the 15,000 the FBI has recovered speak about the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Government lawyers told U.S. District Court Judge Amit P. Mehta on Tuesday “an undetermined number of the emails among the 30 that were not included in the 55,000 pages previously provided by Clinton speak about Benghazi.” The State Department’s lawyer said it would need until the end of September to review the emails and redact potentially classified information before they are released.

Judge Amit P. Mehta responded by ordering the State Dept to report to him in a week about why it would take so long to release 30 emails to the public.

The hearing was brought upon by one of several lawsuits filed by the conservative legal group Judicial Watch, which has sued over access to government records involving Hillary Clinton. The State Department has said the FBI provided it with about 14,900 emails purported not to have been among those previously released – emails Clinton was ordered to turn over. The State Dept now has until Sept. 13 to begin releasing the nearly 15,000 newly recovered Clinton emails.

On October 2014, Hillary was ordered by a federal judge to turn over all work-related emails. Hillary claims she turned over “all potentially work-related emails” over the past couple months, but Judicial Watch has proven through a series of FOIA requests and various litigation’s that Hillary Clinton has committed perjury and obstruction of justice trying to hide key emails.
The Clinton campaign admits there are missing messages. Reportedly, one message involves Huma Abedin and Hillary talking about her problems that occurred in communicating with the State Department due to the use of Clinton’s private server conflicting with State Department technology.

“Let’s get separate address or device but I don’t want any risk of the personal being accessible.”  – Hillary Clinton

Clinton has claimed her deleted emails were about “personal” matters. But are the personal matters in question simply bribes Hillary doesn’t want the public to know about? What could Hillary be hiding?

Further emails released in June show that Hillary broke the law when she didn’t turn over all her work related emails that she was court ordered to release. Trey Gowdy has slammed Hillary saying she wiped the server clean. In fact, Hillary used a program called BleachBit to destroy her “personal” emails.

Hillary is also on record in her emails talking about reading a book a called “Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better,” by David Shipley and Will Schwalbe on how to securely delete emails. In a leaked video, Hillary revealed why she had a private server – to hide from investigators. She admitted this speaking to Peter Paul during a dinner.

Another lie of Hillary’s – she used only one device for convenience, while emails suggest she used several.

Hillary has been ordered by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan to answer Judicial Watch’s questions pertaining to her email scandal and why she had the private server in the first place, under oath. How much more can Hillary be involved in? Scandal after scandal…it’s time to bring down this career criminal.

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No, Julian Assange Didn’t Claim Bernie Sanders Was Threatened To Drop Out

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A popular website has sensationally claimed that Assange said Bernie Sanders was threatened in an interview with John Pilger.

There is only one big problem – the so-called quote by Assange doesn’t exist.

I crawled the Internet and came up empty handed, but what I did find is information on a website that has time and time again published BS stories. The website in question is, which even has their owners hidden from So for wasting my time and having me tweet out disinformation, I intend to absolutely destroy your credibility. For you see, this type of bullshit fabricated information hurts us all in the end.

The quotes from USA Supreme are actually copy pasted edited quotes from Amy Goodman’s interview with Assange on Democracy Now!

The real quote from Democracy Now doesn’t mention anything about Sanders being threatened to drop out of the race.

The rest of the copy pasta squelches together quotes from a Washington Times article where Assange accused Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton of committing “extortion.”

AMY GOODMAN: Finally, Julian, we cut you off earlier when you were talking about what you felt were the most significant emails that you have released. Is there any last one that you’d like to mention? And also, do you have any thoughts on Donald Trump? I mean, just before we went to air, a CNN poll came out that says Donald Trump is ahead by 5 percentage points of Hillary Clinton. Now, he did just come off of the Republican convention, but many called it the worst convention in history, so it’s not automatic that he should have had this percentage lead. Of course, though, you have the crisis, the disarray, the Democratic Party is in because of these emails that you’ve released.

JULIAN ASSANGE: Well, you’re asking me, do I prefer cholera or gonorrhea? Personally, I would prefer neither. Look, I think—you know, we know how politics works in the United States. Whoever—whatever political party gets into government is going to merge with the bureaucracy pretty damn fast. It will be in a position where it has some levers in its hand. And so, as a result, corporate lobbyists will move in to help control those levers. So it doesn’t make much difference in the end. What does make a difference is political accountability, a general deterrence set to stop political organizations behaving in a corrupt manner. That can make a difference, because that changes the perception of what you can do or not do. And so, always—well, almost always, you should choose the principled position, which is to set a disciplinary signal about acting in a corrupt way, and take a philosophical position, which is our institutions can only be as good as our understanding of our institutions.

AMY GOODMAN: We want to—

JULIAN ASSANGE: Now, are you asking—the other—

AMY GOODMAN: Yes, go ahead, Julian.

JULIAN ASSANGE: The other top emails, well, as I said, I think this instruction by Luis Miranda, the head of communications, to go out and covertly spread anti-Bernie Sanders propaganda is a clear instruction combined with a chain of command. It’s not simply expressing a sentiment. It is expressing an instruction within the DNC to subvert the Bernie Sanders campaign.

Then there’s a lot of emails about the close relationship between the DNC and the media—The Washington Post involved in a co-fundraising party, an off-list co-fundraising for the DNC, calling up MSNBC during the middle of a program and saying, “Pull that segment now,” Debbie Wasserman Schultz calling up the president of MSNBC in order to discipline Morning Joe, etc. That’s, you know, of course, something that we’ve all suspected happens, but this is concrete proof of it.

But, you know, I really encourage people to research the more than 8,000 attachments that we put out, separate files, including more than 175 spreadsheets. That has the real core, the financial core, of the power structure and the exercise of monetary influence over the DNC. And that’s something that’s going to seed journalistic investigations for years.

AMY GOODMAN: Julian Assange, we want to thank you for being with us. Julian Assange, founder and editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks. This is Democracy Now! You can go online at to read the transcript or to hear again either the audio podcast or the video, see the video of this interview. We’re broadcasting from the Democratic convention in Philadelphia. It’s the first day. It will be gaveled in in just a couple of hours from this broadcast. I’m Amy Goodman, with Juan González. When we come back, a debate. Stay with us.

USA Supreme’s “quote” is below:

Pilger: Julian, we cut you off earlier when you were talking about what you felt were the most significant emails that you have released. Is there any last one that you’d like to mention? And also, do you have any thoughts on Bernie Sanders? I mean what is your opinion why Bernie Sanders drop out of the race?

Assange: Look, I think—you know, we know how politics works in the United States. Whoever—whatever political party gets into government is going to merge with the bureaucracy pretty damn fast. It will be in a position where it has some levers in its hand. And Bernie Sanders was independent candidate trying to get the nomination trough the Democratic Party and if you ask me he did get the nomination,but he was threatened to drop out!

Pilger: What do you mean by that will your next leak contain information about Bernie Sanders?

Assange: Of course we’re very interested in revealing the truth about any candidate and yes we have some material about Bernie Sanders that will be published!

Assange isn’t focusing entirely on Clinton however, urging anyone with information on Bernie Sanders to come forward!

Additionally, the website claimed that Assange revealed to John Pilger months ago that his 88 gigabyte insurance file (dead man’s switch) includes Hillary Clinton and other government officials’ data from around the world. This too is a BS lie, that can’t be traced back to anywhere but USA Supreme.

Pilger: It is an encrypted file that is 88 GB what does that mean?Does file includes videos and other larger documents and for who are they intended.

Assange: Well it contains everything from videos to e-mails from all over the world!

Pilger: The people in the United States would like to know does this file contain info about Hillary Clinton?

Assange: Well lately I heard a lot of threats from US official and this might be the reason for it,but the answer to your question is yes encrypted file with a dead man’s switch and it is about Hillary Clinton but also it contains info for much more government official around the world!

John Pilger said that he will use information from this interview for his next Wikileaks documentary.

I humbly welcome Julian Assange and John Pilger to sue USA Supreme for misrepresentation and defamation. These types of fake news reports hurt credible claims and go against journalistic principles of integrity. Already other websites have began republishing this false statement made by USASupreme including USUNCUT.

What is accurate is many journalists have said that Sanders was threatened – including independent journalist Wayne Madsen, who said Sanders was threatened with losing his spot on the senate veteran affairs committee.

It would surprise few if Hillary’s henchmen threatened Bernie with losing more than a committee seat.

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Heidi Travels, Steemit Superstar, Traveling the World on Steem Power

Coming to Anarchy through questioning the 9/11 story, starting early on Steemit and Steemit success, Bitcoin and swimming with sharks, permanent travelling, ideas around cryptocurrencies really starting to spread, so much truth is coming out now, faked news stories, Steemit encourages better and better content, getting passionate about writing, Steem powered inspiration and freedom, being […]

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Wikileaks Founder Warns Liberal Media: You Will Face ‘Demon’ Clinton’s Wrath Next

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Julian Assange has a warning for the liberal media, who have seemingly been unquestioningly loyal supporters of Hillary Clinton: you’re next.

In a one-on-one interview with Jo Becker, an investigative reporter from the New York Times, which was broadcast live on Facebook on Wednesday, the Wikileaks founder forewarned that all press will be under attack “as soon as she wins.”

“The American press, the American liberal press, in falling over themselves to defend Hillary Clinton, are electing a demon that is going to put nooses around everyone’s necks as soon as she wins,” Assange said on Wednesday.

While Donald Trump is widely criticized for his desire to open up U.S. libel laws, allowing public figures to sue media organizations who knowingly and maliciously lie about them — Clinton’s own relationship with the press is rarely scrutinized.

Clinton has already vowed to “stop” Breitbart, a right-wing news outlet that has been oppositional to her campaign, and has been dodging holding a press conference for 270 days. Her dodging of reporters has earned her the new nickname of “Hiding Hillary” from her opponent and detractors.

Let’s also not forget that her entire email scandal was her avoiding Freedom of Information Act requests from the press and investigators.

Wikileaks released the internal emails that were leaked from the Democratic National Committee, and has been falsely labeled an agent of Russia by Clinton’s proponents — a tactic Assange finds troubling. He warns that anyone who dares to question Clinton, including the press, will be branded just the same.

“[It’s] that attempted reframing by Hillary Clinton, to declare media organizations that are publishing material that shows illicit behavior in the [Democratic National Committee] to fix the election for her, as somehow being Russian agents,” he said. “Her campaign has effectively called, or maybe even directly called Donald Trump, the opposition leader in this case, a Russian agent,” Assange added.

“Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, the fourth candidate effectively in terms of numbers, has also been called a Russian agent. This is a neo-McCarthyist hysteria.”

Further, Assange stated that he believes that Clinton will happily follow the precedent set by President Barack Obama — who has prosecuted more journalists and sources than all previous presidential administrations combined.

Assange asserted that Clinton, like Obama, will continue the abuse of the Espionage Act to target dissidents — noting the irony of the fact that she herself should have been prosecuted under it.

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BREAKING: US court, Ban On Gun Sales To Medical Marijuana Users Does Not Violate 2nd Amendment.

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Appeals court upholds ban on gun sales to medical marijuana card holders

A federal government ban on the sale of guns to medical marijuana card holders does not violate the 2nd Amendment, a federal appeals court said Wednesday.

The ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals applies to the nine Western states that fall under the court’s jurisdiction, including California, Washington and Oregon.

It came in a lawsuit filed by S. Rowan Wilson, a Nevada woman who tried to buy a firearm in 2011 after obtaining a medical marijuana card.

The gun store refused, citing the federal rule on the sale of firearms to illegal drug users.

Marijuana remains illegal under federal law, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has told gun sellers they can assume a person with a medical marijuana card uses the drug.

The 9th Circuit in its 3-0 decision agreed that it’s reasonable for federal regulators to assume a medical marijuana card holder is more likely to use the drug.

In addition, a ban on the sale of guns to marijuana and other drug users is reasonable because the use of such drugs “raises the risk of irrational or unpredictable behavior with which gun use should not be associated,” Senior District Judge Jed Rakoff said.

The 9th Circuit also rejected other constitutional challenges to the ban that were raised by Wilson.


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Maine Governor Who Challenged Lawmaker to a Duel Vows to Never Speak to Press Again

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Maine Governor Paul LePage has vowed never to speak to the press again after a voicemail to a rival lawmaker in which he called him a “socialist c**cksucker” and challenged him to a duel was made public.

Paul LePage

Paul LePage

Speaking to a group of reporters, LePage apologized for his inflammatory remarks, but also insisted that the reporter who asked him about Democratic Representative Drew Gattine calling him a racist should apologize as well.

“After speaking with Rep. Gattine, I think that the reporter who put the mic in my face owes the people of Maine an apology as well. Because (Gattine) never called me racist,” LePage told reporters. “He said I made racially (charged) comments. Maybe, in my mind, it is semantics. But in his mind, after talking to him, it was clear that there was a real difference. Fine.”

The controversial Republican also announced on Wednesday that he will not be leaving office.

“Being called a racist was a horrible thing for me. It was enormously hurtful. It hurt my family. I will not resign, though,” LePage said Wednesday.

Perhaps most troubling however, is the fact that he continued on to say that he will only address the press in writing from now on.

“I will no longer speak to the press ever again after today,” LePage told reporters. “And I’m serious. Everything will be put in writing. I am tired of being caught — the gotcha moments.”

“You folks live in a seven-second fiction world. I live in 24-hour reality,” he continued.

The vulgar message at the heart of the scandal was allegedly in response to a reporter seeking comment from LePage on Gattine reportedly calling him a racist.

“Mr. Gattine, this is Gov. Paul Richard LePage,” the governor can be heard saying, in a recording of the message obtained by the Portland Press-Herald. “I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you c**cksucker. I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I’m a racist. I’ve spent my life helping black people and you little son-of-a-bitch, socialist c**cksucker. You … I need you to, just friggin. I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you. Thank you.”

After the message was made public, LePage invited reporters to meet him in person, where he doubled-down on his over-the-top remarks.

“When a snot-nosed little guy from Westbrook calls me a racist, now I’d like him to come up here because, tell you right now, I wish it were 1825,” LePage said. “And we would have a duel, that’s how angry I am, and I would not put my gun in the air, I guarantee you, I would not be [Alexander] Hamilton. I would point it right between his eyes, because he is a snot-nosed little runt and he has not done a damn thing since he’s been in this legislature to help move the state forward.”

The statements lead to state Democrats demanding that he step down.

Gattine is the chair of the State Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee, and has opposed several of LePage’s proposals relating to welfare and drug enforcement.

LePage has also declared that he will not seek professional help, but will be seeking “spiritual guidance” with his family.

“I’m not an alcoholic, and I’m not a drug addict, and I don’t have mental issues,” he said. “What I have is a backbone.”

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Scientist link Fluoridated Water with ADHD, Obesity and Depression

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Fluoridated Water Linked with ADHD, Obesity and Depression

City Goes Fluoride-Free for Christmas

Fluoride is toxic and we have the studies to prove it! According to  new research shows there is a strong correlation between water fluoridation and the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, in the United States. 

It’s the first time that scientists have systematically studied the relationship between the behavioral disorder and fluoridation, the process wherein fluoride is added to water to prevent cavities.

The study, published in the journal Environmental Health, found that states with a higher portion of artificially fluoridated water had a higher prevalence of ADHD. This relationship held up across six different years examined. The authors, psychologists Christine Till and Ashley Malin at Toronto’s York University, looked at the prevalence of fluoridation by state in 1992 and rates of ADHD diagnoses in subsequent years.

“States in which a greater proportion of people received artificially-fluoridated water in 1992 tended to have a greater proportion of children and adolescents who received ADHD diagnoses [in later years], after controlling for socioeconomic status,” Malin says. Wealth is important to take into account because the poor are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD, she says. After income was adjusted for, though, the link held up.

Take Delaware and Iowa, for instance. Both states have relatively low poverty rates but are heavily fluoridated; they also have high levels of ADHD, with more than one in eight kids (or 14 percent) between the ages of four and 17 diagnosed.

In the study, the scientists produced a predictive model which calculated that every one percent increase in the portion of the U.S. population drinking fluoridated water in 1992 was associated with 67,000 additional cases of ADHD 11 years later, and an additional 131,000 cases by 2011, after controlling for socioeconomic status.

 “The results are plausible, and indeed meaningful,” says Dr. Philippe Grandjean, a physician and epidemiologist at Harvard University. This and other recent studies suggest that we should “reconsider the need to add fluoride to drinking water at current levels,” he adds……. read the rest of the article here

Water fluoridation may very well be one of the biggest medical related frauds of our history. It’s right up there with what we have been told about cancer, nutrition, AIDS etc… Here are 10 facts everyone should know about water fluoridation and why we should not be ingesting fluoride in our water.

Keep these facts in mind:

1. Bottle-fed infants receive the highest doses of fluoride as they rely solely on liquids for food, combined with their small size. A baby being fed formula receives approximately 175 times more fluoride than a breast-fed infant

2. There is not a single process in your body that requires fluoride

3. A multi-million dollar U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) -funded study found no relation between tooth decay and the amount of fluoride ingested by children

4. Water fluoridation cannot prevent the oral health crises that results from inadequate nutrition and lack of access to dental care

5. Water fluoridation is a violation of your individual right to informed consent to medication

6. Forty-one percent of all American children aged 12-15 are now impacted by dental fluorosis, rising to more than sixty percent of children in fluoridated communities

7. The chemicals used to fluoridate water supplies are largely hazardous by-products of the fertilizer industry and have never been required to undergo randomized clinical trials for safety or effectiveness by any regulatory agency in the world

Click Here to Read Water Fluoridation Linked to Higher ADHD Rates

Additional Sources:


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Albright’s ‘Special Place in Hell’ Will Be Packed, Majority of Female Voters Do Not Like Clinton

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For the first time since the start of her campaign, a poll has found that most women hold an unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton — despite the basis of her campaign being genital solidarity.

Not With Her

Not With Her

A new poll from ABC and the Washington Post found that 52% of female voters hold an unfavorable view of Clinton, up from 43% just last month. Meanwhile, her opponent Donald Trump has seen a 7% boost with the ladies.

It isn’t just women that Clinton is tanking with, either.

Among people of color, who her campaign considers to be her “firewall,” Clinton has dropped from 73% favorable to 62%. The biggest turn has come from Hispanics, whose favorable view of the candidate has dropped a whopping 16%, to 55%, over the course of just a few weeks.

Clinton’s popularity has tanked to the lowest it has ever been among all registered voters in fact, with 59% now holding an unfavorable view of the hawkish former Secretary of State.

Amazingly, despite constant attacks from most mainstream media, Trump is only one point ahead of her, with 60% viewing him unfavorably.

The latest survey confirms that this election is a face off between the least popular candidates in at least three decades.

ABC noted that voters are likely to be more driven to get to the polls out of disdain than excitement.

“The high unfavorable ratings may mean that voters will be more motivated by their opposition to the candidate they dislike the most rather than their support of any candidate,” ABC noted of the poll.

The Washington Post, who is largely viewed as being biased towards Clinton, warned that the latest poll solidifies that there is a chance Trump may win.

“Clinton’s numbers serve as a reminder that Trump’s unpopularity isn’t prohibitive, largely because Americans—and specifically registered voters—don’t much like Clinton either,” the Post noted.

During the primaries, former secretary of state Madeleine Albright attempted to shame female supporters of Bernie Sanders by proclaiming that there is a “special place in hell for women who don’t help eachother,” meaning vote for Clinton despite her terrible record.

Well, Albright, it seems that quite a few of us are prepared to burn over being complicit in your candidate’s coronation.

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America is Now Fighting a Proxy War Against Itself in Syria

We Are Change

(ANTIMEDIA) Darius Shahtahmasebi — Whether or not the U.S. has any leverage over what is currently unfolding in Syria has become increasingly unclear in the last couple of weeks.

First, on August 19, U.S. troops came under fire from Syrian warships in Northern Syria. The U.S. responded by warning their Russian and Syrian counterparts to stay clear of the territories they are operating in or risk being shot down. Apparently, following the incident, a number of Syrian jets were tailed by U.S. bombers but had no idea they were being followed, meaning they could have been shot down at any moment.

Then, America’s most pro-interventionist ally in the region, Turkey, decided to take full advantage of this situation by launching a small invasion into Syrian territory – with American permission, of course. It turns out you don’t need permission from the country you are invading to send in ground troops, tanks and warplanes … as long as you have permission from the world’s superpower.

The problem with the Turkish invasion is that the focus was never going to be on ISIS, given that Turkey’s policies have actually enabled and supported ISIS in a number of ways. Turkey’s main agenda in launching an incursion into Syrian territory has been, first and foremost, to reverse Kurdish territorial gains, and secondly, to establish itself militarily within Syria so it can affect the outcome of the Syrian civil war.

Turkey’s offensive comes in tandem with rebel groups on the ground backed by both Ankara and Washington. One of those groups is Nour el-din el-Zinki, who claimed they captured a village in Northern Syria and took two Kurdish prisoners. This is the same group that reportedly beheaded a Palestinian boy as young as ten.

As the Turks and their allies target the Kurdish-led forces in the region, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) haveresponded by attacking a U.S.-backed rebel battalion Furqa al-Sultan Murad.

The most confusing aspect of this is the fact that the groups currently fighting each other both receive funding and backing from Washington. The Kurds have even been designated the most effective fighting force on the ground in the fight against ISIS, yet Washington has enabled them to be completely bombarded by Turkish forces for some time now. The U.S. has also warned the Kurdish forces that they must cede control of areas that they had seized from ISIS fighters in recent developments and retreat back to the Eastern side of the Euphrates River, which only further confuses U.S. official strategy (if there is one).

RT’s video agency, Ruptly, has filmed Kurdish militia on the front lines of the battlefield of Aleppo, where al-Qaeda-affiliated groups al-Nusra and al-Sham are currently launching a bloody offensive. Turkey’s attempts to weaken the Kurds will, therefore, work in favor of these terror organizations, which are at risk of losing Aleppo to the Syrian regime. Whoever wins Aleppo will undoubtedly win the civil war in Syria, making it a key battleground.

Neither Washington or Ankara wants Aleppo to fall into the hands of the Syrian regime.

So, is it the case that if Washington tried to stop Turkey from continuing their anti-Kurdish policy that Turkey would no longer cooperate with U.S. authorities, shutting down their access to the Incirlik air base? Is it the case that Washington is losing their leverage in the region?

Or is it the case that chaos benefits Washington? The fact remains that by backing all parties to the conflict (including Turkey), the U.S. still has considerable control over what is occurring on the ground, even though the layperson observes absolute chaos. The U.S. (secretly) supported both sides of the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. During the Israel-Hamas war in 2014, the U.S. provided $212 million in aid to the Gaza strip. While this was most likely a P.R. stunt to try to quell criticism that the U.S. is ultimately responsible for Israel’s policies of mass death and destruction, it doesn’t change the fact that once the money was handed over, the U.S. would have had little control over how that money was spent.

While it looks like the U.S. has a backwards, counter-productive, and almost non-existent strategy within Syria, the opposite could not be more true. U.S. and British forces are now operating inside Syrian territory and have established themselves with very little resistance. Turkish forces have joined them and are now working to counter one of the biggest threats to ISIS expansion — the Kurds — meaning ISIS and other like-minded jihadist groups will be able to continue to expand at the expense of the Syrian regime.

Most importantly, the U.S. has established a quasi-no-fly zone within Syria where they have given themselves the authority to shoot down Syrian warplanes. This could lead to an all-out confrontation with Syria and Russia. The more the West expands this no-fly zone — which is not ‘officially’ a no-fly zone — the less momentum the Syrian regime will have in operating on its own battlefield. Sooner or later, one of these players is going to pull the trigger on the other.

What could possibly go wrong?

This article (America Is Now Fighting a Proxy War Against Itself in Syria) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Darius Shahtahmasebi and Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11 pm Eastern/8 pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, please email the error and name of the article to

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Hillary Clinton Promises to Use Military Force Against Hackers in Most Hawkish Speech Yet

We Are Change

Speaking before a group of veterans on Wednesday, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gave perhaps her most hawkish speech to date, with sharp words villainizing Russia and promises to respond to cyberattacks with military force.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the American Legion's 98th Annual Convention at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2016. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the American Legion’s 98th Annual Convention at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2016. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

From the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, where the 98th National American Legion convention is underway, Clinton focused on “American exceptionalism.”

Explaining her view of the role the US plays in the world, Clinton stated that America is “the indispensable nation.” She explained that US importance in the world is a serious responsibility, and that the actions Washington does and does not take have a great impact on the lives of people around the globe.

“When Vladimir Putin, of all people, criticized American exceptionalism — my opponent agreed with him — saying, and I quote, ‘if you’re in Russia, you don’t want to hear that America is exceptional,’” Clinton remarked. “Well maybe you don’t want to hear it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true,” she said.

Clinton then explained that, in her view, the United States is essentially the world’s police force. Her speech gave the impression of heavily courting neo-conservatives with a penchant for war.

“Our power comes with a responsibility to lead, humbly, thoughtfully, and with a fierce commitment to our values — because when America fails to lead we leave a vacuum that either causes chaos or other countries or networks rushing to fill the void.”

She noted that part of the reason why America is so powerful is because of their network of allies, and warned that the same network would be at risk under a President Trump, again mentioning Russia and China as enemies.

“No other country in the world has alliances like ours — Russia and China have nothing close,” Clinton stated.

US allies share information on terrorists, the former New York Senator asserted, failing to mention that ally and Clinton Foundation donor nation Saudi Arabia was implicated in funding the extremists who attacked the World Trade Center.

“If I’m your president, our friends will always know — America will have your backs and we expect you to have ours,” Clinton said, as many on social media spoke out about their fears that she sounded set on being a wartime president.

Clinton claimed that the nation needs to “solve global problems, as only we can,” again painting a stark contrast to her opponent’s repeated statements against globalism and focusing on unorthodox methods to solve problems at home.

Clinton’s track record of “solving global problems,” is a lengthy list of destabilized regions, including Honduras, Haiti, Syria, and Libya.

“We can’t cozy up to dictators, we have to stand up to them,” Clinton stated, reminding many of her push to take down Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. That gambit left Libya in absolute chaos, Daesh rising in power, and an estimated 400,000 people displaced as a direct result of the intervention.

Clinton then listed the nations she considers to be a threat, stating that the US needs a military “that is ready” for them, explaining that she believes that the United States must embrace new tactics, including treating “cyber attacks just like any other attacks,” a pointed statement as she continues, despite of evidence to the contrary, to paint Russia as a nation of hackers.

“We need to respond to evolving threats, from states like Russia, China, Iran and North Korea,” Clinton stated, also mentioning the terror group Daesh. “We need a military that is ready and agile so that it can meet the full range of threats — and operate on short notice across every domain — not just land, sea, air, and space, but also cyber space.”

She reasserted unsubstantiated claims that state-operated Russian intelligence services were behind the hack of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The Kremlin has strongly denied any involvement in the breach.

“You’ve seen reports — Russia has hacked into a lot of things, China has hacked into a lot of things — Russia even hacked into the Democratic National Committee!” Clinton repeated. “Maybe even some state election systems, so we’ve gotta step up our game.”

Clinton, her campaign, and her party, have continuously claimed that Russia was behind the DNC hack, and have accused WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of working with Putin to meddle in the US election, despite multiple officials and experts pointing out that there is no evidence that Russia was involved in the hack.

Trump has openly mocked the conspiracy theory.

“The new joke in town is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails, which should never have been written (stupid), because [Russian President Vladimir] Putin likes me,” Trump tweeted in July.

The Democratic candidate’s demonization of Russia has been strongly criticized by many journalists as a new wave of McCarthyism.

“It’s a very sort of disturbing strategy that not is just disturbing in and of itself, but that will have enduring consequences in the likely event that Hillary Clinton wins, because when you constantly inflame the public by telling them that Russia is this enemy, that they have domestic agents operating in the US, namely anyone who is a critic of the Clinton campaign,” journalist Glenn Greenwald said on Democracy Now, “That’s going to have lots of long-term implications in terms of how the US government treats Russia, how the American media and the American people are going to expect the US government to react to Russia and how much dissent and criticism is going to be allowed without people being accused of being agents of the Kremlin.”

Immediately after making her claims, Clinton threatened that she would offer a military response to cyber threats.

“Make sure we are well defended and able to take the fight to those who go after us. As president I will make it clear that we will treat cyber attacks just like any other attack,” Clinton said. “We will be ready with serious political, economic, and military responses.”

Clinton also asserted that she wants to increase control of the internet, because if the “US doesn’t, someone else will.”

“I want us to lead the world in setting the rules for cyberspace,” she said.

Donald Trump is expected to speak to the same crowd at the convention on September 1.

I originally published this story at Sputnik News.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Warning: Conventional Food Lowers IQ In Mammals

We Are Change

What if the“fresh” fruits and vegetables we eat, not to mention processed foods, reduce the
cognitive function of people to eat them. Peer-­reviewed studies are providing insight into the facts
that GMOs and conventional food sprayed with the popular herbicide roundup, including the
chemical glyphosate, dramatically reduce IQ in mammals.

There are glyphosate restrictions that have been implemented across the globe.
Roundup, the popular chemical herbicide used mostly in the USA includes chemicals called
neonicotinoids. These chemicals are a neuroactive nicotine like substance that excites the brain
and causes brain damage in bees, and mammals as you can read below. The implication is that
we are actually addicted to and brain damaged by our food, unless we eat all organic.

A peer-reviewed Japanese study also revealed the addictive and neurotoxic effects of
neonicotinoids on the brain of mammals. Rats affected by the chemical had significant IQ

The European Food and Safety Authority published its peer-reviewed study on how
neonicotinoids are neurotoxic. The EFSA stated in its release:

“The PPR Panel found that acetamiprid and imidacloprid may adversely affect the development
of neurons and brain structures associated with functions such as learning and memory. It
concluded that some current guidance levels for acceptable exposure to acetamiprid and
imidacloprid may not be protective enough to safeguard against developmental neurotoxicity
and should be reduced.”

University of Berkeley published studies on IQ reduction, even autism links on seven year old
children who were raised in proximity to conventional agricultural areas. Studies like these don’t
look good for the children of rural farmland in the USA. It’s up to us to help them and get the
USA on the path to be all organic like Denmark.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information published a peer-reviewed study showing the
addictive “stimulant” effects of neonicotinoids and their relationship to retardation of brain
development. With all of these peer-reviewed studies, it makes one question the rhetoric of the
mainstream narrative, that conventional and GMO foods are perfectly safe for us to eat.

The excitatory effects makes these neuroactive chemicals addictive just like nicotine. One can
conclude, the heavier the spray on the food, the more nicotine like cravings the food will have
on people, and the more brain damage will be done to the minds of those who eat them. Our
nation’s food is being poisoned and the future is being robbed of greater genius!

This author implores you to eat only pure food, grown organically, to protect your mind and to
reduce the impact of the industry that is poisoning other people, the precious bees and our

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Could The Internet Be Set To Be Shut Down On The Eve Of Jubilee October 1st?

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Rise of the Cashless Society Harvard Professor Creates Blueprint for Ending Cash in US.

We Are Change

The attack on cash has entered a new stage.

Kenneth Rogoff, the Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy at Harvard University and the former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is out with an essay this morning in the Wall Street Journal titled, The Sinister Side of Cash.

Rogoff writes:

When I tell people that I have been doing research on why the government should drastically scale back the circulation of cash—paper currency—the most common initial reaction is bewilderment. Why should anyone care about such a mundane topic? But paper currency lies at the heart of some of today’s most intractable public-finance and monetary problems. Getting rid of most of it—that is, moving to a society where cash is used less frequently and mainly for small transactions—could be a big help…

There is little debate among law-enforcement agencies that paper currency, especially large notes such as the U.S. $100 bill, facilitates crime: racketeering, extortion, money laundering, drug and human trafficking, the corruption of public officials, not to mention terrorism….

Cash is also deeply implicated in tax evasion, which costs the federal government some $500 billion a year in revenue…

Cash also lies at the core of the illegal immigration problem in the U.S. If American employers couldn’t so easily pay illegal workers off the books in cash, the lure of jobs would abate, and the flow of illegal immigrants would shrink drastically.

In other words, cash is anti-state, It is about freedom. Rogoff by addressing the above state concerns lays out the true desires of the anti-cash promoters: More state control. It is a further move in the direction of totalitarianism.

How does Rogoff want to execute this anti-cash movement?

He writes:

To be clear, I am proposing a “less-cash” society, not a cashless one, at least for the foreseeable future. The first stage of the transition would involve very gradually phasing out large denomination bills that constitute the bulk of the currency supply. Of the more than $4,200 in cash that is circulating outside financial institutions for every man, woman and child in the U.S., almost 80% of it is in $100 bills. In turn, $50 and $20 bills would also be phased out, though $10s, $5s and $1s would be kept indefinitely. Today these smaller bills constitute just 3% of the value of the currency supply…

The point of getting rid of big bills is to make it harder to carry and store large amounts. A million dollars in $100 bills weighs approximately 22 pounds and can fit comfortably into a large shopping bag. With $10 bills, it isn’t so easy.

He also explains how instruments like bitcoin will be thwarted in his statist non-cash world:

Won’t the private sector continually find new ways to make anonymous transfers that sidestep government restrictions? Certainly. But as long as the government keeps playing Whac-A-Mole and prevents these alternative vehicles from being easily used at retail stores or banks, they won’t be able fill the role that cash plays today.

Rogoff also knows that cash is a check against the Federal Reserve going seriously negative on interest rates:

In principle, cutting interest rates below zero ought to stimulate consumption and investment in the same way as normal monetary policy, by encouraging borrowing. Unfortunately, the existence of cash gums up the works. If you are a saver, you will simply withdraw your funds, turning them into cash, rather than watch them shrink too rapidly. Enormous sums might be withdrawn to avoid these loses, which could make it difficult for banks to make loans—thus defeating the whole purpose of the policy.

Take cash away, however, or make the cost of hoarding high enough, and central banks would be free to drive rates as deep into negative territory as they needed in a severe recession. People could still hoard small bills, but the costs would likely be prohibitive for any realistic negative interest rate. If necessary, central banks could also slap temporary fees on any large withdrawals and deposits of paper currency.

When does he want to launch his program to eliminate $20 bills and up?

” I believe the time has come,” he writes.

The elimination of everything but very low denomination bills is one of the most significant statist power grabs in United States history.  It provides the state with unheard of methods of tracking and control.

It is an evil plan that must be objected to loudly and forcefully. This is a battle that must be joined. The anti-cash advocates must be defeated.

This article was originally published at


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How To Find Out Which Political Label Facebook Has Given You

We Are Change

Did you know that every time you like or share a post or a page on Facebook, the social media network is using your choices to collect data on what it thinks your political views are?

In fact, it even has you labeled under a certain category, and in this video we’re going to tell you exactly how to find out what that category is.

Conservative, Moderate or Liberal? Those are the three options Facebook uses, and if you’ve used the social media giant for awhile, there’s a good chance it thinks it has you figured out.

How do you find out which label Facebook has given you? Start by logging into your account on the desktop version of Facebook. Then go to Click on the “more” tab and then click on the “Lifestyle and Culture” tab. Then click “see more” and scroll down to the box that is labeled “US Politics.” The word beneath it in parentheses is the political label Facebook has given you.

How does Facebook create this label? It could be as simple as you “liking” a conservative politician’s page or following a conservative media outlet. Or it it could be as tricky as you “liking” a page that has nothing to do with politics, such as Target or Starbucks, and if the majority of their followers have been labeled as liberals, then you might be labeled as one too.

Why should you care? Facebook is using the label it creates for you to determine which ads show up in your newsfeed. And you might think, “I’m a diehard liberal, and I am perfectly fine with only liberal political ads showing up in my newsfeed,” but the problem with that logic is that by only seeing ads that are related to your political views, you are putting yourself in a bubble that makes you even more susceptible to becoming part of the false “left vs. right” narrative.

There’s also the chance that Facebook has given you the wrong label. With neoconservatism running rampant on the right and social justice warriors becoming more common on the left, few people are just strictly just “liberal” and “conservative,” and it raises the question, do we really want Facebook being the judge of our political affiliation?

Follow Rachel Blevins on Facebook and Twitter.

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Major Physics Magazine Publishes Conclusive New 9/11 Truth Article

We Are Change

Exciting news


Earlier this week, the magazine of the European Physical Society, Europhysics News, published a 3,000-word feature article by Dr. Steven Jones, Dr. Robert Korol, Tony Szamboti, and Ted Walter, entitled 15 years later: on the physics of high-rise building collapses.

Europhysics News bills itself as the magazine of the European physics community. That sounds about right — given their circulation of around 25,000 copies per issue!

It is with great enthusiasm that we invite you to read the online version of the article, which can be accessed for free at The hard copy will be distributed to the magazine’s 25,000 subscribers in mid-September.

Europhysics News is the magazine of the European physics community. It is owned by the European Physical Society and produced in cooperation withEDP Sciences. It is distributed to all our Individual Members and many institutional subscribers. Most European national societies receive EPN for further distribution. The total circulation is currently about 25000 copies per issue.

60,000 and Counting!

That brings to a staggering 60,000 the number of engineers and scientists who will be exposed to our literature in the coming weeks — 35,000 who will receive a copy of World Trade Center Physics and 25,000 who will receive the current issue of Europhysics News.

You can help grow that number by purchasing copies of World Trade Center Physics in bulk — virtually at cost — and distributing them on your own, either by popping them in the mail or by handing them out.

Nearly 3,000 copies have been sold since World Trade Center Physics went on sale a few days ago. We’ve got 7,000 left in stock waiting to be distributed around the 15th anniversary of 9/11.

Place your bulk order by Monday, August 29, and you’ll receive the package by Saturday, September 10 (this applies to U.S. residents only).

Join Us We Are Change New York


9/11 | 2016

A Weekend Symposium in NYC

Join co-sponsors Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, 9/11 Truth Action Project, NY State Legislative Action Project for 9/11 Justice, and the 9/11 Consensus Panel for a weekend symposium on the pursuit of 9/11 Justice 15 years after the fateful events of September 11, 2001.

Hundreds of researchers and activists will come together in the historic Great Hall of Cooper Union in New York City on Saturday, September 10, and Sunday, September 11, 2016.

Image result for world trade center american flag

Together, in this 800-seat auditorium, we will discuss the state of ongoing efforts to expose the truth and obtain justice for the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 innocent victims at the World Trade Center and that continue to serve as the pretext for the Global War on Terrorism.

The conference will feature keynote addresses from renowned legal figures, as well as panel discussions on the role of the Deep State and the significance of the recently declassified 28 Pages, presentations by movement leaders and researchers, and day-long evidentiary hearings on the forensics evidence and eyewitness testimony at World Trade Center’s destruction, which will be conducted by a panel of esteemed lawyers.


Day One:
Saturday, September 10, 2016


Master of Ceremonies: Mark Crispin Miller

Panel Discussion

Creating Our Enemies: From the Mujahadeen to ISIS
Wayne Madsen, J. Michael Springmann, additional speaker(s) TBA

Keynote Address

9/11 as “Strategy of Tension”
Judge Ferdinando Imposimato
Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy

Panel Discussion

Meet the “9/11 Truth Action Project”
Bill Jacoby, Sander Hicks, Wayne Coste


World Trade Center Science:
Education and Research Lay the Groundwork for Justice

Richard Gage, AIA, and Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey, P.E., S.E.

Panel Discussion

28 Pages to 80,000 Pages:
Transparency as the Path to a New Investigation

Les Jamieson, Jeff Steinberg, additional speaker(s) TBA

Keynote Address

Lessons from Landmark Cases Applied to Prosecuting 9/11
Daniel Sheehan
Public Interest Attorney, Author of The People’s Advocate

Roundtable Discussion

Justice in Focus:
Toward Prosecuting the Crimes of 9/11

Daniel Sheehan, Gary Null, Mark Crispin Miller, Wayne Madsen, additional speaker(s) TBA

Day Two:
Sunday, September 11, 2016


Master of Ceremonies
Dr. William Pepper, Esq.

Panelists (on various panels throughout the day)
Jane Clark, Michael Diamond, Yvonne Bushyhead, Bill Jacoby, Dave Meiswinkle, Mustapha Ndanusa, Mick Harrison, Andrew Kreig, Bill Veale, David Cole, Vance Green, Doug McKenzie, Les Jamieson, Barbara Honegger

Guest Panelists
Daniel Sheehan and Judge Ferdinando Imposimato

Presenters of Evidence
David Chandler (Physicist/Mathematician), Jonathan Cole (Civil Engineer), Richard Gage (Architect), Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey (Forensic Structural Engineer), Dr. Steven Jones (Physicist), Dr. Graeme MacQueen (Peace and Religious Studies), Tony Szamboti (Mechanical Engineer)

Here all about the incredible two-day program in this interview:

Listen Now at!

Ticket Information

Tickets for this one-of-a-kind event, which will mark 15 years since the 9/11 attacks, are on sale starting Saturday, July 23. An early-bird discount is available through Monday, August 15. The first 50 people to purchase tickets will receive an event poster signed by the keynote speakers and masters of ceremonies. Tickets prices are as follows:

Early Bird – Single Day: $20

Early Bird – Full Weekend: $30

Standard Online – Single Day: $25

Standard Online – Full Weekend: $35

At-the-door – Single Day: $35

At-the-door – Full Weekend: $45

Also… Download the Press Advisory and share widely!


Live Stream from Home: Full Weekend

This event will be Live-Streamed!  And this is not just your normal grainy boring live-stream video with people walking in front of the camera in the front row and that you can’t hear who is saying what!

We are planning a “live-mixed” video stream via Google Hangouts on YouTube with two cameras and a direct feed from the projector and house sound. All of this can be brought to you for only $10 for the whole weekend.

After each session the video archive will be immediately uploaded to YouTube where you can watch it at your liesure via your private link!

So you can enjoy the Justice In Focus two-day symposium right from you own home.

Tickets for the Live Stream go on sale soon. Stand by!


Do your part to ensure the success of this historic gathering by forwarding and posting this message and by encouraging friends and colleagues to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!



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Hotel 17

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