Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Twitter Threatens to Ban Donald Trump

We Are Change

NEW YORK (WeAreChange) — In the latest insanely ridiculous blitz on so-called fake news and “hate speech”, Twitter has threatened to censor President-elect Donald J. Trump by banning his account from the social networking platform.

This week, the company told Slate it would consider banning key government officials, including the President, if its rules against “hate speech” were violated.

“The Twitter Rules prohibit violent threats, harassment, hateful conduct, and multiple account abuse, and we will take action on accounts violating those policies,” a spokesperson wrote.

Twitter confirmed with Quartz that everyone, including government officials, were subject to the policy: “The Twitter Rules apply to all accounts,” a spokesman wrote.

It seems Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has gotten too big a dose of “triggering” from Mr. Trump’s conservative viewpoints.

Mr. Trump has openly admitted his love for Twitter “I love Twitter…. it’s like owning your own newspaper— without the losses,” he tweeted in 2012.

The Soros controlled mainstream media giants are doing their utmost right now to smear Mr. Trump. With the advent of social media networks, one no longer has to rely on traditional news mediums such as newspaper, radio and TV to get their messages out. They could instead turn to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to post or upload whatever matters to them.

However, since the election, sore loser liberals have been so intent on getting even with conservatives that they’re launching an all-out, indiscriminate assault on any dissenting opinions that make it out into the the public sphere, labelling them as “hate speech” or “racism.”

As Mr. Trump is currently seen by many conservatives in the United States (and even the rest of the world) as the bastion of freedom and true progress, the establishment has made him a marked man.

Mr. Trump has used Twitter for the past 18 months as a megaphone for his views and rants. He’s attacked the lying mainstream media and generally used the platform as a place to announce his latest updates and thoughts of the moment.

It seems to me that elements of the mainstream liberal establishment are busy colluding to get Mr. Trump in between a rock and a hard place right now. Since being elected, Mr. Trump has chosen not to make key updates about the transition progress to the mainstream media and has instead bypassed them delivering his videos via YouTube.

Why? The answer is simple: the mainstream media flat out lies, fabricates news, discriminately censors and smears individuals everyday. In fact – get ready for this – the mainstream media (yes, that includes CNN, MSNBC, Fox News etc) are the biggest proponents of fake news on the planet.

And since Mr. Trump has boycotted the media in favour of social media and alternative news, the big two social media giants – Twitter and Facebook – are working to censor him leaving him with very few options to get his messages out.

Mr. Trump, it’s probably a good time to look for an alternative. I strongly suggest Gab – it’s a place where you will not be censored. Guaranteed.

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Can Trump Salvage The Sinking US Ship?

Can Trump Salvage The Sinking US Ship?

When Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack O’Bomber, was sworn into office on January 20, 2009, the national debt was $10.62 trillion. The United States currently has a national debt total of over $19.9 Trillion according to the US national debt clock as of the writing of this blog. That’s an astonishing 87% increase in less […]

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Trump Picks Chicago Cubs Co-Owner Todd Ricketts for Deputy Commerce Secretary

We Are Change

NEW YORK (WeAreChange) — President-elect Donald Trump has been busy filling his cabinet positions with choice business elites after a carefully refined selection process. On Tuesday, Mr. Trump nominated Wilbur Ross, a prominent Wall Street executive for the position of Commerce Secretary.

In addition to Mr. Ross’ nomination, Mr. Trump announced his choice of Todd Ricketts, co-owner of the Chicago Cubs, to serve as Deputy Commerce Secretary.

“Todd Ricketts is an immensely successful businessman with unparalleled knowledge of the finance industry,” said Mr. Trump.

“As Deputy Commerce Secretary he will help us cut waste and streamline government so that it works for the people of America. The incredible job he and the Ricketts family did in the purchase and turnaround of the Chicago Cubs – one perfect step after another, leading to the World Championship, is what I want representing our people. I am very proud to have him on our team,” added Trump.

It appears Mr. Rickett has readily accepted the nomination, stating,  “I am honored that President-elect Donald J. Trump has asked me to serve our country at this critical juncture in our history. Advancing practical policies that promote economic opportunity is critical to making America great again. I’m eager to begin this important work and serving with Wilbur Ross to implement President-elect Trump’s economic agenda, which will improve the lives of all Americans.”

In a media release on Mr. Trump’s official Facebook page, Trump said Mr. Ricketts is committed to “promoting the values of fiscal responsibility and educating taxpayers on wasteful and excessive government spending.”

Todd Ricketts, the son of Ameritrade founder Joe Ricketts has years of hands-on experience in the finance industry and is a graduate of Loyola University Chicago. In 2016, Mr. Ricketts helped deliver a World Series Championship to the people of Chicago as a key member of the Cubs ownership group.

“Mr. Ricketts will use this knowledge to fix the broken Washington D.C. system, keep jobs in the United States and spur job growth,” added Trump in his media release.

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U.S. Federal Debt Nears Mind Blowing $20 Trillion

We Are Change

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WeAreChange) — The United States federal debt has topped a whopping 19,900,000,000,000 for the first time as of the close of business, Nov. 22, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, according to data released by the Treasury.

On that same day, it rose from $19,899,004,081,493.50 to $19,907,540,739,514.52.

Interestingly, on Nov. 23, the day before Thanksgiving, the debt dropped back to $19,897,994,347,700,50, according to the Treasury.

It should be noted that no Treasury business was conducted on Thanksgiving Day.

But by the close of business on Nov. 25th – Black Friday – the debt had climbed back above $19,900,000,000,000, hitting $19,928,118,193,162.55.

On Monday, according to the Treasury, the federal debt continued to climb, closing on Nov. 28 at $19,929,184,161,352.13.

Thanksgiving 2016 marked the first time since the United States declared independence on July 4, 1776 that the debt of the federal government exceeded $19,900,000,000,000.


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Cultural Alchemy – Social evolution from the inside out

We Are Change


I certainly won’t deny the power of world politics and social dynamics to influence the individual. But I recognize that the inner state of the individual is equally as powerful and perhaps even more influential upon our lives. The domain over which we all have the highest degree if sovereignty and authority is our own consciousness, our own minds or psyches.

Because our minds are so intertwined with our culture and the natural world, separating the two begins like a fish separating itself from the ocean in which it swims.  But the human being is a unique organism. We all have the ability to choose how much separation exists between our conscious minds and our cultural programming, as well as our own unconscious, a domain as vast as all human culture. This takes time and great effort, but is the essence of all spiritual inner work. We are all potential astronauts of personal and collective consciousness. What we choose to do with our powers is up to us.

While certain eastern and indigenous cultures have extensive experience with the exploration of the mind, the West has more limited resources. This is partly due to the fact that our awareness tends to be outwardly focused. Our mastery of technology is an example of the benefits of our outward focus. Our extremely high instances of personal and cultural disease are to a great degree the effects of our alienation from our own inner states and our unfamiliarity with psychic journeying.

The famed Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung posited the existence of a “collective unconscious” – a repository of all mankind’s ancient memories of the past. Another 20th century explore of the mind, John C. Lilly saw how the human being was a “magnificent bio-computer”. The body being the hardware and the mind or psyche its software or operating system.

In a very real sense, our minds are nodes of information throughput, connected together like a biological internet which we call “culture”. Or like a bacteriological culture in a Petri dish, we human beings are a totally interconnected ecosystem of energy and information. What comes out of the mind evolves the culture, and what comes out of the culture evolves the mind. As Above, So Below, as the alchemists used to say.

“That which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of the one thing.” – Hermes Trismegistus

The deeper our understanding of this interconnection becomes, we begin to realize that our cultural disease cannot be addressed solely by political and other social work. We come to realize that whatever is discordant within us, is shared collectively and whatever is discordant in others, becomes our own resonance. It’s as if we bring to the world our own darkness, like a communicable disease, spread by contact.

The essence of truly effective spiritual inner work is to gain conscious control over the internal software of mind and to manage the effects it has on ourselves and culture. When Mahatma Gandhi spoke of “being the change we want to see in the world”, he was speaking of Yoga. He was suggesting that we change our minds, so that our culture may change in accordance.

The personal objective of spiritual methods of transformation whether they be yogic or otherwise alchemical is to bring coherence to the individual and to facilitate the manifestation of one’s highest purpose. The social objective of these methods is to bring coherence to the world by mastering the internal control panel for reality that we call mind.

An esoteric truth is that the outer world is a very real reflection of our internal states. The movie The Matrix portrayed this perfectly. It takes time, training and deep faith but eventually we come to understand Morpheus’ answer to Neo’s question.

Neo: “What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?” 

Morpheus: “No Neo, I’m trying to tell you that when you’re ready, you won’t have to.”

In other words, the master alchemist manages the forces of evil by managing the internal representation of that evil within themselves. Where darkness exists “in here” it manifests “out there”.  When the individual is coherent, their outer world is coherent.

In the present Information Age, it is not possible to synthesize a personal transformative practice out of any or all of the world’s esoteric traditions of enlightenment. But the West does have a sound starting point in the work of C.G. Jung. Jung’s called his shamanic science of transformation “Individuation”. It appears at first to be highly novel and esoteric, but it was in fact a recapitulation of the ancient practice of spiritual or internal alchemy, which itself serves the same purpose as all esoteric yogas and indigenous shamanic work. There is only one master process of human psychosocial clarification and mastery – Alchemy, by whatever name is ascribed to it.

Spiritual alchemy of all traditions is both exploratory, but equally it is hands on work. It’s archeological excavation work. It’s journeying inwards and then finding the correlation with what is found inside with what we experience in the world. The deeper we go, the more we find the synchronicities, the resonances, the emotional and otherwise energetic charges that compel us and control us.   We discover and learn about the circuitry or we could say, the biology of the mind.

There is no one method for awakening our consciousness or accessing our “alchemical gold”, although there are archetypal patterns of transformation. Joseph Campbell called this the “hero’s journey”.  It begins with a calling. Something calls us to greater depths than what we had experienced before. Or perhaps like Alice, we unexpectedly slip and fall down a rabbit hole.  The hero or heroine, on their own path towards wholeness, ultimately heals and evolves themselves, but what they bring back is also pure gold for their people.

In this hero’s journey, this alchemical path to healing and inner mastery, there are fundamental patterns which repeat, that apply to all people in all times. One of those is that of facing darkness. It is called the “nigredo” in western alchemy and it is present in every epic tale of fiction and myth. On our paths, we will face the devil in one form or another. In Jungian language, this is our shadows. It is through the embracing and clarifying our inner darkness that we attain the capacity to heal and transform. This essential first step is frequently left out of western spiritual practices and is the biggest reason why so many do not achieve their spiritual goals.

Traversing and integrating our shadows may in fact be the most important step we can take in personal and collective evolution. It is through this journey that we mature the most and bring into balance our own destructive shadow projections which when not brought to consciousness, become the very evil we want to eliminate from the world.

More on the shadow and doing shadow work to come…

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Bernie Sanders’s Deputy Campaign Manager Threatens O’Keefe With Lawsuit

We Are Change

Bernie Sander’s failed deputy campaign field manager, Richard Pelletier is threatening Project Veritas and James O’Keefe with a lawsuit for allegedly illegally recording him during a phone call.

Pelletier is claiming that O’Keefe illegally recorded a phone conversation with Pelletier back in February of this year.

The call was part of an investigation Project Veritas Action did that produced compelling evidence that the Sanders Campaign was clearly violating federal campaign election laws by using Australians who were paid by the Australian Labor Party to circumvent laws and then these illegal volunteers were used to deface and destroy campaign signs of Bernie Sander’s opponents Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

The story didn’t get much air play in the mainstream U.S. press, but in Australia it was front-page news in almost every major news paper and outlet.

A New Hampshire State Representative filed a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission citing the PVA story. PVA is still waiting to hear from the FEC.

Federal election law is clear.  Foreign nationals can volunteer for campaigns but they must not be compensated like these actors were.  The Australian volunteers had their airfare paid and they received a daily pay cut as well as getting their housing paid for.

“…and so like my flights, and my travel amounts is all paid for, technically by the taxpayer, so they have had issues in the past, where like if I post a photo of myself in front of the Statue of Liberty, and the next morning it will be on the front of a newspaper, they’d be like, you know like, ’21-year-old student uses tax payer’s money to go on holiday. Like, what a disgrace…  …There is nothing wrong with what I am doing here because the money is literally given to us for that sole reason, but if we post on social media it gives the current government an excuse to get rid of the program to save money.  If that makes sense,” Ben Kremer, said.

As James O’Keefe notes according to 52 U.S.C. ~30121, it “shall be unlawful for… …A foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make… …A contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State or local election.”

You can view the lawsuit here at Project Veritas Action’s website.

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CENSORED: Breitbart News App Removed From Apple Store

We Are Change

In a frontal assault on free speech and freedom of the press, Apple has removed the app of the populist news site Breitbart News from their app store. was ranked as the 28th most viewed site on SimilarWeb’s Top 100 U.S. Media sites list in October, with over 168 million views. Some of Breitbart’s readers took to twitter to express their anger at the app’s removal.

Its worth noting that Apple’s CEO Tim Cook was being considered by Hillary Clinton as a potential running mate for Vice President. Tim Cook also hosted a $50,000-per-Ticket Hillary Fundraiser raising money for the Hillary Victory Fund PAC.

Hillary Clinton previously attacked Breitbart News on the campaign trail saying it “shouldn’t have a right to exist.”

Clinton’s campaign also sent out a fundraising email arguing the website Breitbart News has no “right to exist,” and suggested that if she was elected, the website would have been shut down entirely, quite literally having her deputy communications director Christina Reynolds say that one of their campaign promises was to destroy Breitbart News.

“We’ve had a conservative media in this country for a while, I don’t always like what they have to say, but I respect their role and their right to exist. Breitbart is something different,” Reynolds said in a statement. “They make Fox News look like a Democratic Party pamphlet. They’re a different breed altogether not just conservative but radical, bigoted, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic conspiracy peddlers who never have been and never should be anywhere near the levers of power in this country,”

We Are Change warned the public that one of Hillary Clinton’s goals was the eradication of the First Amendment via the labeling of political opposition as “hate speech.” It appears that Silicon Valley globalists like Apple CEO Tim Cook are trying to fulfill Clinton’s goal in the private sector now that they have been shut out of the government. Twitter has banned libertarians, conservatives, and Trump supporters, YouTube has shut down independent journalists like Mark Dice in the past, and Facebook recently promised to combat so-called “fake news.”

With CNN, the NYTimes, and the rest of the Wall Street owned mainstream media being exposed as propaganda on a daily basis, it seems the only way for globalist elite to control the flow of information is to label new media like We Are Change and others  as “Russian propaganda” or fake news and try to censor us altogether.

With the tech giants trying to control what Americans are and are not allowed to read, they may soon face antitrust lawsuits from the new Trump Administration.

Let’s hope President-elect Donald Trump cares as much about the First Amendment as he says he does.

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Venezuela: Currency Worth So Little Shopkeepers Weigh Piles of Notes

We Are Change

CARACAS (We Are Change) — Inflation in Venezuela is projected to soar to 720 percent this year with the largest bolívar bill now worth just five US cents on the black market.

Shopkeepers are reportedly weighing rather than counting the wads of cash customers hand them, and standard-size wallets have become all but useless in the socialist South American state. Now instead of a wallet, you literally need a backpack to haul around your sizeable load of cash (that’s if you have any).

Since June 2014, a substantial decline in oil prices occurred decimating the Venezuelan economy. President Nicolás Maduro came up with a “solution”: fixing the official exchange rate and ordering banks to print more cash. This ultimately lead to the further devaluation of the currency while goods prices soared.

Jesus Casique, a consulting firm director, told Bloomberg that although weighing cash was not ubiquitious, it was certainly indicative of a financial crisis.

“When they start weighing cash, it’s a sign of runaway inflation,” he said. “But Venezuelans don’t know just how bad it is because the government refuses to publish figures.”

The country with a population of 30 million does not publish consumer-price data on a regular basis, however the effects of hyperinflation are palpable with observers saying scenes on the streets of the capital, Caracas, are reminiscent of the past century’s most extreme cases of hyperinflation.

Oil constitutes 95% of the country’s exports and accounts for a quarter of the country’s economy. Such heavy reliance on a single export – termed by economists as “Dutch Disease” – depresses all other industries in a country.

In a desperate effort to get funds, many Venezuelans have turned to scamming others in order to pay for the basic necessities of life. Newspapers, cigarettes and snacks can all be purchased at a premium from shrewd street entrepreneurs. For example, one street vendor said his best selling item, cigarettes, have climbed in price from 250 bolívars to a whopping 2,000 bolívars a pack — at least 20 bills.

Check out Luke Rudkowski’s video of his firsthand experience in socialist Venezuela:

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BREAKING: Jill Stein Exposed For Corruption With DNC

We Are Change

In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews Christina Tobin, Founder and Chair at The Free and Equal Elections Foundation and former close friend of Jill Stein. In this video we go over just some of the latest breaking news that our investigative journalists found out of direct collusion with the DNC and this year’s election recount.

For more on Christina check out

Green Party Opposes Jill Stein’s Recount Effort — Including Her Own Campaign’s Senior Advisor…

Gone Rogue? Jill Stein Hires DNC Lawyer For Michigan Recount Effort…

Visit our MAIN SITE for more breaking news

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OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government WHORES help us out

From our earlier story – Over 200 Green Party leaders have signed a statement opposing Jill Stein’s recount effort, including her own campaign’s senior advisor. The statement was also shared by her 2016 vice presidential candidate — human rights activist Ajamu Baraka.

The statement was written by several members of the party and posted to the website of Maryland’s Green Party Senate candidate Margaret Flowers. The letter to the public strongly condemns Stein’s decision and acknowledges that it has created confusion about the relationship between their party and the Democratic Party.

The statement says that “as a candidate, Dr. Stein has the right to call for a recount. However, we urge the GPUS to distance itself from any appearance of support for either Democrats or Republicans. We are well aware of the undemocratic actions taken during the primaries by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Greens cannot be perceived to be allied with such a party.”

“The decision to pursue a recount was not made in a democratic or a strategic way, nor did it respect the established decision making processes and structures of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS). The recount has created confusion about the relationship between the Green and Democratic parties because the states chosen for the recount are only states in which Hillary Clinton lost,” the statement reads. “There were close races in other states such as New Hampshire and Minnesota where Clinton won, but which were not part of the recount.”

Read more –

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BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi To Stay House Minority Leader After Secret Ballot

We Are Change

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi speaks about the budget in the Capitol in Washington April 7, 2011. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Image via Reuters

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will continue her reign as the House Minority Leader after a secret ballot was cast on Wednesday, and she won, 134 to 63.

Pelosi has held the title since 2002, and her win comes at a time when some Democrats are questioning the current status of the party after the loss of the presidential election and six consecutive years of losing congressional seats to Republicans.

As previously reported, Pelosi’s opponent was Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio). Ryan campaigned on the promise of bringing the Democratic Party 2.0, claiming that under Pelosi’s leadership, the party is “burning down.”

“I am pulling the fire alarm right now, is what I’m doing in the Democratic Party,” Ryan said. “I believe we are in denial of what’s happened, and I’m pulling the fire alarm because the house is burning down.”

Pelosi’s win was aided by the support of a group of female Democrats who circulated a letter, which reportedly said that if Pelosi did not win, it would be another “heavy blow to the aspirations of young women and girls,” after Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential bid.

Following the results, Ryan released a statement congratulating Pelosi on her win:
“It is clear as we learn more about the outcome of our elections that we’re ignoring crucial voices that deserve to be heard. The people I represent in Northeast Ohio and the tens of millions of workers across our country are proud to be called blue collar. Democrats must adopt a progressive economic message that focuses on large, direct infrastructure investments, affordable health care, portable pensions, and public-private investments that promote advanced manufacturing.”

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BREAKING: Officer In Keith Scott Shooting Will Not Face Charges

We Are Change

The North Carolina police officer who shot and killed Keith Lamont Scott, 43, will not face charges, according to the district attorney who cited a gun in Scott’s hand as the main reason why officers opened fire.

Charlotte District Attorney Andrew Murray announced Wednesday that officer Brentley Vinson “acted lawfully” when he shot and killed Scott, claiming that Scott “stepped out of his SUV with a gun in his hand and ignored at least 10 commands from the five officers on the scene to drop it.”

The shooting sparked controversy after cell phone video was released by Scott’s wife, Rakeyia Scott, who documented the Sept. 20 incident.

In the video, Rakeyia Scott can be heard pleading with police, “Don’t shoot him. He has no weapon. He has no weapon. Don’t shoot him.” A family member on Facebook also claimed that Keith Scott was not armed, and was instead holding a book.

Police insist that a book was not found in the front seat of Scott’s car, and that there was a handgun found at the scene. Murray even went as far as to claim that police found text messages between Keith and Rakeyia Scott discussing the ownership of a gun.

“A month before the shooting there were text messages between Mr. and Mrs. Scott arguing about a gun,” Murray said.

The shooting in September was initially met with peaceful protests at the scene. Police responded in riot gear, and the protests turned violent to the point where “bystanders and police were both injured, one man was fatally shot, and more than 100 people were arrested.”

The group Charlotte Uprising noted that it is prepared for more protests in anticipation of the decision on its Facebook page: “If they choose not to indict these killer cops, or if they do not release an announcement, let’s turn up to demand justice for Keith Scott!”

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BREAKING: Trump To Leave Business To ‘Fully Focus On Running the Country’

We Are Change

NEW YORK (We Are Change) —  President-elect Donald Trump has shocked the social media world by announcing on his personal Twitter account Wednesday morning that he’ll be leaving behind his business to “fully focus on running the country in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

“While I am not mandated to do this under the law, I feel it is visually important, as President, to in no way have a conflict of interest with my various businesses,” Mr. Trump continued

“Hence, legal documents are being crafted which take me completely out of business operations. The Presidency is a far more important task!”

Mr. Trump noted that he will be holding a major news conference in New York City with his children on December 15 to formally announce the fact that he is leaving business behind.


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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Gone Rogue? Jill Stein Hires DNC Lawyer For Michigan Recount Effort

We Are Change

In a move that is being described as “scandalous” and “dangerous” privately by Green Party insiders, Jill Stein has hired a former Michigan Democratic Party Chairman as her lawyer in the state’s recount effort.

Mark Brewer

Mark Brewer

Stein’s new lawyer for the Michigan recount, Democratic political consultant Mark Brewer, is a member of the Democratic National Committee and a past chair of the Association of State Democratic Chairs.

Not only is this decision bad optics, but it is also a conflict of interest. If a Democratic Party operative is running the recount effort, will he expose any corruption from the Clinton campaign that is uncovered, or hide it?

On Saturday evening, the Hillary Clinton campaign announced that it will be participating in the recount.

“We feel it is important, on principle, to ensure our campaign is legally represented in any court proceedings and represented on the ground in order to monitor the recount process itself,” Clinton campaign counsel Mark Erik Elias said in a post on Medium.

Interestingly, their campaign seems to be represented fully — perhaps even by Stein’s own lawyer.

Keegan Pontoni, the person in charge of volunteer coordination also happens to allegedly be a Democratic operative. 

“Paid Democratic Party operative Keenan Pontoni is in charge of volunteer coordination for the recount campaign. He was the campaign manager for the Democratic 7th Congressional District candidate Gretchen Driskell, who lost,” Brian Wiles of the Metro Detroit Green Party wrote of the recount in a closed Green Party discussion group on Facebook. “Jenny Suidan, Mark Brewer’s assistant and political aide, is handling the coordination of lawyers on the Michigan recount. She was a Clinton supporter and delegate to the Democratic National Convention.”

One reasonable explanation for her hiring choice may be a lack of lawyers with expertise in recounts who are not part of the duopoly.

That explanation fails to pass the smell test however, as internal communications from Michigan Green Party leaders reveal that she, nor anyone associated with her recount effort, approached them for legal recommendations.

The Michigan Green Party elected five people from their party in this year’s election, and clearly have a savvy staff of volunteers, yet Stein completely surpassed them for her effort in their state.

“Green-affiliated lawyers are very savvy and have litigated many cases for the people, including the original emergency manager law, which was struck down as a result,” Wiles continued.

Members of the Green Party have also consistently stood against Clinton’s fear mongering about Russia, and the fact that she appeared dead set on starting a war — yet in Stein’s petitions, her and her Democratic Party-led legal team continue to suggest that the Kremlin may have hacked the election.

As we previously reported, over 200 members of her own party, including her vice presidential candidate and senior advisor, have asserted that they are against the recount effort.

“The decision to pursue a recount was not made in a democratic or a strategic way, nor did it respect the established decision making processes and structures of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS). The recount has created confusion about the relationship between the Green and Democratic parties because the states chosen for the recount are only states in which Hillary Clinton lost,” a statement from Green Party leadership, published on Monday, reads. “There were close races in other states such as New Hampshire and Minnesota where Clinton won, but which were not part of the recount.”

Many within the party have cited their concerns over her use of peddling the “foreign agent” conspiracy theories in her petitions as a cause for alarm.

“That upsets a lot of us. One thing the US does not need is more anti-Russia propaganda,” Kevin Zeese, senior advisor of the Stein campaign, previously told We Are Change. “That is one of best hopes from Trump – -he might de-escalate conflict with Russia.”

The Democratic operatives running the recount effort have also allegedly approached the state’s 16 electors in an effort to persuade them to sign onto Stein’s petitions.

Taking all of this information into account, one can’t help but wonder — has Stein betrayed her party and gone rogue?

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Bigfoot to be Added to Endangered Species List

We Are Change

Liberals Want Bigfoot Added to Endangered Species List Via. Mark Dice

Liberal lunatics in California want Bigfoot added to the Endangered Species list in order to prevent hunters from shooting one of the creatures. Residents signed a petition to “Save the Sasquatch,” and ban anyone from harming one, apparently unaware that the creature is a myth. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story. © 2016 by Mark Dice

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Mark Dice is a media analyst and bestselling author who specializes in exposing the power mainstream media and celebrities have on shaping our culture. He has been featured on the History Channel’s Decoded, Ancient Aliens, and America’s Book of Secrets; Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Secret Societies of Hollywood on E! Channel, America Declassified on the Travel Channel, and is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM, The Alex Jones Show, and more. His viral videos have received more than 150 million views and have received international media attention. READ MARK’S BOOKS
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Michigan wants to sell 100 million gallons of fresh water to Nestle for only $200

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Nestle, which is arguably the world’s leading advocate of water privatization, is about to acquire 100 million gallons of drinking water in Michigan.

In Evart, Michigan, which is just 120 miles from Flint, Nestle is in the process of negotiating a permit with the state of Michigan to increase  its current pumping operations for its private bottled water business to 210 million gallons of water per year. In exchange for the selling off  groundwater normally used by residents for drinking and bathing, Nestle — which is valued at over $200 billion — will only have to pay $200.

The company currently pumps a little over 100 million gallons of water each year, or 250 gallons of water per minute, from Evart. Under the new proposed agreement, Nestle would suddenly be pumping 400 gallons of water per minute out of Evart to sell for profit. All it would need to pay is $200 for the permit.

“Why on earth would the state of Michigan, given our lack of money to address water matters of our own, like Flint, even consider giving MORE water for little or no cost to a foreign corporation with annual profits in the billions?” Said one Michigan resident in comments provided to The Guardian.

Nestle currently operates a water bottling plant in Stanwood, Michigan, which is in the midst of a $36 million expansion. The fact that Nestle is only paying $200 more dollars to profit from the sale of public drinking water has some residents, like a woman from Newaygo, Michigan, infuriated.

 “Please, please, please reconsider allowing Nestlé to pump additional gallons of water from their facility near Evart,” She wrote. “The rape of our Michigan inland fresh water sources is a cause for concern, especially when it is done by a private company for profit.”

The state of Michigan has extended the public comment period for the proposal to December 3 in the wake of increased awareness about the project. Consumer advocacy group SumOfUs has launched a petition aimed at stopping Nestle from acquiring the new permit. Click here to sign it.

Tom Cahill is a writer for US Uncut based in the Pacific Northwest. He specializes in coverage of political, economic, and environmental news. You can contact him via email at, or friend him on Facebook

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State Senator Wants to Charge Protesters with ‘Economic Terrorism’

We Are Change


Last week, Washington State Senator Doug Ericksen announced plans to propose a bill in January that would criminalize certain protests as “economic terrorism,” to be punishable as a Class C Felony.

The proposed bill would penalize protesters who engage in “unlawful disruption of transportation and commerce,” and if passed, those found in violation of the law could face punishment of up to five years’ imprisonment, a fine of up to $10,000, or both.

The proposed bill would also go after organizations and funders backing the protests by forcing them to pay restitution at a rate of three times the calculated amount of damage. In an interview with the Seattle Times, Ericksen specifically named philanthropists George Soros and Tom Steyer, as well as the Sierra Club organization, as intended targets of the legislation.

We are not just going after the people who commit these acts of terrorism,” Ericksen said in his press release. “We are going after the people who fund them. Wealthy donors should not feel safe in disrupting middle class jobs.”

Ericksen, who is chairman of the Senate Energy, Environment & Telecommunications Committee, has historically positioned himself as an ally to the fossil fuel industry. His proposal came just days after a group of anti-fracking protesters calling themselves “Olympia Stand” set up an encampment that blocked a rail line from the Port of Olympia. The police later forcibly disbanded the encampment and arrested 12 protesters on November 18th.

While the Washington Times reports that this bill would be unlikely to pass both in Senate and Democratically run-house, Ericksen’s proposal is just one in an increasing trend of legislation that criminalizes and limits the rights of protestors.

Ericksen’s proposal came in the same week that Iowa State Representative Bobby Kaufmann announced plans to propose legislation he calls the “Suck it up Buttercup” bill in response to anti-Trump organizing and protests. The two-part bill would withhold funding from universities that organize election-related grief counseling or sit-ins. It would also establish increased penalties for protesters who shut down highways or roads.

I have no issue with protesting,” Representative Kaufman told the Des Moines Register. “In fact, I would go to political war for anyone who wanted to protest or dissent and they couldn’t. But you can’t exercise your constitutional right by trampling on someone else’s. When they blocked off Interstate 80, they crossed a line.”

Similarly, earlier this year, Republican Senator John Kavanagh of Arizona introduced SB1054, a bill that would make it a felony to record police without their permission and within 20 feet of the ‘law enforcement activity.’ The bill generated such public outcry that Kavanagh eventually abandoned it.

While these recent proposals have been construed as a backlash from Republican lawmakers emboldened by Trump’s presidency, one of the most contentious protest laws passed in recent memory was, in fact, a law signed by Obama in response to Occupy protests in 2011.

HR 347, also known as the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act, lowered the intent requirementof a 1971 trespass law, making it easier to criminalize someone who enters or remains in “any restricted building or grounds,” with “restricted” applying broadly to any event where the Secret Service is present. The law, which was widely seen as an attack on the First Amendment, essentially criminalized protesting in proximity to any elected official under the protection of the Secret Service, which includes President Obama himself — and now, President-elect Trump. Under the current law, violators could face a fine and up to 10 years of jail time.

In the wake of the increasingly militarized response to DAPL protests in North Dakota, this proposed legislation in Washington and Iowa is emblematic of the escalating tension between protesters and government officials. As anti-Trump protesters gear up for nationwide Inauguration Day demonstrations that may already be facing restrictions, January promises to be a crucial moment for the future of First Amendment and the criminalization of dissent in America.

This article (State Senator Wants to Charge Protesters as ‘Economic Terrorists’) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Sarah Cronin and Anti-Media Radioairs weeknights at 11 pm Eastern/8 pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, please email the error and name of the article to

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The Future of the Eurozone Could Be Decided on December 4th in Austria and Italy

The Future of the Eurozone Could Be Decided on December 4th in Austria and Italy

Is this the most important time in the EU’s history? Italy and Austria take votes at the beginning of December that could destabilize or even end the euro and the EU itself. This is part of a destabilizing trend that we’ve long noted and anticipated, some 16 months ago with the destruction of the EU’s […]

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Rupert Murdoch Set to Lose $US100m from Theranos Blood Testing Scandal

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NEW YORK (WeAreChange) — Media giant and globalist puppet Rupert Murdoch is amongst the list of big name investors set to take a big hit as a result of the Theranos blood testing scandal.

The executive chairman of News Corp and 21st Century Fox Inc. is expected to lose the $US 100 million he previously invested in the scandal-ridden blood testing group, Theranos. As fate would have it, one of his own newspapers, The Wall Street Journal exposed him for the greedy globalist megalomaniac that he really is.

It was The Wall Street Journal which first raised doubts about the claims of the company’s celebrity CEO, Elizabeth Holmes, who was a billionaire at 30 and has been dubbed “the Steve Jobs of bio-technology”.

The Journal reports: “Theranos Inc. received much of its funding from high-profile private investors who weren’t part of the ecosystem that typically backs startups and could see their stakes wiped out by the blood-testing company’s regulatory and technological troubles, people familiar with the matter said.”

Those investors include Rupert Murdoch and family-controlled Cox Enterprises Inc., which invested about $US 100 million each into Theranos, people familiar with the matter said.

Theranos’ biggest and most attractive selling point is that it could conduct the full range of laboratory tests – ranging from cholesterol to herpes – using just a few drops from a fingertip pin-prick instead of a needle and syringe.

The project was expected to revolutionise healthcare affordability leading Murdoch and other wealthy investors to jump on board and infuse $US632 million in Theranos between 2014 and 2015, valuing the startup at $US9 billion.

The investments valued Holmes’ stake in the company at $US4.5 billion and shot her into the high and lofty realms of celebrity CEOs.

By October last year, The Journal started raising serious questions about the accuracy of Theranos’ testing and claimed it was not even using its own technology in some cases.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raised concerns within weeks of the report. By January this year, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services were claiming the company violated several clinical standards.

By June, Forbes estimated that Holmes’ stake was worthless.

The downward descent has continued with Theranos announcing it would close labs and lay off 340 staff.

Fortune reports investors are now suing the company for having “consistently and deliberately misled its investors through outsize claims about its technology’s capabilities and potential to transform diagnostic testing.”

It is unknown if Mr. Murdoch is among those investors.

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BREAKING: Trump Picks Clinton Ally Wilbur Ross as Commerce Secretary

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NEW YORK (WeAreChange) — President-elect Donald Trump is set to name fellow businessman, Wilbur Ross, as commerce secretary, a Trump Transition official said Tuesday.

The 79-year-old New Jersey billionaire investor and Managing Director of WL Ross is known for cutting jobs and legacy costs to put mills back on their feet. In 2001, with the steel industry in crisis and more than 30 steelmakers filing for bankruptcy, Mr. Ross stepping in and bought out key assets, such as LTV Corp., Bethlehem Steel and Weirton Steel Corp.

Many have lauded him as the saviour of the steel industry –  as someone willing to risk his own money to save thousands of jobs, while for others, he’s a vulture who cut jobs and pensions forcing pain on a once proud industry.

This is just one of Mr. Ross’s notable achievements in an illustrious Wall Street career where he has played key roles in other industries including auto parts, coal and textiles.

He even represented bondholders in Mr. Trump’s Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City. The creditors were angry about a missed payment on the bonds and debated whether to seize control of the casino. Mr. Ross argued that Mr. Trump’s properties were worth more with the man involved and helped negotiate a plan to keep him in charge. His actions ultimately saved Mr. Trump from a serious situation that could have potentially sunk his career.

Mr. Ross eventually went on to become a key Trump ally, backing his campaign for the presidency and helping him raise financial support from Wall Street executives.

However, it seems that the man himself is quite a contradiction backing causes that Mr. Trump most certainly would not.

For example, in emails released by Wikileaks, Mr. Ross has been described as a “friend” of Hillary Clinton and a key contributor to Hillary Clinton’s past campaigns.


Wikileaks email

When Mr. Ross first started out in the business world he became a bankruptcy specialist at Rothschild Inc. in the 1970s, working on high-profile bankruptcies and restructurings, including Texaco, Continental Airlines and TWA.

The Rothschild family comprises one of at least 300 globalist elite families that control the world with their immense wealth and political power.

Mr. Ross, Representative of the Secretary-General for the Investments of the Fund Carol Boykin, was also present at a New York globalist banker meeting attended by key elites including James Rothschild, Henry Kissinger and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in September this year.

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Goldman Sachs Soros Banker To Be Trump’s Treasury Secretary; Trump Met With Sachs President

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President-elect Donald Trump is expected to choose Steven Mnuchin a well known Goldman Sach’s banker and George Soros money manager as his Treasury Secretary. Additionally Trump had a meeting with Goldman Sach’s President, Gary Cohn so, so much for draining the swamp?


Although Trump kicked all the lobbyist off his transition team he is contradicting himself and his campaign promises by potentially planning on choosing Steven Mnuchin according to campaign transition sources.

The transition team said, that although this decision was not finalized yet the Treasury Secretary announcement was expected to be made Wednesday, and Mnuchin was expected to be Trump’s choice for Treasury Secretary.

Steven Mnuchin, was also Trump’s campaign national finance chairman during the candidates run for the Whitehouse.

Before joining Trump’s campaign, Mnuchin rose to power through the kind of elite institutions that president-elect Donald Trump has demonized. Mnuchin has ties into Yale’s Skull and Bones secret society, in which he became a Goldman Sachs partner like his father, he also ran a hedge fund Dune Captial, and worked for George Soros briefly as his money manager according to Mnuchin’s Bloomberg profile. On the campaign trail Trump spoke highly of Mnuchin despite his swampy ties to institutions like Goldman Sachs and elitist like George Soros a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter.

“Steven is a professional at the highest level with an extensive and very successful financial background. He brings unprecedented experience and expertise to a fundraising operation that will benefit the Republican Party and ultimately defeat Hillary Clinton.” Trump, said.

Mnuchin, the campaign added, “has previously worked with Mr. Trump in a business capacity and brings his expertise in finance to what will be an extremely successful fundraising operation for the Republican Party, “

“It’s a great privilege to be working with Mr. Trump to create a world class finance organization to support the campaign in the General Election,” Mnuchin said in a statement.

Mnuchin was seen arriving at Trump Tower on Monday. This time however unlike during the campaign trail Mnuchin declined to comment about his possible role. When he was Asked by reporters why he was there, he said, “I’m here just helping with the transition this week. A lot of work to do.”

In addition to that, Trump held a meeting with Goldman Sach’s president Gary Cohn Tuesday, this is really starting to look like he is filling the swamp not draining it.







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Green Party Opposes Jill Stein’s Recount Effort — Including Her Own Campaign’s Senior Advisor

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Over 200 Green Party leaders have signed a statement opposing Jill Stein’s recount effort, including her own campaign’s senior advisor. The statement was also shared by her 2016 vice presidential candidate, human rights activist Ajamu Baraka.


The statement was written by several members of the party and posted to the website of Maryland’s Green Party Senate candidate Margaret Flowers. The letter to the public strongly condemns Stein’s decision and acknowledges that it has created confusion about the relationship between their party and the Democratic Party.

The statement says that “as a candidate, Dr. Stein has the right to call for a recount. However, we urge the GPUS to distance itself from any appearance of support for either Democrats or Republicans. We are well aware of the undemocratic actions taken during the primaries by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Greens cannot be perceived to be allied with such a party.”

“The decision to pursue a recount was not made in a democratic or a strategic way, nor did it respect the established decision making processes and structures of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS). The recount has created confusion about the relationship between the Green and Democratic parties because the states chosen for the recount are only states in which Hillary Clinton lost,” the statement reads. “There were close races in other states such as New Hampshire and Minnesota where Clinton won, but which were not part of the recount.”

The attempt at distancing the party from Stein’s effort was signed by Green national co-chairs, members of national committees, former presidential and vice presidential candidates, multiple Stein campaign staffers, and others. One notable co-signer is Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer prize winning journalist who left the New York Times over the Iraq War and actively campaigned for Stein throughout the election season.

We spoke to Kevin Zeese, senior advisor of the Stein campaign, to gain more insight on how the party feels about the issue.

“From a Green perspective, we do not want to be on the side of Hillary Clinton or the Democrats — we are independent of both corrupt parties,” Zeese told We Are Change.

Zeese explained that Stein is still respected in the party, but many are unhappy about her post-election antics.

“This not intended to be a ‘throw Jill under the bus’ move. We respect her, know how hard she worked and know this is not a fundraising scam but is coming from someone who believes in election integrity,” he said.

We asked about the rumors flooding social media about who is funding the campaign, and Zeese asserted that “while it is not Green grassroots, it does seem to be Democratic grassroots.”

“While we do not know who is donating, we do know she has received 140,000 donations at an average of $45 each. There has been a tiny number of donations over $1,000,” he said. “We also know that Dem groups MoveOn and DFA put out fundraising appeals to their massive lists.”

“So, while it is not Green grassroots, it does seem to be Democratic grassroots.”

Zeese explained that Stein is more of a political activist than a candidate, and that her candidacy comes out of her activism. “She practiced medicine until she realized that she was treating people from illnesses that could easily be prevented if we had a government that cared about people’s health. So, she stopped practicing and became an activist.”

While Zeese acknowledges that the optics of what she is doing is bad, he does support one aspect of her recount effort — the demand for a hand count of paper ballots to compare to what the machine recorded.

“Recounts can be very interesting and are definitely useful. When counts are done on machines there should be an automatic audit which requires a percentage of ballots being hand counted,” he said. “Voting machines without an independent paper ballot should be banned. That is the problem in Pennsylvania, there is no paper to compare the machines to.”

“Hacking a voting machine can leave no fingerprints. Put in software, it sleeps till election day, does its dirty work, then destroys itself,” he continued, noting that he believes machines are completely untrustworthy as they are unverifiable.

Zeese, like Stein, is passionate about fair elections and previously ran TrueVoteMD, which lead a fight to rid the state of Maryland of paperless voting machines. The effort was successful, and now the state uses paper ballots which are read and counted by a machine.

Still, Zeese disagrees with the effort overall and is concerned about the issues that Stein is choosing to raise. He explained that some of the signers, himself included, are particularly upset about the “foreign agents” arguments that she has used in the petitions that she has filed.

“That upsets a lot of us. One thing the US does not need is more anti-Russia propaganda,” Zeese said. “That is one of best hopes from Trump – -he might de-escalate conflict with Russia.”

As we previously reported, Stein has even been getting roasted by her own supporters on social media over the recount campaign.

“She is serious about creating a decent democracy. We just think this was a mistake, especially how it was handled and framed,” he said. “We want people to know the Greens are not Democrats-lite, in fact we are the opposite of the Democrats on almost everything.”

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German intel officer ‘arrested over Islamist plot’, ignites fears spy agency has been infiltrated

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COLOGNE, GERMANY (WeAreChange) — A German intelligence officer has reportedly been arrested over a suspected Islamist plot to bomb his agency’s headquarters in Cologne sparking fears that the agency may be infiltrated.

According to German news source Der Spiegel, the 51 year old partially admitted to the plot.

The suspect attempted to reveal “sensitive information about the BfV (Germany’s domestic security agency), which could lead to a threat to the office”, an official told the newspaper.

“He is accused of making Islamist remarks online under a false name, and offering internal information during chats,” a BfV spokeswoman told AFP.

Since April, the suspect has allegedly been engaged in gathering intelligence on the Islamist scene in Germany, Der Spiegel said.

Online chats have been found in which it will be alleged the suspect attempted to recruit fellow Islamists to the intelligence agency to plot an attack on “non-believers”.

The man’s family reportedly said they knew nothing of his Islamic beliefs.

Germany has been on high alert following a spate of attacks over the summer.

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BREAKING: ISIS Claims Responsibility for Ohio State University Stabbing Spree

We Are Change

COLUMBUS, OH (WeAreChange) — The Islamic State (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for Monday’s stabbing spree at the Ohio State University which left 11 injured. The terrorist was fatally shot by police.

ISIS called the attacker, a 20-year-old Somali refugee, Abdul Razak Ali Artan its “soldier” in an update posted on Amaq News, the terror group’s official propaganda channel.

At this point in time, it is unclear as to whether Artan was in direct communication with the terror group before carrying out his gruesome attack on the students. However, Artan’s attack comes under the “lone wolf” category where an isolated terrorist, radicalized by hard-core Islamic propaganda, carries out the mandates of  jihad.

Authorities believe Artan was inspired by deceased Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, citing a Facebook post Artan made Monday. Also, ISIS’s recent calls to war against the West – using knives and vehicles – more than likely played a key factor in Artan’s bloody rampage.

The disgruntled Ohio State student used his car to ram into pedestrians on campus Monday morning before drawing a large butcher’s knife and mercilessly stabbing students. At least 11 people were hospitalized as a result of the attack.

In a chilling Facebook post shortly before the rampage, the Somali immigrant urged America “to stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah,” a term for Muslim people at large.
“By Allah, we will not let you sleep unless you give peace to the Muslims,” he wrote. “You will not celebrate or enjoy any holiday.”
In related news, thousands of documents which detail planned terror plots and ISIS intelligence have been uncovered in Syria. The documents “reveal thousands of plots to attack Europe and other parts of the world.”

More to follow

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