Saturday, December 31, 2016

Breaking: NBC News Shuts Down Breaking News

We Are Change

At midnight Eastern time, NBC News pulled the plug on, one of the most visited websites in the world for breaking news. Breaking News had more than 3 million likes on Facebook, 9 million Twitter followers, and will be missed by many journalists.

NBC News Shuts Down Breaking News

On December 13th, the editors of Breaking News unexpectedly announced that NBC News had decided to shut down their website.

“This is breaking news we hoped we’d never have to report. Our parent company, NBC News, has decided to shut down the Breaking News service at the end of the year. and the Breaking News app stopped providing updates and alerts on Dec. 31.” – The Breaking News team

NBC News said the decision came down to revenue.

“Unfortunately, despite its consumer appeal, Breaking News has not been able to generate enough revenue to sustain itself,” explained Nick Ascheim, the senior vice president of digital for NBC News, in a letter to the Breaking News staff.

“We have therefore made the hard decision to close its operations so that we can re-invest that funding into NBC News’ core digital products to help us achieve our ambitious goals for those businesses.”

The extremely-talented team is now looking for work, and they’ve asked that we please share this article to help!

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Turkish Jets Reportedly Transfer ‘Rebels’ From Syria To Yemen

We Are Change

Article via Geopolitics Alert

Daesh Terrorists Arriving To Yemen Via Turkish Jets?

According to Houthi news agency, al Masirah, Turkish planes landed in Yemen today to unload Takfiri rebels from the recently liberated city of Aleppo and to transport injured Saudi mercenaries back to Turkey for treatment.

The Yemeni Security Forces are reporting that 150 “Daesh terrorists” arrived in Aden via a Turkish jet under the supervision of UAE forces who currently occupy the port city. The United Arab Emirates have a vested interest in controlling the port of Aden and its coastline due to trade routes.

The source also mentions that after dropping off the rebels from Aleppo, the plane was refilled with injured Saudi mercenaries and transported back to Turkish hospitals for treatment.

On one hand, other than an unnamed source, there isn’t much concrete evidence to back up the claims. Despite one photo from PressTV.

However, for anyone following geopolitical events, these allegations don’t seem far-fetched at all. Not to mention there aren’t exactly many journalists reporting on the ground in Yemen.

For one thing the al-Qaeda and ISIS fighters in Yemen have to be coming from somewhere; and al-Qaeda does have a long history in Yemen dating back to the days of the Soviet Union. As the war currently stands, al-Qaeda currently controls territory smack in the middle of territory controlled by the Saudi-backed coalition.

We also know that Saudi Arabia has recently admitted that over 2,000 of their citizens are fighting abroad as mercenaries with terror organizations: 1,540 in Syria and 147 in Yemen.

As the “rebels” lost in Aleppo, buses transported them to the town of Idlib along the Turkish border. Turkey is known for holding training camps and first aid classes for “rebels.” So it isn’t too far-fetched to suspect that fighters leaving Aleppo were bused into Turkey, put onto a plane, and flown into Aden.

Also, for the past few days, Saudi Arabia has been bombarding Yemen with an intense air strike offensive– which made it clear that they were preparing to intensify offensives on the ground as well. First the air strikes– then the fighters.

This article first appeared on and was authored by Randi Nord.

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The US Government Can Legally Access Your Facebook Data

We Are Change

Article via The Anti-Media

Government Requestin’ Access To Your Facebook Data?

The end of the year is approaching, and data concerning government abuses of power has begun pouring in.

According to Facebook’s Global Government Requests Report, government’s requests for Facebook account data rose 27 percent in the first half of 2016.

Facebook’s official announcement explained that requests for user data went from 46,710 in the last half of 2015 to 59,229 in the first half of 2016. At least 56 percent of these requests, Facebook added, “contained a non-disclosure order that prohibited us from notifying the user.

Law enforcement agencies from across the globe, Facebook continued, often send restriction requests demanding Facebook remove content from its forums. Fortunately, these requests dropped substantially this year, from 55,827 in the last half of 2015 to 9,663 in 2016 — an 87 percent drop. Most of the 2015 requests revolved aroundFrench content restrictions of a single image from the November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks.”

Additionally, Facebook used its report to disclose for the first time what the company does when law enforcement agencies request “snapshots” of a user account that might be relevant to law enforcement for undisclosed reasons.

These “preservation requests,” as they are known, are requests to “preserve data pending receipt of formal legal process.” They are often processed by the social media website as snapshots, which are preserved temporarily.

According to Facebook, the company does notdisclose any of the preserved records unless and until we receive formal and valid legal process.” In the first half of 2016, Facebook received 38,675 preservation requests regarding 67,129 accounts, a staggering number of requests.

Further, Facebook insisted it does not give law enforcement any “back doors” to user information. Adding that requests are only fulfilled if they meet legal requirements or “legal sufficiency,” as Facebook puts it, they claim to “apply a rigorous approach to every government request [they] receive to protect the information of the people who use [their] services,” the company added. But this rigorous approach is not rigorous enough if “reforms” designed to avoid privacy overreach in America simply don’t go far enough.

Take the USA Freedom Act, for instance. The 2015 law was once supported by libertarian-leaning congressmen like Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI). Later, however, Amash criticized the bill after changes giving government more power were adopted.

Mentioning the new rule by name, Facebook added that “as a result of transparency reforms introduced this year by the USA Freedom Act, our report also contains additional information concerning National Security Letters (NSLs).” NSLs are “extraordinary search procedures” that give the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the power to “compel the disclosure of customer records held by banks, telephone companies, Internet Service Providers, and others.” They are extraordinary because detailed information can be surrendered without proper oversight, an issue that has led to countless cases of abuse.

While NSLs are still being implemented, the gag order related to the procedure has changed. Now, “the government goes to court to justify the gag order only if an NSL recipient notifies the FBI of its desire for judicial review in the first place.” While the government bears “the burden of immediately going to court and proving its necessity,” NSLs give the FBI the power to bypass this important step.

Explaining that “the government lifted a gag requirement on one NSL issued in the second half of 2015,” the company decided to publish it. It’s unclear sure how many other NSLs Facebook has received.

Facebook may promise to “apply a rigorous approach to every government request” that comes its way, but rigor may only be practiced within the boundaries of U.S. law. If the law fails to protect the user’s privacy by allowing agencies to use “extraordinary” procedures, your data is never protected, no matter how well-meaning companies like Facebook claim to be.

According to Facebook, other government requests concerning “imminent risk of serious injury or death” are also granted on a regular basis. At least 3,016 of these requests were made in the first half of 2016. They targeted 4,192 accounts.

Search warrants were produced in only 13,742 cases of request for data while only 781 others were backed by court orders.

This article (US Government Can Legally Access Your Facebook Data — and Now We Know How) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Alice Salles and Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11 pm Eastern/8 pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, please email the error and name of the article to

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EXPOSED: Snopes’s Lack of Journalist Integrity and Its Assault on WeAreChange

We Are Change

We Are Change was recently the subject of a Snopes hit piece, which was used to justify the idea that alternative media are wrong to be concerned about certain provisions within the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act—which President Obama covertly signed into law over the Christmas holiday.

First of all, Snopes referred to We Are Change as one of numerous “small web outlets” that dared to question the latest NDAA. They failed to acknowledge the fact that between website visits, YouTube views and social media reach, WRC reaches millions of people each month. Our website features stories with exclusive interviews and authoritative sources, proving that We Are Change is made up of a team that does its research—unlike Snopes.

What Snopes did next is what they have been doing for years: cherry picking information and failing to cite the full information and its sources, which just so happens to be a section of the bill itself and a senator and U.S. representative. Really?

While Snopes was correct when it noted that the website has a reputation for posting unreliable content, they were wrong to include We Are Change in the same group.

In the article quoted by Snopes, which was one I wrote on Dec. 24, they pulled the following:

“This bill will “Criminalize ‘Fake News, Propaganda’ on the Web,” a key piece of legislation meant to crack down on free speech and independent media. In Layman’s terms, the act will allow the government to crack down with impunity against any media outlet it deems “propaganda.” The next piece of the legislation will provide substantial amounts of money to fund “counter propaganda,” to make sure the government’s approved stories drown out alternative media and journalists who question the status quo.

What does that mean for you if you are an independent journalist or blogger? … it means that for simply writing this and asking questions and pointing out that Obama always signs these bills around the holidays like I did in this poem, if I am accused of “fake news” or propaganda, I could face criminal charges.”

The problem is that when they cited my work, they failed to cite the link that was embedded in the text: “Criminalize ‘Fake News, Propaganda’ on the Web.”

This article was written by our intrepid reporter Cassandra Fairbanks and was subsequently the background to the claims I made in my own article. The claims made were from the bill itself, and the story included direct quotes from U.S. Rep Justin Amash and an aide to Sen. Rand Paul:

Under “Title V—Matters relating to foreign countries,” the bill seeks to “counter active measures by Russia to exert covert influence … carried out in coordination with, or at the behest of, political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian Federation has been hidden or not acknowledged publicly.”

It lists media manipulation as: Establishment or funding of a front group. Covert broadcasting. Media manipulation. Disinformation and forgeries. Funding agents of influence. Incitement and offensive counterintelligence. Assassinations. Terrorist acts.”
“The frightening attack on speech and independent media was opposed by only 30 members of the House, including Tulsi Gabbard, Thomas Massie, and Justin Amash — who stated that he fought against it.”

“As long as the government engages in intelligence activities that violate our rights secured by our Constitution, any Intel Authorization bill should be opposed,” Justin Amash told Sputnik News.

The bill must now pass through Senate, though a senior Rand Paul aide has told Sputnik News that the Senator is currently holding the intelligence bill for several reasons — and that they are looking at this specific issue very closely.

Further, Snopes failed to mention that the egregious “Russian propaganda” list released by the Washington Post was released two days later after this bill was drafted in the senate. Zerohedge noted the conspicuous timing.

The claim that this list is reliable has since been retracted by the Washington Post because the website PropOrNot, which compiled a list of over 200 websites that allegedly spread Russian propaganda, provided no proof to to back up the creation of their list.

PropOrNot is also the same website that was connected to Ukraine when they tweeted out a video of the 1940s Ukrainian fascist “Heroiam Slava!” salute.

PropOrNot’s list included We Are Change, and a number of other significant alternative media outlets. So yes, Snopes, that’s how the signing of this bill threatened alternative media. Because we were all already previously ill-labeled “Russian Propaganda” otherwise known as “foreign propaganda.”

The section of the Snopes article that mentions “foreign propaganda,” failed to acknowledge the fact that any media outlet can be egregiously labeled “foreign propaganda” and punished accordingly.

“While both contained provisions related to foreign propaganda, only one, the NDAA, was signed into law before Christmas 2016. It contained a section (originally introduced as separate legislation called the Counter Disinformation and Anti-Propaganda Act)”

It is also important to note that Snopes published the article in question under their “staff” account so that no one person could be legally liable for the content.

What does this expose?

It exposes that Snopes A.) selectively cherry picks facts at their own leisure to support their bias, or B.) does poor research, or C.) all of the above.

The next part they sourced exposes the latter as they forgot an entire paragraph and did what’s known as splicing to fit your narrative.

“What does that mean for you if you are an independent journalist or blogger? … it means that for simply writing this and asking questions and pointing out that Obama always signs these bills around the holidays like I did in this poem, if I am accused of “fake news” or propaganda, I could face criminal charges.”

The paragraph that they forgot before this one is the well-sourced proof that Obama has previously signed NDAA legislation with bundled bills before around Christmas and New Years.

“This is not the first time that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was used to disguise a piece of legislation. Back in 2012, Obama signed a law that allowed for the “indefinite detention of American citizens” without a judge or jury. Then in 2013, Obama signed an NDAA bill that packaged an end to the Smith-Mundit act that prevented the government from using propaganda against its own citizens enabling the government again to legally produce propaganda.”

So the original article looked like this..

Late Friday night, while Americans were distracted by the holidays, President Obama quietly signed the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act into law, which authorizes a military spending budget of $611 billion, and includes the dangerous Counter Disinformation and Anti-Propaganda Act.
This bill, as we reportedly previously, will “Criminalize ‘Fake News, Propaganda’ on the Web,” a key piece of legislation meant to crack down on free speech and independent media. In Layman’s terms, the act will allow the government to crack down with impunity against any media outlet it deems “propaganda.” The next piece of the legislation will provide substantial amounts of money to fund “counter propaganda,” to make sure the government’s approved stories drown out alternative media and journalists who question the status quo.
The “right to free speech and freedom of the press,” is guaranteed by the First Amendment to The U.S. Constitution. It is a foundation of American values, put in place by our Founding Fathers to protect our liberties, is now being endangered by this new law.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
“The liberty of the press is essential to the security of freedom in a state: it ought not, therefore, to be restrained in this commonwealth.”
This is not the first time that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was used to disguise a piece of legislation. Back in 2012, Obama signed a law that allowed for the “indefinite detention of American citizens” without a judge or jury. Then in 2013, Obama signed an NDAA bill that packaged an end to the Smith-Mundit act that prevented the government from using propaganda against its own citizens enabling the government again to legally produce propaganda.
What does that mean for you if you are an independent journalist or blogger? You can read more here, but it means that for simply writing this and asking questions and pointing out that Obama always signs these bills around the holidays like I did in this poem, if I am accused of “fake news” or propaganda, I could face criminal charges.
In other words the stage is now set for the U.S. government to legally crack down on every media outlet that the they deem to be “foreign propaganda.” The ministry of truth is setup. Welcome to 1984.

Remember, these are the same people that Facebook wants running the “ministry of truth.” They are the same people who want to selectively cherry pick facts to their pleasing, and fail to research deeper by clicking on the source links.

[RELATED: Shady ‘Fact-Checking’ Sources Snopes and Politifact DEBUNKED!]

What is the ultimate solution to combatting fake news? As NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden pointed out, it’s about individuals taking the time to do their own research and to think critically.

Readers should also always remember that fact-checkers and reporters will have some type of bias because they are human and have their own political beliefs. Most cannot distance themselves from these beliefs to report news—this includes Snopes’s political “fact-checker” Kim Lacapria, who is a “failed liberal blogger.”

But it’s not just Lacapria. Almost all of the writers churning out “fact checked” reports for Snopes have a liberal background, and many of them have expressed contempt for Republican voters. The Daily Caller reported that they could not identify a single Snopes fact-checker who comes from a conservative background.

Here at WRC, we try our best to not show any type of political bias in our reporting and to bring you nothing but the facts when reporting news stories. We aren’t funded by big donors like Snopes, and we don’t use our revenue money to defraud our website for hookers like David Mikkelson, the editor of Snopes (allegations of which, came from his ex-wife Barbara).

To Snopes, in the future, if your “staff” is going to take the time to include We Are Change in one of your alleged “fact-checking” missions, at least take the time do your research.

To anyone reading this story who is sick of the methods used by mainstream media outlets like Snopes and  their so-called “fact-checkers,” take the time to plug into alternative media outlets like We Are Change that are willing to research and to question the government’s narrative. Become a member on Patreon today for exclusive content.

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No, Russian Hackers Didn’t Break Into The U.S. Electrical Grid

We Are Change

Article via Antiwar

WAPO Claims Russian Hackers Broke Into Electrical Grid

Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility, showing risk to U.S. electrical grid security, officials say.” That was the headline at the Washington Post for a story which in reality did not involve hacking a utility, risking a grid, or even really Russians, above and beyond the nominal attribution of any malware to Russia these days.

The story stems from a report last night that a single laptop, owned by the Burlington, Vermont power company but not connected to anything, had become infected with malware sort of similar to what targeted the Democrats during the 2016 election campaign. And since we’re blaming Russia for that, we’re blaming Russia for this, by God.

But the laptop wasn’t critical infrastructure, wasn’t connected to anything in the grid, and there’s no evidence the malware did anything to it anyhow. Even putting aside the tenuous Russia link, officials like the Vermont Public Service Commissioner were quick to point out that the grid was not in danger in any way.

The Washington Post, however, hunted for a story, and got Vermont’s Governor Peter Shumlin to condemn Putin as “one of the world’s leading thugs,” and accused him of “attempting to hack our electric grid.” Shumlin and other top Vermont Democrats were only too willing to issue statements based on the Washington Post’s allegations, and the Washington Post was only too willing to keep the echo chamber going.

In the end, the Washington Post kept the false story up, but added an Editor’s Note admitting that there was no indication the grid was penetrated, and noting that the computer was not attached to the grid.

The note was added way at the bottom of the long, hysterical story.

This article first appeared on and was authored by Jason Ditz.

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Saddam Hussein’s CIA Interrogator Says He Tried To Warn Us, But We Didn’t Listen

We Are Change

Article via The Anti-Media

Saddam Hussein’s CIA Interrogator Tells All

After coalition forces captured Saddam Hussein in December 2003, John Nixon, a senior leadership analyst with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 1998 to 2011, interrogated the former Iraqi dictator. The detailed account of this interrogation is now available to the public in the form of a book, Debriefing the President: The Interrogation of Saddam Hussein.

In the publication, Nixon explains that Hussein was out of touch with the military reality of his own country in his final years.

When I interrogated Saddam,” Nixon told Time magazine, “he told me: ‘You are going to fail. You are going to find that it is not so easy to govern Iraq.

As Nixon pressed Saddam to explain why, the captured dictator said Americans would soon learn they “are going to fail in Iraq because [Americans] do not know the language, the history, and [they] do not understand the Arab mind.” To the former CIA agent, Saddam’s warning had a point.

In order to “maintain Iraq’s multi-ethnic state,” Nixon told reporters, the presence of a strongman like Saddam in Iraq was necessary. He added:

Saddam’s leadership style and penchant for brutality were among the many faults of his regime, but he could be ruthlessly decisive when he felt his power base was threatened, and it is far from certain that his regime would have been overthrown by a movement of popular discontent.

Reflecting on what he learned, Nixon told Time it was unlikely that “a group like ISIS would have been able to enjoy the kind of success under his repressive regime that they have had under the Shia-led Baghdad government.” He made the case against the U.S. invasion of Iraq, which led to Saddam’s ultimate fall.

According to Nixon, Saddam added that before his ascension to power, “there was only bickering and arguing [in Iraq]. I ended all that and made people agree!‘” Nixon eventually found he had developed “a grudging respect for how [Saddam] was able to maintain the Iraqi nation as a whole for as long as he did,” despite the CIA officer’s lack of sympathy for the fallen dictator.

To Nixon, Saddam Hussein was certainly a brutal dictator, but he wasn’ton a mission to blow up the world, as George W. Bush’s administration had claimed to justify the invasion.”

While many may argue Nixon’s explanation is rather “simplistic,” it undoubtedly reveals that there’s much more to the stories of how the U.S. government justifies invasions and military involvement abroad than meets the eye. In the specific case of Iraq, anti-intervention activists have been on record for years saying the invasion created a power vacuum, making the rise of ISIS more likely to occur.

As countless Iraq war enablers and supporters in the United States continue to defend their actions and claim Saddam had the will and the means to threaten the world, how this war came to be reality is still often ignored.

As the former CIA agent Nixon publishes Debriefing the President: The Interrogation of Saddam Hussein, Americans are witnessing a fight between competing narratives as they shape the news the country consumes. These narratives could even impact our foreign and domestic policies. And even now, as we hear yet another account of an insider claiming the U.S. invasion of Iraq was unjustified and damaging, it’s incredible to see much of the media still ignoring what non-interventionists have been saying all along.

This article (Saddam Hussein’s CIA Interrogator: He Tried to Warn Us, but We Didn’t Listen) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Alice Salles and Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11 pm Eastern/8 pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, please email the error and name of the article to

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Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017: A Thank You From The Dollar Vigilante

Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017: A Thank You From The Dollar Vigilante

Years are just a number.  As are weeks, days and even time itself… which actually doesn’t really exist.  It’s always now. But we get used to defining moments in terms of time and as such, 2016 was quite the year. Brexit and Trump showed that things are changing.  The mainstream media, or Fake News, as […]

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Media Silent On WRC Journalist Who Applied For Asylum In Russia

We Are Change

She is one of the most accomplished independent New Zealand journalists on the international stage, but most New Zealanders have never heard of her. We Are Change investigative journalist Suzie Dawson is a renowned journalist whose work has been recommended by a Pulitzer Prize winner, Hollywood celebrities and WikiLeaks.

Dawson has written for a number of American and European mainstream and alternative media outlets over the years and her photos, videos and social media commentary has been featured in dozens of others. She is now living in Russia, awaiting a decision on her application for temporary asylum.

Dawson may be the first NZ journalist ever to seek asylum—certainly the first to do so in Russia—yet despite her journalism regularly being shared by countless mainstream and alternative media organizations and public figures like WikiLeaks, Kim Dotcom, Russell Brand, Glenn Greenwald, John Cusack, Roseanne Barr, Bianca Jagger and more, media in New Zealand have so far completely ignored her achievements, her persecution by intelligence agencies opposed to her work and her plea for asylum in Russia. By all appearances, New Zealand media have been complicit in a full blackout on her entire situation.

So why is Dawson seeking asylum? It stems from her fearless approach to journalism; digging as deep as she can and exposing the corruption of her government. Her early interest in the FBI raid on Kim Dotcom and the revelations of the illegal spying on him by the GCSB (New Zealand’s NSA counterpart – one fifth of the ‘Five Eyes’) gave her post-Occupy work a firm focus on the illegal activities of Western intelligence agencies. Her relentless support for WikiLeaks gave her a natural interest in whistleblowers and whistleblowing activities. Because of this, Dawson has etched in her Twitter bio: “Real journalists whistleblow every time they write.”

She has written so much it’s impossible to list it all. Dawson’s “baptism by fire” was as an Occupy Auckland media team member who covered their Occupy events in NZ in 2011.

Whether it was Occupy that first brought her to the attention of the intelligence agencies (which is likely) or her campaign against the GCSB (Dawson was the #1 influencer in a social media campaign against the spy agency that went viral in New Zealand) is yet to be determined. But recent revelations leading to her asylum claim indicate that Suzie Dawson was one of at least 88 New Zealanders who were illegally spied on by the New Zealand spy agencies in conjunction with the NSA when the Kitteridge Report was leaked.

In addition to being spied on, she was also targeted for harassment and sabotage and threatened on numerous occasions, all for simply writing and reporting on suppressed truth. One of Dawson’s media team members at RED confirmed the harassment and threats on Occupy Auckland activists and its media in an interview in November, noting that this could happen to anyone anywhere in the world:

“Personally I was harassed, I would be picked up at will by the police, interrogated, harassed, even when I had my son, which was not very cool, and a few other things as well. Another one of our media team members, she pretty much lost her house, had her dog taken off her and impounded, faced jail time, harassment by the police. Another one of our media team members, he actually identified when we got evicted, the fact that several police officers were wearing the same CIB, which is the police identification badge, and he really pushed this story out along with us. He lost his house, lost his relationship and then was put into a custodial position within a hospital. What I saw with Suzie is that she was targeted, she was followed, she had private investigators coming after her, she was trailed, her communications… the list just goes on and on and on. I remember later on in the piece, there was a huge event, you may or may not remember this, it was called the Moment of Truth. It was run by the Internet Party and Kim Dotcom and basically they were coming out swinging against our current government and the GCSB which is the international spy agency which is part of the Five Eyes and Echelon. Saying that New Zealanders were being spied on illegally. They had Julian Assange speak on livestream and also Edward Snowden. That very night [leading up to the event] Suzie had been really concerned that she was being targeted and harassed so she came and sought refuge with me because it was a safe space. She did an interview that night with Perthtones, [the interview is posted] on another blog, I remember quite clearly that things were going awry and it wasn’t the first time I had seen it. The whole time, during our first few months to a couple of years, that I’d known Suzie, she was never really one to stand up and be like ‘look at me’. She always used to hide from the camera if I was livestreaming, always made me do all the interviews, which I didn’t mind because I loved playing with the mainstream media. This is just how it is. So I’ve never seen her as being a person wanting or seeking attention, it’s just the way that things have come full circle that she’s had to really fight for her freedom. Simple. And she’s had to come out and go ‘I’m here, I’m doing this, I need to be safe,” Red said.

Since she left New Zealand, Dawson has also written an investigative piece exposing the ties of New Zealand Prime Ministers John Key’s ties to the Panama Papers.

Dawson also released an interview with Kim Dotcom who claimed that New Zealand would be rocked by a 2TB leak in 2017, and she recently analyzed the Snowden SIDToday Files. Part One and Part Two of the “hidden gems” discovered by Dawson have been published on We Are Change.


Exclusive Interview with Suzie Dawson below:

While being harassed what happened to you?

“Unfortunately the targeting of me escalated from being followed and spied on 24/7, harassed and constantly interfered with, to receiving death threats, and then in 2014 several actual attempts on my life. That is why I had to leave New Zealand. What happened to me, why, who did it and how is all covered in detail in my documentary ‘Diary of a Person of Interest’ which I released for free on Vimeo and YouTube.”

Why did you choose Russia for asylum?

“The targeting and surveillance of me continued after I left New Zealand and followed me through a host of countries. The harassment and interference didn’t stop until I got out of NATO territories. I didn’t choose Russia for asylum, it was just where I happened to already be when I received answers back to Privacy Act requests I had made of the New Zealand intelligence agencies. The nature and particulars of their responses seemed to dramatically increase the likelihood that I am in fact one of the New Zealand citizens who was illegally spied on by them and whose data was passed to the National Security Agency. This, along with unfolding events in New Zealand (continuing legislative measures in increasing powers for the spy agencies, including the ability to revoke the passports and/or citizenship of targets) led me to believe that it was extremely risky for me to travel. Subsequently, I applied for asylum.”

Did you consider any other countries for asylum?

“My situation was not one where I picked a country for asylum. Circumstances and timing of events outside of my control selected for me. My situation has progressively gotten more and more serious over the course of five years. It has been a slow escalation. Earlier this year, a non-violent, peaceful movement that I have been associated with was branded a threat to national security. In August, TVNZ and The Intercept revealed the name of the first of the 88 people targeted. He was a non-violent democratic activist and his passport was revoked by the government. By the time I received the responses from the spy agencies in September and applied for asylum, my legal advice was that there was a real risk that I may also have my passport cancelled, as had happened to others who have been targeted by the New Zealand and US Governments, and that if it was cancelled, that they would likely wait until I was in transit to do so, leaving me in a legal and physical grey zone. Especially as I have two young children, for us to be effectively stateless and stuck in an airport somewhere would present an unacceptable risk to us. It was on that basis that I claimed asylum.”

What’s your biggest story you have ever written in your opinion?

“It is hard to quantify my ‘biggest’ story. Biggest in terms of reach is probably the handful of stories that WikiLeaks has shared. Each of those are stories that are consequential to that organisation or historically significant in their own right and them sharing my work on each occasion they have, has had a really big impact for me. Biggest in terms of hits was where I revealed that I had been targeted by the FBI agent ‘Sabu’. That article got over 100,000 hits. Biggest in terms of consequence is probably the series of articles I wrote called ‘The Weaponising of Social’ which was an in-depth 4-part investigation comprising over 20,000 words, into the allegations against the tech expert and activist Jacob Applebaum. I was the first to write a long form analysis of the case and my findings caused a huge response in the activism community and particularly among European media outlets, many of whom picked up where I left off and did their own long form investigations into the affair, with similar findings. My biggest pieces in terms of geopolitical consequence would also be the closest to my heart – my pieces “The Desecration of New Zealand” about what has been done to my country by the powers that be, “The Agenda to Destabilise Europe” about the Libyan War creating the refugee crisis and the reasons that powerful American factions want to bring an end to the Schengen Zone, and my most recent long-form opus which is probably the most significant piece I’ve ever written in my opinion, called “Understanding World War III”, an in-depth historical analysis.”

Why did you want to join WRC over joining a mainstream outlet or other alternative media outlet?

“We Are Change are like family to me – like me, WRC’s genesis was in the Occupy movement and many of their writers and founder Luke Rudkowski are former Occupiers. I can’t think of any outlet better suited to me in terms of where we’ve come from, our relentless thirst for truth, belief in the power and importance of independent media and our methods of dissemination. I am extremely proud to be working with you guys.”

If accepted into the Russian asylum what does that mean for you? 

“If I am granted temporary asylum it means that I will be able to work and earn money legally in Russia, which I presently cannot. It means we will legally be able to reside here and my children will be able to go to school. It will give us a chance at resuming a semblance of a normal life. That was ripped from us by the NZ and US government and at the present moment we are still in limbo.”

What’s your advice to others in NZ and elsewhere in the U.S. being targeted and harassed be it direct energy weapons or physically having things happen to them like their homes broken into, tires sliced etc?

“My advice to other targets is to be really up front about what is happening to you, be open about it, be public about it and be visible. And ask for help. Resist becoming angry or aggressive in response to the attacks on you. Resist becoming isolated, let the general public be aware of what is happening and why (if you know why). I think the first years in which I worked anonymously online provided a cover for the people who were hurting me. It is a lot harder for them to persecute you once you are in the public eye. Obviously, it won’t stop them entirely – Julian Assange being the classic example. He is being tortured to death in front of our eyes and not enough is being done about that. But he is also achieving incredible advances in human social evolution and in the information sciences and historically that has always come at a price for those with the courage to push humanity forward in a better direction.”

You told me before that they canceled your creditcards/debit cards this is something that several sources of mine have alleged over the years as being a harassment technique for targeting individuals. How did you work your way around this?

“My cards would be canceled almost constantly. I was stranded with no access to funds several times. Each time, my bank claimed that it was an algorithm doing it and that it was a consequence of the “anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism act” that had been instituted in New Zealand and many Western countries in the wake of 9/11. Needless to say, I am neither a money launderer nor a financier of terrorism and of course, we now know that it is the United States themselves who have been funding and arming terrorists, without any apparent sanctions being applied to them for it. It seems that the anti-terrorism legislation, like anti-terrorism resources, have been used to suppress dissent and to target activists and journalists more so than to stop actual terrorism, which is clearly being fuelled by the support of major states such as the USA and other NATO factions. Since I have applied for asylum, the interference with my bank accounts has stopped. Which again seems to indicate that once light is shed on the perpetrators, it becomes much more difficult for them to harass us under these false pretexts.”

What’s is it like as a New Zealander living in Russia?

“The reaction of local people here when I tell them we are from New Zealand is overwhelmingly positive. New Zealand was a politically independent country for many decades and comparatively few people know the extent to which it was utterly subjugated by the United States economically, politically, environmentally and militarily in the period 2008 – 2016. So it still enjoys a really good international reputation, probably better than it deserves. Russia itself is phenomenal and nothing like I ever heard or expected. In the West we are taught all kinds of horrible things about Russia that simply don’t add up once you experience it in person. Moscow in particular is cultured, well developed, enormous, friendly, and very safe by comparison to the streets of Auckland where I am from. The food is incredible. The people are wholesome, cultured and subtle in their nuances and I am really enjoying learning Russian language.”

What’s it like living the real life movie of the “Enemy Of The State?”

“The ‘Enemy of the State’ analogy is a good one. When I watched the movie I thought it was just a great yarn. A fairy tale. I didn’t realise how many of the methods of oppression depicted in the movie were in fact ‘tools of the trade’ employed by intelligence agencies against targets in real life. The truth is, it is scary. It is daunting. It is oppressive. You feel like you may never escape it. You become conditioned to it. You become extremely disillusioned about the state of the world and the state of humanity, that such things can be done to suburban housewives rather than murderers or rapists or actual terrorists. But ultimately, every Empire that has employed such systems of oppression have fallen and fallen hard. This kind of tyranny is not sustainable forever. I once wrote that “it is from within the ranks of the system itself that we shall be emancipated” and whistleblowers like Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden and others yet to come, are the proof of that. Those within the system itself, do not approve of what they see the system is doing to us and are acting on their conscience. The current global balance of power will change and the oppressors will become the oppressed. That is karma. As it comes, so it goes. There will be an accounting.”

WikiLeaks has been a huge proponent of your journalism constantly sharing your work have you sought any advice from them or asked for help from them to spread your own story?

“Because of being targeted by the same powers who I write about, my story became inseparable from my reporting, and WikiLeaks’ sharing of my work dates back years. So in this way, by amplifying my work, they have already been sharing my story. Had they not given me the visibility they did, I may never have made it out of New Zealand at all. For that I credit them with our lives. There is much talk of whether WikiLeaks endangers lives but very little talk of the lives that they save. In my opinion, WikiLeaks are life-savers. I did apply to Courage, but Courage is a tiny organisation with nowhere near enough resources or funding and we are all to blame for that. Ultimately if people want to see me or others like me getting support from Courage, they will have to step up and support Courage. Courage are currently doing a donations drive for core funding that is desperately needed – anyone that is reading this who is willing to make a contribution can do so here.”

Do you have anybody you would like to thank for supporting you all these years?

“It’s a big ask to say to people “hey, there are billion-dollar agencies trying to destroy my life” and expect them to leap up and help you. But I have been really impressed and surprised by how many people have done exactly that. So I would like to thank everyone who has been brave enough to acknowledge my situation, to read and share my work, to give me the platform and visibility that I need in order to make these agencies think twice about what they’re doing to me, and to make me significant enough that I have a chance at protection and sanctuary. Many targets of these agencies never get that chance. They are quietly killed and no one ever knows any different. They count on being able to operate under cover. The more light that is shined directly on me, the better chance I have at surviving to continue telling truth, serving the interests of everyday people in my country and still being here for my family.”

Thank you Suzie for doing this interview and we wish you the best. Thank you for being a part of We Are Change. 

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8 Pasos para vender a través de vídeos No importa a qué industria pertenezca, si estas vendiendo un producto online o físico, aquí lo más importante es vender y no hay mejor forma que hacerlo a través de vídeos. ***LEER MAS:*** Gracias por suscribirte a mi canal: **************************************************************** ▼¿Deseas tener una mejor presencia online? ➜ ▼Cuéntame tu Historia a través de Vídeos ➜ ▼ ¿Ya te suscribiste a mi canal? ➜ ▼ ¿Ya estamos conectados en las Redes Sociales? Linkedin- Twitter - Facebook - Google Plus - - Instagram - Pinterest - ****************************************************************
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Mi experiencia en Argentina

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We Are Change

As 2016 comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to look back at some of the highlights from the year:

5. SURVIVING Economic Collapse and Cashless Society in India – Luke Rudkowski traveled to India in November, just as the country’s government enforced its latest currency reset. In this video, he gives an in-depth look into what living in a “cashless society” was like on the ground in Goa.


4. Violent Arrests And Injuries At The RNC During Flag Burning – We Are Change was on the ground in Cleveland for the 2016 Republican National Convention in July, covering the chaos that ensued when a Communist group began burning the American flag during a protest.


3. What Hillary Clinton Did To Haiti Will Scare You To Not Vote For Her – We Are Change was also on the ground in Philadelphia for the 2016 Democratic National Convention, where one of the most interesting stories came from Joseph Mathieu, a Haitian-American activist who explained why the Haitian community is furious with the Clintons.


2. What We Saw At The Most Intense Donald Trump Rally – The majority of the protests We Are Change covered in 2016 surrounded the election of one man: Donald Trump. In this video, Luke Rudkowski travelled to San Diego to give a behind-the-scenes look at the intense, chaotic scene surrounding a Trump rally in May.


1. You Won’t Believe What We Saw In Socialist Venezuela – Coming in at #1 on the countdown, Luke Rudkowski traveled to Caracas, Venezuela, with The Dollar Vigilante Jeff Berwick, where they discussed the state of socialism in Venezuela, and gave a complete social and economic breakdown of the situation on the ground in Caracas.

2016 has been a crazy year with some incredible adventures! Thank you to all of you who came along for the ride, and supported We Are Change along the way. See you in 2017!

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Friday, December 30, 2016

California “Bill of Rights for Children” Legalizes Government Kidnapping

We Are Change

California Senator Richard Pan has decided to finally deal with the issue of systematic child abuse by the government in his new “bill of rights for children.”

Well, at least it would do that if he cared about the well-being of children.

The bill, S.B. 18, would codify the Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in California. It’s a mixture of double speak and unrealistic aspirations that could allow for the infinite growth of government.

The bill was introduced this month by Richard Pan, the pediatrician and state senator who sponsored the 2015 law that eliminated “personal belief” exemptions from state immunization requirements for children enrolled in school or day care.

Though the bill is a whopping one page, every detail is so obscure that it can allow for the creation of hundreds of government programs that will help “promote the well-being of children.”

Rather than summarize someone else’s summary of the article – as most news outlets do – I’ll be directly quoting the bill.

For the sake of providing a clean article that’s highly referenced but free from 600 hyperlinks, all sources can be found here.

The Bill

“SB 18, as introduced, Pan. Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in California.

Existing law provides for the care and welfare of children and youth in various contexts, including, but not limited to, child welfare services, foster care, health care, nutrition, homeless assistance, and education.”

I’m glad Richard decided to start off with the government programs which already exist. As I wrote about in my book Legally Kidnapped: The Case Against Child Protective Services, the governments promotion of child welfare through foster care, healthcare, and education has been abysmal.

Here’s just one example: foster kids are 7-8 times more likely to be abused than normal children, nearly half will end up homeless, they are 3 times more likely to be put on psychotropic drugs, seven times more likely to develop an eating disorder, more likely to have PTSD than veterans of war and less likely to recover from that PTSD, more likely to become pregnant as a teenager,  20% more likely to be arrested, and are 6 times more likely to die than if they stayed in an abusive household.

So, if Richard wants to use the state’s great track record of “taking care of foster children” as an example, we have a lot to be worried about.

Getting back to the bill


  • The Legislature finds and declares that all children and youth, regardless of gender, class, race, ethnicity, national origin, culture, religion, immigration status, sexual orientation, or ability, have inherent rights that entitle them to protection, special care, and assistance, including, but not limited to, the following:
  • The right to parents, guardians, or caregivers who act in their best interest.
  • The right to form healthy attachments with adults responsible for their care and well-being.”

Well, that’s ominous. According to the government, in order to ensure “healthy attachments with adults”, they’ve placed over 400,000 children in Child Protective Services care in the United States.

As shown by the statistics above, these children are regularly beaten, drugged, and sexually molested. Worst of all, a good number of these children are stripped from homes because the parents smoke marijuana, leave their kids outside, or home school their children.

“(3) The right to live in a safe and healthy environment.

(4) The right to social and emotional well-being.

(5) The right to opportunities to attain optimal cognitive, physical, and social development.”

I do wonder how public education has provided for emotional and social well-being of children. As psychologist Peter Gray put it:

“ If freedom, personal responsibility, self-initiative, honesty, integrity, and concern for others rank high in your system of values, and if they represent characteristics you would like to see in your children, then you will want to be a trustful parent. None of these can be taught by lecturing, coercion, or coaxing. They are acquired or lost through daily life experiences that reinforce or suppress them. You can help your children build these values by living them yourself and applying them in your relationship with your children. Trust promotes trustworthiness. Self-initiative and all of the traits that depend on self-initiative can develop only under conditions of freedom. “

School is more analogous to prison than an environment which promotes individuality, integrity, or self-guided learning.

Much like in prison, those who do not fall in line are punished. Sadly, often that means feeding children psychiatric medication.

Take a look at those numbers. Really take them in.

Do 100,000 children 0-5 years old need antidepressants?

Do 8 million children need psychotropic medication?

Do we want to take advice from a government that not only allows for this but subsides it?

Is this what the government means by “opportunities to attain optimal cognitive, physical, and social development?”

Going back to the bill

“(6) The right to appropriate, quality education and life skills leading to self-sufficiency in adulthood.”

In order to not repeat myself, I’m going to put together the above portion of the bill with this other portion:

“(b) Determine the amount of revenue and resources necessary to ensure that the Bill of Rights for Children and Youth of California, in its totality, is applied evenly, equitably, and appropriately to all children and youth across the state.

(c) Identify and obtain the revenue and resources necessary to ensure that the Bill of Rights for Children and Youth of California, in its totality, is applied evenly, equitably, and appropriately to all children and youth across the state.”

Alright, let’s talk about revenue, funding, and education. Though there’s a perpetual myth that public schools are underfunded, that’s been disproved time and time again . Moreover, no amount of extra funding seems to help the situation.


There is no correlation between an increase in school funding and positive educational results.

Also, when it comes to determining the amount of “revenue and resources” to cover government projects, the California government is one of the least fiscally responsible states in the USA. Even though they have the highest GDP of any state in the union – while also having some of the highest taxes in  the USA – they remain 443 billion dollars in debt.

So, are we really going to look to the California government to be economically responsible?

In conclusion

C.S. Lewis brilliantly summarizes the deep seeded issue with these well-intentioned government programs:

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

We have centuries of evidence showing that government fails to provide the necessary resources to provide for a prosperous, creative, and individualistic society. Because all you need for that is the government to get out of the way. Though as nice sounding as it is, the California Bill of Rights for Children could do more damage than a large fleet of angel dust dosed motorcycle riding parents on a crusade to drug kids.

Carlos Morales is a former Child Protective Services investigator, author of Legally Kidnapped: The Case Against Child Protective Services, the host of the Think About Now Podcast,and a committed legal advocate for family reunification.

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Talking Points Memo Founder and Editor Accidentally Tweets Porn

We Are Change

Liberal Polk Award-winning journalist Joshua Marshall, who founded Talking Points Memo, accidentally tweeted porn on Friday evening.

There is really only one thing to say about this:


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VIDEO: Why The Media Spreads FAKE NEWS To Protect The U.S. Government

We Are Change

“Fake news” is the latest triggered term taking the internet, the media and the U.S. government by storm. In order to truly understand what fake news is, and how it is used as a distraction by the mainstream media, let’s take a look at the stories that have dominated headlines this week:

“Regrettably, some seem to believe that the U.S. friendship means that the U.S. must accept any policy, regardless of our own interests, our own positions, our own words, our own principles, even after urging again and again that the policy must change,” Secretary of State John Kerry said. “Friends need to tell each other the hard truths. And friendships require mutual respect.”

Kerry held a press conference Wednesday to respond to outrage over the United States’ decision to abstain from voting on a United Nations resolution to condemn Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian territories.

The decision was “real news,” as the Obama Administration typically supports Israel, even when it is the only nation on the UN Security Council lending its support. Kerry detailed the departure, noting that while everyone expects the U.S. to stand with Israel, it must also stand up for its own values.

“Israel’s permanent representative to the United Nations who does not support a two-state solution said after the vote last week, ‘it was to be expected that Israel’s greatest ally will act in accordance with the values that we share and veto this resolution,'” Kerry said. “I am compelled to respond today that the United States did, in fact, vote in accordance with our values.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was quick to condemn Kerry’s speech, going as far as to say that he “paid lip service to the unremitting Palestinian campaign of terrorism” against Israel. Netanyahu made it clear that he did not approve of Kerry’s speech, and was not happy with the Obama administration.

So, where does fake news come into play? It was no surprise that this resolution sparked rumors of tension between the U.S. and Israel that radiated throughout the mainstream media.

What did come as a surprise were the accusations that the resolution against Israel was created by the Obama administration. Multiple spokesmen for Netanyahu claimed that Israel had “hard evidence” proving the U.S. was behind the resolution. Instead of giving the public concrete information, they said Israel would give the details to President-elect Trump when he takes office.

The important thing to remember here is that while Israel is acting as if Obama is against the country, it was just three months ago that signed off on the largest military assistance deal in U.S. history, which will give Israel $38 BILLION over the next 10 years. This serves as a reminder that not only does Obama support Israel, but he supports the country more than any other president has in U.S. History.

Nevertheless, the White House announced on Thursday that the U.S. will continue its tradition of vetoing any future UN resolutions that are remotely critical of Israel.

But the thing is… the Obama administration is not particularly proud of the fact that it consented to Israel’s demands, and it’s also not happy about the reports that have been coming out of Syria. From reports of mass graves filled with tortured civilians found in eastern Aleppo on Wednesday, to reports of U.S.-made weapons left behind by the militant groups on Thursday, it undermines Obama’s entire foreign policy strategy in the Middle East.

If the mainstream media were honest and had the best interest of the public in mind, you would be seeing reports on these stories. Instead, the reports you’re seeing are the ones the U.S. government would prefer, and alleged Russian election hacking made its return to the headlines once again to serve as the perfect distraction!

The White House announced Thursday that because of Russia’s alleged “Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities,” the U.S. is sanctioning “four Russian individuals and five Russian entities” and it has “ordered 35 Russian diplomats to leave the country and two Russian compounds are being closed.”

The main problem is that even with the release of a 13-page report from the FBI and DHS on the hacks, it still does not provide any concrete evidence. Security experts claimed that “the document provides little in the way of forensic ‘proof’ to confirm the [Russian] government’s attribution.”

If you pay attention to the news cycle, it is blatantly obvious that whenever an event happens that would embarrass or paint the U.S. government in a bad light, the mainstream media saves the day by promoting stories of things such as alleged Russian hacking. At a time when Russian media agencies are referred to as “Putin’s mouthpiece,” and news outlets that question the U.S. government are labeled “fake news” or “Russian propaganda,” it is amazing how closely the mainstream media follows the exact line the U.S. government sets.


Follow Rachel Blevins on Facebook and Twitter.


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Bilderberg Website Hacked by HackBack Movement And Anonymous

We Are Change

Hackers claiming to be a part of the “HackBack movement” and the Anonymous collective have taken down the Bilderberg Club’s website, replacing the elite shadowy organization’s page with a direct warning to elitists that they have “one year” to work for the benefit of humanity or their assets, cars, and homes will be hacked and private lives exposed.

“Dear Bilderberg members, from now on, each one of you have 1 year (365 days) to truly work in favor of humans and not your private interests,” the hackers, who identified themselves as the “HackBack movement and Anonymous,” said in a message posted at

“Otherwise, we will find you and we will hack you,” they threatened.

The message was addressed to the “Wealthy Elitico-Political 1 percent”.

“Mind the current situation: We control your expensive connected cars, we control your connected house security devices, we control your daughter’s laptop, we control your wife’s mobile. We tape your secret meetings, we read your emails, we control your favorite escort girl’s smartwatch, we are inside your beloved banks and we are reading your assets. You won’t be safe anywhere near electricity anymore,”  the hackers said in their statement.

The message was written in obfuscation, randomly capitalizing letters as a means to hide linguistics, although some words were poor English and misspelled, maybe potentially on purpose?

The method used for the hack isn’t known, the website as of 5:30 P.M. EST is still hacked.

UPDATE: 6:00 P.M. EST website is now down.

Last year during the Bilderberg meeting a mysterious data dump appeared that dumped all past Bilderberg meetings photocopied online on a website used for public intelligence. There is no known connection to the two but it’s interesting to say the least.

The statement ends with a shout out to PhineAs Fisher the hacker who hacked and released NSA contractor “Hacking Teams” software and earlier this year encouraged for a new political hacking movement that movement was the HackBack movement. He also released a video on how to hack live hacking into the Catalan police union. Fisher also took credit for successfully breaching and taking more than 300,000 emails and documents from Turkey’s ruling AKP party the documents were then published by WikiLeaks.

The full statement by the hackers is below.

   /  _   __      _   _  __   
  /--/ / / /   /_/ /_/ / //   /_/
 /  / /-/ /__ /  \/__]/-//__ /  \

0x? HackBack movement
AnD AnonyMous

===============[ present ]================

=== Message to the People ===
SInCe the Advent of Time, huMans have long forgotten to love and CaRe for eaCh other.
In TheiR egoist, selfish driven minds, a coUpLe of people have managed to get the Power and abuse it against the weakz.
HiStorY is repEating Itself.
TheRe is no EqualiTy between humans on world scale and So called HumAN Rights ArE nothiNg more than an Illusion.
The Globalization and World order system is faVorinG this unbearable situation, at least it IS for huMans-caRers.
whatS going On today: weak PeoPles suffer, die or livE in poVerty to serve upper interestS.
EmPoweRed ElitE plays the world BIG Guys.
This World order is conduCted by grouPs which are composed of WeALthy 1% uber-Elite and CorrUpted empowered Politicians.
DoNt follOw theIr proPagaNda sayIng this situation Is not TruE or Paranoia-driven.
post cold-war LiberaL capitalism has managed tO wideSpreAd *IDEA* that $$$ equals hapiness and should be a lifegoal for the 99%. An egoist goal.
ThIs system also sEttleD durably dOminance of ThesE groups.
they told Us “yOu GoT To worK hard!” TheY don’t. Inheriting powerS from their Parents and these groups of “FriEnds”.
ThEre Is no suCces sTories sorry: would TOp100 richEst persons alive still been riCh if thEy were born in Africa from poor pArents, No.
ThEse whole grouPs and iNterests are driVen by tHe evil idea that some HuMans (them) are superiorS to others (you).
ThE CurRent sysTem will keep them in place, in good positions and for a good amoUnT of Time.
YOuR CHildrEN stand NO CHANCE aGainst theirs. whatEver schools you put theM in.

NoW() is the time you need to think
NoW() is the time we nEed to put an end to this altogether
As you mAy havE guessEd thIs fight is INequal
PoWeR is in the hand of ThesE groupS
But not All hope is lost
We, the free people, wiLl fIght for You without even asking
But we need mOre than this: we beg you supPort
WiThoUt you, the public, We cAnT do nothing
LiSten to yoUr heart, see the situation and do what you shoUld
YoU *CAN* makE the world a better place

=== Message to the WealthY Elitico-Political 1% RIChEst dominant pricks ===
WoRDs are not enOugh To TeLl you how much we dispiTe you and your dominant behAvior
No HumAns stanD above otheRs and you WIll have to learn IT
Dear Bilderberg mEmBers, From NoW(), each OnE of you have 1 year (365 days) to truly work in faVor of HumaNs and not youR private interests
Each TopIc you disCuss or work you achieve thRough YoUr uber privAte meetinGs should from now benefit WORlD population and not X or Y groUp of people
OtHerWIse, we will FinD you and we Will hAck you
MiNd the cuRrent situation: We conTrol your expensive connected cars, we control your connecteD house security devices, we control your daughter laptop, we control your wife’s mobile,
we tape YoUR seCret meetings, we reAD your emaiLs, we control your faVoriTe eScort girl smartWatch, we ARe inside your beLoved banks and we Are reading YoUr assets
You wont be safe anywhere near electricty anyMore
We WiLL watch yOu, from NoW on you got to WoRk for Us, Humanity, the People

====================== [ greets ]=========================

CheErs to PhineAs Fisher, you Re one of the GreatEst hUmaN alive

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