Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Philippine Police Suspend Brutal Anti-Drug Crackdown Amid Scandal

We Are Change

The Philippine police have announced that they are suspending their controversial war on drugs until “corrupt” officers can be rooted out, the chief of the force said on Monday, following the killing of a South Korean businessman.

Image via Reuters

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has told the country’s police force to suspend his controversial war on drugs in order to “cleanse” its own “corrupt” ranks, the country’s police chief said. He told police officers he would launch a massive purge of police involved in crimes.

This announcement came after the murder of a South Korean businessman inside police headquarters. He had been kidnapped and killed by anti-drug police.

“As directed by the president, we are going to dissolve anti-drug units of the PNP in all levels, including the anti-illegal drugs group of the PNP,” said the Philippine National Police Chief, Ronald dela Rosa.

The Police Chief has apologized for the kidnap and murder of the businessman by officers at the national police HQ. Jee Ick-joo was seized in October from his home in Angeles city, near Manila, under the pretense of a drug raid, the Department of Justice said.

After strangling him, his killers pretended he was still alive in order to collect a ransom from his family. The victim’s wife is reported to have paid the kidnappers at least $100,000. His body was later incinerated at a crematorium run by a former policeman.

[RELATED: Philippines President Threatens Martial Law Over Drug War; To Throw Corrupt Officials Out Of A Helicopter]

At least three of the eight people suspected of involvement were police officers, say officials. The Police Chief said one police officer suspected of involvement in the case had surrendered.

The Police Chief, who was appointed by President Duterte, told reporters on Thursday: “I want to disappear from this world because of so much shame after what my men did.” But he insisted it was an isolated case.

“I want to kill those policemen who are into crime syndicates but I cannot do it. That’s illegal.”

Ronald dela Rosa, has faced pressure to resign, but instead he said that anti-drugs units would be temporarily dissolved, to rid them of “scalawags.”

South Korea’s Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se expressed “grave shock” at the murder and demanded that those responsible be brought to justice.

South Korea’s consul in the Philippines, Kim Dae-hee, called the crime “unimaginable,” in comments to Korea’s KBS.

An estimated 7,000 drug-related killings have occurred since Duterte started his anti-drug crackdown in July, prompting more than 1.1 million alleged drug users to surrender and agree to undergo rehabilitation programs.

[RELATED: END OF DRUG WAR? World Leaders Call For Legalization Of All Drugs]

Chief dela Rosa, however, made it clear that the Philippine police would again pick up the drug war once it had cleansed its own ranks.

“I don’t know how long it will take,” he said. “But with each and every one of us cooperating, helping each other, maybe in a month we can do it.”

Critics have raised concerns over Duterte’s brutal efforts to “finish” the country’s drug problem. The United Nations, the European Union and the US have all voiced concerns over the widespread killings.

Duterte compared his slaughter of drug addicts to Adolf Hitler’s slaughter of Jews when he said, “Hitler massacred 3 million Jews…there’s 3 million drug addicts. There are. I’d be happy to slaughter them.”

Duterte continues to enjoy a high level of support among Filipinos. Duterte’s anti-drug campaign is broadly popular for the way it is reducing petty street crime such as muggings and thefts. However, a poll conducted last month by Social Weather Stations found that 78 percent of its respondents were worried they could end up as victims of the purge.

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Scalia 2.0: Trump Nominates Neil Gorsuch For Supreme Court

We Are Change

President Donald Trump selected Judge Neil Gorsuch as the Supreme Court nominee to fill the vacancy left by Antonin Scalia.

Gorsuch was nominated by Trump after months of speculation on who he would pick. Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Thursday that he had mostly finished deciding.

“I have made my decision pretty much in my mind, yes,” Trump said. “That’s subject to change at the last moment, but I think this will be a great choice.”

Gorsuch served on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, Colorado, and was appointed by President George W. Bush in 2006.

At 49 years old, Gorsuch would be the youngest justice on the current Supreme Court bench if he is confirmed.

Gorsuch is pro-life. Last year, he sided with Utah Governor Gary Herbert when he sought to defund Planned Parenthood.

Gorsuch attended University of Oxford, Columbia University and Harvard Law School, and he embodies Scalia’s trait of being a prolific, controversial writer.

Gorsuch was a Truman scholar. He wrote a full book on assisted suicide and euthanasia recapping both sides, and advocated decisively against legalizing assisted suicide.

In the book Gorsuch argues that, “human life is fundamentally and inherently valuable, and that the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong.”

It is worth noting that Gorsuch once argued against applying the federal law banning felons from owning firearms.

He also argued against upholding a Colorado state clean energy program, alleging it would hurt coal producers from out of state.

Gorsuch gave a speech on the passing of Anton Scalia who was also his friend.

Rand Paul tweeted his support:

What do you think of Neil Gorsuch as Trump’s pick for Supreme Court justice? Let us know in the comments!


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BREAKING: Police Fatally Shoot Knife-Wielding Man After Stabbing Rampage Near CNN Hollywood

We Are Change

LOS ANGELES (WeAreChange) — LAPD officers fatally shot a man wielding a knife inside a Hollywood fast food restaurant on Tuesday, after he reportedly stabbed multiple people in the area.

According to the Los Angeles Daily News, the shooting was reported around 2 p.m. at the corner of Ivar Avenue and Sunset Boulevard. The Los Angeles Times has said that at least three people have been injured so far according to information from the LAPD.

CNN National Political Reporter Maeve Reston had a front row seat to the events that transpired just meters from CNN’s Hollywood bureau. She tweeted live on her verified Twitter account:

LAPD Officer Sal Ramirez confirmed the suspect reportedly entered the Jack in the Box restaurant on the corner and started stabbing people inside.

Officers responding to the scene confronted the suspect inside the restaurant, “at which time an (officer-involved shooting) occurred,” Ramirez said. “The suspect went down and was taken into custody.”

LAPD Sgt. Frank Preciado confirmed later from the crime scene that the suspect had died.

At least two stabbing victims were transported to local hospitals, Ramirez said, adding that the investigation was ongoing.

The area, which is often full of tourists, employees from nearby businesses and patrons of the Arclight Theater, was blocked off by police and emergency vehicles.

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Report: Russian FSB Agents Suspected of Treason, Charged with Passing Secrets onto CIA

We Are Change

Four Russian FSB agents who are all IT-related have been arrested for collaboration with the Central Intelligence Agency, according to , web editor at The Moscow Times.

Sergei Mikhailov, Dmitry Dokuchaev, Ruslan Stoyanov, and a fourth suspect who has not been named, were arrested on suspicion of leaking secret information to the U.S. Intelligence Community and “breaking their oath and working with the CIA, or treason” The Moscow Times reported.

“Four people have been arrested in this case, and eight individuals in total have been identified as accomplices. Only four suspects have been charged, and the others could get off as witnesses,” the source told Interfax.

Ruslan Stoyanov is the head of cyber crime investigations at the famous anti-virus company Kaspersky Labs. Dmitry Dokuchaev is suspected to be an infamous Russian hacker under the alias “Forb” The Moscow Times reported.

Two individuals are alleged to have worked in the same unit. Sergei Mikhailov was a top cybersecurity specialist in the FSB, and his deputy Dmitry Dokuchaev worked under him.

It was also reported that Mikhailov is suspected to be a member of the online hacktivist collective Anonymous.

“Each of the suspects performed his own role. One person developed and deployed the cyber attacks, and another person collaborated with foreign intelligence agents. And these operations were parallel and, as a rule, they didn’t intersect,” a second source told Interfax.

Rothrock noted in another tweet that eight people have been identified as accomplices, while four were arrested as suspected, and the other four could be treated as witnesses.

The internet has speculated regarding the possible information that the FSB agents would have given to the CIA. Rothrock noted that many are saying this proves the Russian dossier on Trump—despite the fact that it originated from 4Chan months before Trump became president.  However, an unconfirmed report said that the arrest had to do with passing information on about an individual named Vladimir Fomenko and his server rental company “King Servers.”

It is not likely that the information will be disclosed, given the fact that a charge of treason constitutes a privately sealed court.

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Trump’s Pick for AG Encouraged Sally Yates to Defy Improper Presidential Orders in 2015

We Are Change

A video from March 2015 has resurfaced  showing President Trump’s Attorney General nominee, Jeff Sessions, encouraging Sally Yates to defy improper Presidential orders—a comment that has come full circle after Yates was fired on Monday for defying one of Trump’s orders.

The irony of this is Sally Yates, during her Deputy Attorney General confirmation in 2015, told Senator Sessions that if she was ever in a situation where her views differed from the president,  she wanted to be able to give a reasonable judgment.

“I want to be able to give a reasoned judgment and if I am in a discussion where people have different views I want to make sure that I’ve got what I need to back up my views,” she said.

Sessions responded with advice to Yates:

“Well you have to watch out because people be asking you do things you just need to say no about. Do you think the attorney general has a responsibility to say no the President if he asks for something that is improper? A lot of people have defended the lynch nomination for example by saying he appoints somebody who’s going to execute his views what’s wrong with that? Both the views the president wants to issue are unlawful should the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General say no?”

Yates responded, “Senator I believe that the the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General have an obligation to follow the law and the constitution and to give their independent legal advice to the President.”

The question stands as to whether Sessions supports Yates’s decision on Trump’s travel ban, which she said was unlawful. If he does, then Trump is in for a surprise when Sessions takes the seat as the new attorney general.

[RELATED: Trump Fires Acting U.S. Attorney General Who Said Travel Ban Was Unlawful]

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WATCH: Terminally Ill Teen Uses Stun Gun On Police Sergeant As Part Of Final Wish

We Are Change

When asked for a list of her last wishes, Alyssa Elkins, a 16-year-old girl with leukemia, said she wanted to “taze someone”. She was granted that wish on Sunday, when she unleashed a stun gun on an Ohio police sergeant.

Police in central Ohio Newark helped fulfill one of Elkins’s last wishes, and Sergeant Doug Bline volunteered for this treacherous task.

Elkins made the unusual request after remembering a video which made her laugh, one of her uncle, Josh Barry, a Columbus Metro Post State Highway Patrol trooper, being shot with a taser during his training.

She gripped the weapon and closed her eyes and discharged the prongs 5 feet away from Bline who was being propped up by two fellow officers.

“It is unpleasant, to say the least, but if for five seconds it makes somebody’s kind of dream come true, especially in her situation, I think it was well worth it,” Bline said.

Elkins has decided not to go through with a second round of treatment for her disease after she went through four months of treatment earlier at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital during her first battle with leukemia in 2015.

According to Alyssa’s mother Tiffany Elkins her daughter was told she has anywhere between one month to six months to live a dispatch reported.

But Alyssa still remains optimistic despite her horrible ill-fated condition.

“God loves everybody and he’s for us and not against us. He puts us through trials,” she said. “In the end, I’m not really scared. If he takes me, I know where I’m going,” she said.

Alyssa will also be trying to fulfill her other bucket list wishes which include – a cute tiny puppy, micro mini pig, cedar point, tour a rich person’s house, visit New York, visit Paris, get a tattoo, zip-line, mine diamonds in Arkansas, and design her own wedding ring.

She has already crossed off tazing someone,  her mother helped her fulfill shopping for a wedding dress, and her family plans on taking her on a trip to Disney World.

You can watch the full taser video below:

“Taser! Taser! Taser!” cops at the Newark Police Department in Ohio yelled just before Alyssa discharged the electric shock weapon.

He looked like he was in a lot of pain.

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Countries Linked To 93 Percent Of U.S. Terrorism Not Included In Trump’s Travel Ban

We Are Change

Article via The Free Thought Project:

On Friday, the world erupted in chaos after President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order suspending entry into the United States for people traveling from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

These seven countries originally came from the Obama administration and were labeled as “countries of concern.”

“There were further travel restrictions already in place from those seven countries,” Sean Spicer said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” “What the president did was take the first step through this executive order of ensuring that we’re looking at the entire system of who’s coming in, refugees that are coming in, people who are coming in from places that have a history or that our intelligence suggests that we need to have further extreme vetting for.”

Trump is simply building off of restrictions the Obama administration already put in place in 2015 on certain travelers who had visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria on or after March 1, 2011. Libya, Somalia, and Yemen were added to the list only months after the original limitations.

So, all Trump did was temporarily ban those countries instead of merely keeping the current restrictions.

Sounds reasonable, right? Well, if we look at the bigger picture, and the history of these seven countries — especially in regards to terrorism — something very fishy appears.

Those seven countries have never produced a terrorist in the United States who has ever caused the death of a single American. Yes, you read that correctly.

Only seven percent of all terrorist-related acts in the United States have originated from people in those countries, and not a single one of them has killed a US citizen. 

In 2006, Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, a naturalized American citizen born in Tehran, Iran, plowed a Jeep into a crowd of people on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill “to punish the government of the United States.” No one died in the attack. Nine people were injured, but none of them seriously. Taheri-azar was arrested and now resides in prison.

In 2016, Somali refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan injured 13 people — none critically — when he drove a Honda Civic into a group of people on the campus of Ohio State University. Artan then got out of his car and stabbed people with a butcher knife. Police on the scene then shot and killed him.

Also in 2016, Dahir Adan, a Kenya-born Somali immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen, armed himself with a pair of steak knives and entered the Crossroads Center shopping mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Adan then stabbed — and punched — 10 people. Victims who were hospitalized were all released by the next day. An off-duty police officer shot and killed Adan inside a Macy’s store.

Taheri-azar, Artan and Adan are the only three Muslims from the seven nations covered by Trumps’ executive order to commit terrorist acts in the United States since September 2001.

Out of the 43 people who carried out terrorist attacks on US soil, only three of them came from the seven countries on Trump’s list — the other 40 terrorists came from countries who were not banned.

This handful of attacks on American soil hardly justifies restricting the travel from these countries once we look at the countries Trump did not ban — who are responsible for 93% of all terrorism in the United States causing death on a massive scale.

During the same period those three terrorists mentioned above attempted to cause harm to Americans, 40 terrorists from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Guinea wreaked havoc in America.

However, people from those countries are still welcome to apply for U.S. visas and travel permits.

So why is it that all these other countries were left off the ban list when it is common knowledge that they are responsible for the overwhelming majority of the terrorism within the United States?

Well, if we zoom out again, we can a propose a potential reason for Trump conveniently leaving these known producers of terrorism off the list.

Trump, being the international businessman that he is, has business holdings worldwide. None of those holdings are in those seven banned countries. On the other hand, however, Trump holds major business stakes in several of the countries absent from this list.

As the Free Thought Project previously reported, during his campaign, Trump registered eight companies tied to hotel interests in Saudi Arabia alone. In case you’ve been under a rock for the last 17 years, the majority of hijackers on 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia. And, last year, the federal government declassified a 28-page report, detailing the fact that they covered up the Saudi Arabian government’s role in the attacks on 9/11.

Saudi Arabia is responsible for the death of 2,369 Americans — they are not on the list.

Trump also has holdings in Egypt, whose citizens killed a total of 162 Americans. Trump Marks Egypt and Trump Marks Egypt LLC are the President’s business dealings in this country, who, conveniently, is also absent from his list.

Another country, who is also absent from Trump’s list is the United Arab Emirates. Trump’s organization has a plethora of holdings in this country, including a licensing and management deal in Dubai for two golf courses and a whole neighborhood of luxury villas currently under construction.

A total of 314 Americans were killed by UAE citizens between 1975 and 2015, according to CATO.

Trump also does business in Turkey as he currently licenses his name to two luxury towers in Istanbul. As we’ve reported many times in the last year, Turkey has repeatedly been caught aiding the Islamic State through protecting their oil routes as well as providing them sanctuary and even training. 

As the debate of immigration and border walls heats up, it is important for those on both sides to have all the information available to make sound decisions. Please share this article so that those who are ignoring these facts can see the truth.

This article first appeared on TheFreeThoughProject.com and was authored by Matt Agorist.

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Monday, January 30, 2017

BREAKING: Trump Fires Acting U.S. Attorney General Who Said Travel Ban Was Unlawful

We Are Change

President Donald Trump has just fired Sally Yates, the acting attorney general.

The White House said Yate “betrayed” the department by refusing to enforce a legal order “designed to protect” US citizens.

The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. This order was approved as to form and legality by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.
Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.
“It is time to get serious about protecting our country. Calling for tougher vetting for individuals traveling from seven dangerous places is not extreme. It is reasonable and necessary to protect our country.
Tonight, President Trump relieved Ms. Yates of her duties and subsequently named Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, to serve as Acting Attorney General until Senator Jeff Sessions is finally confirmed by the Senate, where he is being wrongly held up by Democrat senators for strictly political reasons.
“I am honored to serve President Trump in this role until Senator Sessions is confirmed. I will defend and enforce the laws of our country to ensure that our people and our nation are protected,” said Dana Boente, Acting Attorney General.

Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, will replace Yates. The new acting attorney general has already confirmed that he will reverse Yates’s position and tell justice department lawyers to defend the travel ban.”

Boente will serve as Acting Attorney General until Senator Jeff Sessions is finally confirmed by the Senate, where he is said to be “wrongly held up by Democrat senators for strictly political reasons.”

“I am honored to serve President Trump in this role until Senator Sessions is confirmed. I will defend and enforce the laws of our country to ensure that our people and our nation are protected,” said Dana Boente, Acting Attorney General.

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Trump’s First Military Operation Kills 8-Year-Old Girl, 6 Years After Obama Killed Her Brother

We Are Change

An eight year old girl named Nawar Al-Awlaki was shot and killed on Sunday in the rural Yakla district of al-Bayda province, in southern Yemen.

Nawar was killed in President Trump’s first military raid, resulting in the deaths of 30 Yemenis, including 10 women and children. One US commando was killed and three were wounded.

The US military said 14 Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, fighters, including a senior leader named Abdulraoof al-Dhahab, had been killed in the raid and another two were killed in a drone strike on central Yemen later in the day.

Trump, who recently put a block on Yeminis travelling to the US, called the operation a success but said he was “saddened” to hear of the death of the commando who ‘“was taken in our fight against the evil of radical Islamic terrorism.”

Nawar is the daughter of US-born (Las Cruces, New Mexico) Yemeni imam and Islamic lecturer, Anwar al-Awlaki who was killed by an American drone strike in September 2011. U.S. government officials claim he was a senior recruiter and motivator who was involved in planning terrorist operations for the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda.

Al-Awlaqi had never been charged with, let alone convicted of, any crime. The assassination created widespread debate. The American Civil Liberties Union, sued Obama to restrain him from the assassination.

Two weeks later, Al-Awlaqi’s 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen who was born in Denver, Colorado, was also killed by a CIA-led drone strike in Yemen while eating dinner at an outdoor restaurant.

He was not suspected of any terrorist activity. He had a Facebook page showing his life, his hobbies and interests, just like many other American teens do.

Note that Abdulrahman wasn’t killed in the same drone strike as his father. He was hit by a drone strike elsewhere, his father already dead. He hadn’t seen his father in two years and had snuck out of the house to find him. Anwar knew he was on Obama’s kill list and was in hiding.

It is unknown whether the U.S. targeted the teenager or whether he was merely “collateral damage.” The Obama administration refused to say. Indeed, it refused even to admit it did this, or that it has a drone program engaged in military action in Yemen. All shrouded in total secrecy.

[RELATED: Court Rules President Can Use Drones To Assassinate American In Secret]

This could potentially happen to you. Presidents have the power to order drone strikes on US citizens abroad without charges or trial. You may think that because you live in the US and not some far flung corner of the globe that few people have head of, that you are safe from drone assassination. You are wrong. Using lethal military force against an American in their home country is legal.

[RELATED: The Pentagon Just Admitted It’s Been Deploying Military Drones Over The US To Spy On Americans]

The government must be held accountable when it carries out such killings in violation of the Constitution and international law.

The United States continues to carry out unlawful targeted killings in Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and elsewhere.

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How To Protect Your IRA From Confiscation

How To Protect Your IRA From Confiscation

We have been highlighting how most major countries in the western world are bankrupt and as a result have had to resort to negative interest rates. As a consequence of these negative rates, people naturally realized it wasn’t worth paying the bank to allow them to store their money, which is what helped to pave […]

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from The Dollar Vigilante https://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2017/01/30/how-to-protect-your-ira-from-confiscation.html
via The Dollar Vigilante

How to Protect Your IRA From Confiscation, Nationalization and Hyperinflation

How to Protect Your IRA From Confiscation, Nationalization and Hyperinflation
https://youtu.be/ZGiGwcVG57c Jeff interviews returning guest Gus Demos of Perpetual Assets, topics include: offshoring self directed IRAs, capital controls and the war on cash is ramping up and spreading to other countries, the coming war on gold and Bitcoin, negative interest rates only possible with demonetization, a possible US debt default under Trump or else possible nationalization of IRAs, the desirability of holding tangible assets, making it difficult for governments to rob you, perilous times ahead for IRAs, a precious metals backed Visa/ATM card, a glowing testimonial for the TDV Summit and Anarchapulco 2017 For more info on Perpetual Assets go to this link: http://dollarvigilante.com/perpetualassets Subscribe to the TDV newsletter here: https://dollarvigilante.com/ TDV Internationalization Investment Summit 2017: https://anarchapulco.com/2016/08/31/tdv-internationalization-investment-summit-2017-single-adult-ticket/
via YouTube https://youtu.be/ZGiGwcVG57c

Trump, Saudi King Agree On Syrian ‘Safe Zones’ Despite Warning From Russia

We Are Change

President Trump reportedly discussed the idea of creating “safe zones” in Syria with the king of Saudi Arabia on Sunday, just days after Russia’s President warned Trump to “weigh all possible consequences.”

Trump spoke to the King of Saudi Arabia, Salaman bin Abdul Aziz, and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, on the phone with both gulf leaders agreeing to Trump’s proposal of setting up safe zones in the Middle East for refugees, Reuters reported.

“The president requested, and the King agreed, to support safe zones in Syria and Yemen, as well as supporting other ideas to help the many refugees who are displaced by the ongoing conflicts,” the White House said.

During Trump’s campaign, he advocated heavily for Gulf states to pay for establishing safe zones to protect Syrian refugees.  His rhetoric regarding safe zones has been ongoing since he started campaigning for the presidency in June 2015.

“They’re gonna put up all the money,” Trump said during an immigration speech in Phoenix in August. “We’re not gonna put up money. We’re gonna lead it, and we’ll do a great a job. But we’re gonna get the Gulf states to put up the money.”

“What I like is build a safe zone, it’s here, build a big beautiful safe zone and you have whatever it is so people can live, and they’ll be happier,” Trump said during a rally at Knoxville, Tennessee.

More recently Trump reiterated the idea for safe zones, speaking on ABC.

“Europe made a tremendous mistake by admitting millions of refugees from Syria and other Middle Eastern trouble spots,” he said. “I don’t want that to happen here.”

“I’ll absolutely do safe zones in Syria for the people,” he added, without giving details on how he would establish the safe zones.

That question seems to be partially answered according to a document seen by Reuters. Trump is planning to order the Pentagon and the State Department in coming days to craft a plan for setting up the “safe zones.”

Although these “safe zones” have not been defined, there is no further information on what these safe zones would constitute, where they would be setup, or how they would be enforced.

“The Secretary of State, in conjunction with the Secretary of Defense, is directed within 90 days of the date of this order to produce a plan to provide safe areas in Syria and in the surrounding region in which Syrian nationals displaced from their homeland can await firm settlement, such as repatriation or potential third-country resettlement,” the draft order said.

Turkey also approved of Trump’s proposed safe zones plan.

“We have seen the U.S. President’s request for conducting a study. What’s important is the results of this study and what kind of recommendation will come out,” Turkish foreign ministry spokesman Huseyin Muftuoglu said.

While Russia warns the U.S that it should “thoroughly calculate all possible consequences.”

“No, our American partners did not consult with us. It’s a sovereign decision,” Dmitry Peskov said.

Trump and King Salman also discussed the Muslim Brotherhood, a senior Saudi source said, adding that the two talked about Osama Bin Laden, the late al-Qaeda leader: “It was mentioned that Osama bin Laden was recruited at an early stage” the news organization Al Arabiya reported.  The Muslim Brotherhood is expected to be labeled a terrorist organization by the Trump administration.

The Egyptian government once accused Obama of funding the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama reportedly backed the Muslim Brotherhood and Mohamed Morsi’s Egyptian coup, against his own National Security team’s advice.

When Mohammed Morsi was arrested by the Egyptian military, evidence of the secret agreement was discovered and seized.

According to EgyptDailyNews Obama conducted secret negotiations with Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, transferring eight billion dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood to ensure that the Sinai Peninsula be turned over to the terrorist organization Hamas.

Then there is the secret directive PSD-11 or Presidential Study Directive-11.

The directive was produced in 2011 which outlined administration support for political reform in the Middle East and North Africa, by backing the Muslim Brotherhood. Two years before that Obama invited 10 members of the Muslim Brotherhood, including the country’s chief opposition party, to attend his speech in Cairo.

If Trump labels the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, could Obama and his administration face treason charges? Both Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have already labeled the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.

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from We Are Change http://wearechange.org/trump-saudi-syrian-safe-zones-warning-russia/

How to Protect Your IRA From Confiscation, Nationalization and Hyperinflation

How to Protect Your IRA From Confiscation, Nationalization and Hyperinflation

Jeff interviews returning guest Gus Demos of Perpetual Assets, topics include: offshoring self directed IRAs, capital controls and the war on cash is ramping up and spreading to other countries, the coming war on gold and Bitcoin, negative interest rates only possible with demonetization, a possible US debt default under Trump or else possible nationalization […]

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from The Dollar Vigilante https://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2017/01/30/protect-ira-confiscation-nationalization-hyperinflation.html
via The Dollar Vigilante

PA Police Make Arrest In Nearly Decade-Long Suspected Child Sex Ring

We Are Change

Pennsylvania police have reportedly uncovered and made arrests related to a pedophile ring that they say has been ongoing for nearly a decade.

CBS Philly reported that Bucks County Police arrested 57-year-old Kenneth Fenske for taking part in a bizarre pedophile sex ring where participants of the debauchery dressed up as different animals and raped at least one known little boy.

Police suspect that at least four other men besides Fenske took part in the horrendous acts adding that there could be way more people involved, both victims and perpetrators.

Authorities and the prosecutor believe that the bizarre fetish ring has been operating for nearly a decade and might span to other states.

“For the last seven years at least four men sexually abused a young boy at sex parties where the men would dress up like different animals,” Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, said.

“This child victim was repeatedly abused by a group of criminals who cared only about their gratification, they cared nothing about this young boy,” he said. “This is a horrendous case.”

Adding, that this is an ongoing investigation and “we will prosecute this case to the fullest extent of the law,” he said.

Fenske was charged with numerous first-degree felonies – multiple counts of child rape, involuntary deviant sexual intercourse, and unlawful contact with a minor.

Police did not mention how they caught Fenske and the other suspected men whether they were tipped off to the ring or if they caught the men exchanging messages or pictures.

The act of dressing up as animals is known as furry fandom an urban dictionary definition explains what a furry is –

“A sexual attraction or affection to furries, or anthropomorphic animals. Usually encountered in the furry fandom, but also amongst other people.”

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Violent Protesters Knockout Trump Supporter, Taunt Him As People Attempt to Help

We Are Change


A violent mob of unhinged protesters has attacked yet another supporter of President Donald Trump, knocking him unconscious then continuing to taunt and berate him as decent human beings attempted to provide assistance.

The incident took place at the Portland Airport around 5 pm on Sunday evening during the protests against Trump’s temporary geopolitical ban, and videos were promptly uploaded to social media by multiple witnesses.

The victim was chased by the mob, some of whom were in black bloc, before being attacked.

As he laid on the ground injured, the crowd continued to taunt him, referring to him as “Nazi boy,” as the offensive term has been commonly thrown around very loosely to describe any and all Trump supporters.

In the shocking and disturbing footage, the highly aggressive mob is also seen screaming and chanting as the man’s body lays motionless on the ground.

Eventually, Portland Police officers arrived and surrounded the man to protect him, before moving him to safety to receive medical attention.

The “No Ban, No Wall,” protest began at 2pm, and hundreds were in attendance, including Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley, Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici and Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler. The Facebook event page showed 1,600 people were interested in attending.

“Please join in a peaceful stand together for compassion and true American values. Join us for a show of solidarity against racist and ethnic travel bans. A commitment to non-violence and a willingness to be counted is essential. Car pooling encouraged. Leaving Corvallis at 12 noon,” the event page falsely advertised.

The victim’s identity and medical condition remain unknown.

Sunday’s attack is just the latest in a string of a violence against Trump supporters — which has been deemed perfectly acceptable by left-wing media as long as you declare the person is a “Nazi.” Unfortunately, according to many on the left, that includes all of the millions of people who voted for our president.

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Sunday, January 29, 2017

China Openly Contemplating War Against The US

We Are Change

It felt like only moments ago that the United States was on the brink of war with Russia, but now it looks like China is set to take the number one spot on America’s international rival list.

An official website of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army carried an Inauguration Day post stating that Trump’s Presidency has made the prospect of military conflict between China and the US “a reality.”

This news has Western publications in a flurry of reporting on the story, which was originally carried by the South China Post last Friday.

The CNBC coverage in particular is somewhat confusing—mentions of military confrontation between the two superpowers are interspersed with references to trade war.

The founder of the massive Chinese online trading space Alibaba thinks the conflict won’t be about bombs, guns and soldiers, but economic warfare.

One thing is for sure: The shifting sands of international relations are slipping under the feet of world leaders at an alarming pace.

On the eve of the US Presidential election, the mood in Moscow was sombre. With NATO massing forces on Russian’s Western borders and a globally anticipated Clinton victory seemingly imminent, World War III felt simply inevitable. The surprise defeat of the former secretary of state resulted in that dark future being deftly circumvented and the cloud of impending war lifting. For the first time in a long while, the prospect of a major global escalation felt avoidable.

As recently as today, we have instead seen the US-Russia relationship completely transformed. Promises of mutually-beneficial trade and military cooperation with the ultimate aim of the destruction of ISIS in the Middle East, have replaced the open hostility and aggression of the Obama administration.

But it seems the relief may be short lived as the rhetoric ramps up from both China and the US, particularly with regard to new Chinese military installations in the South China Sea. While technically in international waters, China very much feels that the territory is too close to home not to dominate. Their recent seizure of a US underwater drone led to a very public international incident that seems a mere minor blip in light of the recent declarations of readiness for war from China’s army.

Other countries are already staking their position: the Philippines has demanded that the US not stockpile weapons in the country, to avoid becoming involved in a political tug-of-war between the two opposing factions.

Australia was warned as far back as 2014 that if they didn’t scale back their extremely close military relationship with the United States that they could end up bearing the brunt of any confrontation in the South Pacific.

Unsurprisingly, the rhetoric on social media has been varied.

If we have learned anything at all from the preceding years and decades, it is that superpowers like to fight each other on other people’s turf rather than their own. Therefore battle is more likely to take the form of proxy wars, be they covert or overt.

We also should have learned by now that tough talk by the leaders of countries, no matter how ominous it sounds, is usually just the pluming of peacock feathers that has the byproduct of greasing war industry profits and weapon sales rather than necessarily leading to direct military engagements.

So, if anything, we are more likely to see a series of economic sanctions and counter sanctions, or large currency shifts and warfare waged through the sharemarket, than in actual shots being fired.

That said, the exception is when the escapades of the over-reaching mighty skirmish too close to the borders of the homeland of an opposing power. Such as we saw in the Ukraine. Those scenarios usually trigger the unexpected, as with Russia’s immediate annexation of the Crimean peninsula.

Land (and in this case, waters) of strategic geographic importance to superpowers, is the most vehemently defended.

So it is entirely possible that if the US keeps pushing the envelope regarding the South China Sea, that they might bite off more than they can chew.

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from We Are Change http://wearechange.org/china-openly-contemplating-war-us/

BREAKING: Five Dead After ‘Three Gunmen OPEN FIRE’ at Quebec City Mosque

We Are Change

QUEBEC CITY (WeAreChange) — Three gunmen have opened fire on a Quebec mosque during prayers killing at least 5 people, according to the mosque president. The UK Express reports there are at least 20 emergency services vehicles at the scene as authorities try and piece together what exactly happened amid fears of multiple victims. A police perimeter has been set up around the mosque and a number of ambulances are outside the Islamic cultural centre of Quebec in the Sainte-Foy neighbourhood as paramedics tend to the wounded.

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Trump’s Travel Ban Includes 7 Countries Pentagon Wanted To Destabilize In 2002

We Are Change

President Trump’s executive order denying entry to the United States from seven countries has created chaos and resulted in protests, but there is one major thing the public and the media are missing—these seven countries were mentioned in a crucial report from the Department of Defense in 2002.

As previously reported, Trump’s order suspends the issuing of U.S. visas or travel permits to people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90-days. All refugee admissions from Syria are now terminated indefinitely.

The impact has been felt by individuals with visas, dual-citizens and green card-holders who are traveling between the U.S. and the countries listed on the order. This created an outcry that has been voiced through protests at airports across the United States.

[RELATED: Federal Court Issues Emergency Stay Halting Trump’s Travel Ban]

Given the response to Trump’s executive order, it does raise the question… Where was the outrage when President Obama was bombing these countries and destabilizing them in the first place?

The debate has now turned to whether this is a ban on Muslims, because the five countries with the greatest Muslim majorities were not included on the list.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said on Saturday that Trump reached out to him about the process of legally creating and implementing a “Muslim ban.”

“I’ll tell you the whole history of it: When he first announced it, he said ‘Muslim ban,'” Giuliani said. “He called me up, he said, ‘Put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally.’”

It is important to note that the list of countries was not created by Trump—it was actually created by Obama. In December 2015, Obama signed the “Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act” into law, which restricted access to the Visa Waiver Program that allows citizens from 38 countries to visit the U.S. for up to 90 days without a visa.

It is not just Obama’s polices that are being implemented, it is also the policies from former President George W. Bush. The seven countries that Trump restricted travel from, are the same countries that U.S. General and former NATO commander Wesley Clark mentioned when he exposed the Pentagon’s plan to destabilize those countries in 2002.

This issue is very concerning, because we have seen Bush’s foreign policies and  Obama’s foreign policies push for destabilization in the Middle East, while ignoring countries like Saudi Arabia that have actually had a hand in supporting terrorism.

[RELATED: 9/11-Linked Saudi Arabia Not Included in ‘Muslim Ban’]

While the left and right argue, lying in order to protect their tribal sides, it is crucial to look at how Trump’s foreign policy is fitting in the context of the foreign policies promoted by past administrations.

What do you think about Trump Travel Ban? Let us know in the comments!

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Will Donald Trump Improve the Economy – Jeff Berwick on the Jon Gaunt Show

Will Donald Trump Improve the Economy – Jeff Berwick on the Jon Gaunt Show

In this short interview, Jeff is interviewed by Jon Gaunt for the Jon Gaunt Show, topics include: Trumps support for Brexit, Trump’s trade deals, scuttling the TPP, real free trade, Germany runs the EU, the EU refugee crisis manufactured to destabilize Europe, the ongoing erosion of freedoms, Trump refilling the swamp, Obama’s ‘peace’, empty the […]

The post Will Donald Trump Improve the Economy – Jeff Berwick on the Jon Gaunt Show appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.

from The Dollar Vigilante https://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2017/01/29/will-donald-trump-improve-economy-jeff-berwick-jon-gaunt-show.html
via The Dollar Vigilante

Saturday, January 28, 2017

BREAKING: Federal Court Issues Emergency Stay Halting Trump’s Travel Ban

We Are Change

The federal court for the Eastern District of New York issued an emergency stay Friday night to halt President Trump’s executive order banning entry to the US from seven countries, after massive protests broke out and the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in response.

The ACLU announced that it would start litigation against Trump after he signed an executive order that would deny refugees entry into the U.S. from seven countries.

[RELATED: 9/11-Linked Saudi Arabia Not Included In ‘Muslim Ban’]

The order also called for “extreme vetting” to those allowed to enter the U.S to “keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America.”

The ACLU filed a habeus corpus motion Saturday in a New York federal court on behalf of two detained Iraqi’s at the JFK airport who were threatened with deportation. The ACLU argued that Trump’s executive order was a violation of the law and was “unlawful.”

This lead to protest out front of the JFK airport and a twitter campaign to help fund the ACLU’s lawsuit. Many influential people started tweeting that they would match donations to the ACLU.

The ACLU has since succeeded in stopping Trump a Federal court has issued an emergency stay halting President Trump’s travel ban the ACLU said according to Grasswire.

The ACLU also announced tips for anyone suffering through this ban “don’t sign any papers” noting that their lawyers are stationed across various U.S. airports for those who need their assistance.

You can read ACLU’s full lawsuit against Donald Trump here.



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9/11-Linked Saudi Arabia Not Included In ‘Muslim Ban’

We Are Change

President Trump issued an executive order on Friday that will deny refugees and immigrants from certain Muslim-majority countries entry to the United States. 

“We are establishing new vetting measures, to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America,” Trump said during a visit to the Department of Defense. “We don’t want ‘em here. We want to ensure we aren’t admitting into our country the very threats that our men and women are fighting overseas.”

This executive order, which Trump signed at the Pentagon, suspends the issuing of U.S. visas or travel permits to people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90-days. All refugee admissions from Syria are now terminated indefinitely.

However, statistics from the CATO Institute show that not a single American was killed on U.S. soil by citizens from any of those countries between 1975 and 2015.

The executive order is titled Protection Of The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States. This then begs the question: Why is Saudi Arabia not on the list? 15 of the 19 suspects who were charged as hijackers in the 9/11 attacks were from Saudi, with the others being from the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon. CATO’s research shows that Saudi citizens killed 2,369 Americans between 1975 and 2015, so one would expect Saudi to be at the top of Trump’s list!

[RELATED: The Declassified 28 Pages On 911]

Saudi also meddled in American life by actively funding Muslim radicalism through US-based mosques and charities around the time of the 9/11 attacks. These connections between Saudi and 9/11 were made public when the “28 Pages,” a U.S. intelligence report that was declassified in July 2016. The report, hidden from the American people for 13 years, claimed to link the hijackers to Saudi government officials, members of the Saudi royal family and suspected Saudi intelligence operatives.

[RELATED: The Most Embarrassing and Lowest Point Of Obama’s Presidency JUST HAPPENED]

Given the overwhelming evidence and public knowledge of Saudi Arabia’s ties to terrorism, what is holding Trump back from adding the kingdom to the list? Not only is Saudi a long-time ally of the US, but Trump had this to say during a campaign rally in Alabama last year: “They buy apartments from me,” he said. “They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

It is in Trump’s interests to keep relations amicable with the Saudis considering he registered eight companies tied to hotel interests in Saudi after launching his campaign in 2015. Trump also has multi-million dollar licensing and development deals in Turkey, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. The situation shows a clear conflict of interests as citizens from these countries are still welcome to apply for travel permits and US visas.

Independent commentators have been critical on the conspicuous absence of Saudi on Trump’s list given that Saudi is a proponent of Wahhabism—a form of radical, militant Islam whose ultimate goal is to create a worldwide community, or caliphate, of Muslim believers.

One called out the hypocrisy of those who lambast Trump’s ban, but supported Obama’s regime change wars, which caused the need for the mass movement of people from their homelands in the first place.

Trumps “Muslim Ban,” as it is known, may be his most controversial change yet since he took power as President. It is a shame that Trump did not take this chance to show the world that he wants to get serious about terrorism, its supporters and proponents. In fact, one could argue that his decision is a slap in the face to the victims of 9/11 and their families and only serves to embolden those who seek to do harm to the US while punishing those who are innocent and suffering right now.

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