Wednesday, March 28, 2018

You Won't Believe What We Saw In Mogadishu, Somalia

You Won't Believe What We Saw In Mogadishu, Somalia In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange travels with Jeff Berwick the Dollar Vigilante to Mogadishu, Somalia to take you inside an extremely underreported story of global significance. Check out Jeff's channel on - Visit our MAIN SITE for more breaking news PATREON SNAPCHAT: LukeWeAreChange FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: STEEMIT: OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government owned help us out We take Crypto Coins Bitcoin - 1F6oeUnhXfr5UMC95apbJg7CLjm3BUrT8V Dash - XiZebHViTKxjngJ8U8Gekbz34XDcMjKe29 ETH -- 0x9124589c4eAD555F04a7214214c86EA80E129abB
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Friday, March 23, 2018

Trump Vs Biden! The Petition That Could Change The World

In this video, Jason Bermas of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Donald Trump and his feud with former Vice President Joe Biden. He then introduces a petition that could change global politics forever as we know it. Link below.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

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Everything They’re Not Telling You About Cambridge Analytica And Blocking The Blockchain

In this video, Jason Bermas of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the Cambridge Analytica scandal and how it relates to companies around the world that specialize in the same business, as well as the possibility that blockchain may become illegal in many parts of the world. He also gives us the latest on Florida.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

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Jim Carrey Just Drew What? Another Celeb Politician Comes Out?

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange is joined by Partisan Girl to give you the latest breaking news. This includes Jim Carrey’s portrait of Sarah Huckabee Sanders and actress Cynthia Nixon running for Governor of New York, in the latest transition from celebrity to politician.

Once the more trivial issues are discussed, policy and the latest issues with the Trump administration are tackled.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

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Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Explained, Does He Know What He Is Doing?

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you breaking news with Jason Bermas and James Corbett of the Corbett Report where they discuss the latest chaos involving Donald Trump and his administration. The current state of global relations, as well as domestic policies explained.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

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Saturday, March 17, 2018

HELP! Social Media Censorship Must Be Stopped!

In this video, Jason Bermas and We Are Change need your help! Social Media Censorship is more rampant than ever and now Steven Crowder has been suspended from Twitter for an improper YouTube video.

YouTube now will be labeling video’s that they find have questionable facts and linking users to Wikipedia articles. Last but not least, Jason tells you how you can help, get involved and be the change you want to see in the world.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

Backup Channel >>>

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What You’re Not Supposed To Know About Healing Mushrooms

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on healing mushrooms with an interview with Dennis Mckenna. Dennis Jon McKenna is an American ethnopharmacologist, research pharmacognosist, lecturer and author. He is the brother of well-known medicinal proponent Terence McKenna and is a founding board member and the director of ethnopharmacology at the Heffter Research Institute.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

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Friday, March 16, 2018

Putin Flip-Flops Like A Drunken Whore On Cryptocurrency Legalization

Putin Flip-Flops Like A Drunken Whore On Cryptocurrency Legalization

Whenever I am asked, “How should governments treat cryptocurrencies” my general response is the following. Who cares?

You might as well ask me what the Japanese Yakuza or Mexican cartels should do about cryptos. I don’t really care.

Not that the Yakuza or the cartels are anywhere near as bad as governments. I apologize to them both for even making that insulting insinuation.

But, governments are by far the biggest mafias in their geographic regions and so the only reason I pay attention to what they think is just to avoid being kidnapped, extorted or killed by violating one of their opinions.

And they change their opinions all the time.

In the case of the official Russian mafia, puppeted by Vladimir Putin, it was only last October that Putin called for bitcoin and all digital currencies to be outlawed.

He was either drunk on the vodka then or is drunk now, though, as Russia just announced it will “legalize cryptocurrency” by July 1st of this year.

It’s good news, sure: better to have governments (gangs) capitulate to the rise of digital currencies than to outright resist them with their usual brutal force.

But Russian officials wouldn’t have to “legalize” math if they didn’t arbitrarily make it a “crime” to begin with.

Some news headlines say 'legalize':


While others call it 'regulation':


Which makes sense: 'legalize' and 'regulate' are basically synonyms in the statist dictionary.

Indeed, Russia’s legalization is just a hesitant proposal to create layers of regulations that will “allow” cryptocurrencies to exist under the state’s watchful eye.

Crypto-enthusiasts under Putin will have to tiptoe around “legal guidelines for the issuance of initial coin offerings” and worry about a central bank that “isn’t keen on retail traders and investors participating in…trading.”

But wait, there’s more:

A separate bill on digital assets – to be submitted to the Russian Parliament this month – will aim to establish governance rules surrounding cryptocurrency mining. Individual entrepreneurs will be allowed to enter mining pools established by legally recognized entities and ‘conduct activities to extract cryptocurrencies that do not fall under the criteria of industrial mining,’ said Alexei Mostovshchikov, chair of the Expert Council of the Youth Parliament under the Russian Duma.

As usual, the state is seeking to justify its burdensome regulations by claiming it’s for the good of those whom they enslave and extort.

Parlamentskaya Gazeta, Russia’s Central Bank, says it’s worried about citizens endangering their lives with unsound financial decisions:

The central bank has come out against the legalization of this kind of digital currency inasmuch as citizens could then actively invest in instruments without considering possible risks.

Let me get this straight, the Russian government extorts and enslaves its “citizens” while the central bank counterfeits and constantly devalues the currency. But, they are worried about the poor folk who consider other options?

Thanks guys, but aren’t you already doing enough damage?

In any case, having a mafia come out and say they won’t kill you or extort you if they catch you doing math with computers is good… I guess.

But really what the world needs is for governments and central banks to just go away. And cryptocurrencies have the potential to help make that happen.

If you want to hear from 50+ of the world’s best speakers on freedom, investing and cryptocurrencies check out all the videos from Anarchapulco, Cryptopulco and the TDV Summit which just wrapped up in February HERE.

At those events, we're beginning to build a new world that will render governments and central banks obsolete… and we're earning a lot of bitcoin doing it.

Ask me if I care whether Vladimir Putin grants us permission or not. I dare you.

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Does The Stupid Ever Stop? South Africa To Copy Zimbabwe Model To ‘Prosperity’

Does The Stupid Ever Stop? South Africa To Copy Zimbabwe Model To ‘Prosperity’

Doesn’t South Africa have the internet yet?  Or, even books? The new South African finance minister, Nhlanhla Nene, has just come out with an amazing plan to help the people!  He will devalue their money into worthlessness! This always works out well.  Nhlanhla has proposed an “ingenious” new plan to help the country's impoverished black […]

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018


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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Secrets Exposed From The Medical Industry

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the secrets the medical industry is hiding from you. We interviewed health consultant Clive De Carle on the cause of illness, natural remedies, doctors, wellness, nutrient deficiency, vitamins, minerals, supplements and a lot more.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

To find out more about Clive check out

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Monday, March 12, 2018


In this video Luke and Jason discuss Vladimir Putin and his vast global entanglements that seem to bring us closer to conflict with Russia each passing day. Big British grooming scandal exposed and more.

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DTUBE ONLY VIDEO – Parkland Code Red Documentary

Some topics are just too controversial for YouTube. Questioning specific stories will now get you banned from the platform and channels are increasingly being taken down for content like what you are about to see. Our videos are being demonetized and our live streaming abilities were recently cut by YouTube over a false accusation brought by CNN of copyright infringement.

What follows is a definitive citizen investigation into the events of Parkland and it blows the lid off official accounts and media bias. This is exclusive to the DTube platform. This took Jason three weeks of grinding to put together so please re-steam and share it on your social media and please support We Are Change.

Jason examines how student Nikolas Cruz was able to become a school shooter in spite of multiple reports that he was a dangerous person from fellow students, family and concerned citizens. Someone even contacted the FBI about Cruz in January and gave a detailed description of his erratic behavior. All of these reports seemingly went unheeded by the police. It is difficult to understand how a person like him was even able to own and acquire weapons. He was also reportedly getting counseling and was on psychotropic drugs.

Jason examines the official timeline and reports on how the official story has changed. There are inconsistencies in the arrest and the handling of the suspect. The school itself has a significant police presence which failed to do anything while the shooting is happening. There are multiple reported reasons for why this occurred.

Earlier that day the school had a fire drill which confused many students when the alarms went off a second time. There had been numerous drills in recent weeks and announcements about what to do in the event of a real shooting. Many students thought that it was just another drill. A teacher from the school Ernest Rospierski was told that morning that there would be a code-red drill later that day. He initially assumed the sounds of shooting was part of a drill.

Witnesses reported that the gunman was in full body armor and was wearing a mask. The police, however, deny this version of events. Could there have been multiple shooters as some students reported?

What we do know is, we don’t know the truth.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

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Goldman Sachs Globalist Gary Cohn OUT, New Tariffs. What Does It Mean?

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Goldman Sachs globalist Gary Cohn resigning from the Donald Trump white house because of a difference on the issue of new tariffs that the U.S President issued today. We also get into Elon Musk’s conversation with Trump, the exception to Mexico and Canada. New laws proposed by Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders that you should know about. As well as a critic of the MSM.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

Sources for this video:

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CNN Hits New Low In Trump Attack, New Alien UFO Breakthrough Video?

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on CNN hitting a new all-time low in their latest Trump attack, with nonstop coverage of Anastasia Vashukevich and Stormy Daniels. We also get into the new “breakthrough” video of aliens and UFO’s. Of course, we also talk about the FBI with geek squad, Skynet, Google, A.I, Korea peace talks, Alexa, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Rand Paul calling for an audit of the fed, plus a lot more.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

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You Won’t Believe What President Trump Just Ate For Breakfast!

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on you not believing what U.S President Donald Trump had for breakfast. Well, not really but we are trying to prove a lesson here as we interviewed @TheKnifeMedia about fake news, accurate reporting, fact-checking and of course click bait.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

Check out more here
Follow on twitter on @theknifemedia

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Trump! China! Tariffs! Why It’s Only Going To Get Bad From Here

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Trump proposing new tariffs on imports to the U.S, leaving many countries like China up in arms. Lindsey Graham espousing his wisdom, Xi Jinping trying to be president forever. We also get into broke millennials, the royal family and a lot more.

You can watch this video on DTube here.

Sources for this video:

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Sunday, March 11, 2018

PayPal Grovels To Patent Office In Desperate Bid To Exploit Cryptocurrency


PayPal has just filed a patent with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for an “Expedited Virtual Currency Transactions System.” The irony of using the state to create a legal monopoly for a crypto-innovation is not lost on me, but it’s no surprise given all we know about PayPal. After all, it was PayPal […]

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Saturday, March 10, 2018

One Year Ago Bitcoin Surpassed Gold In Value Per Unit… Look At How Things Have Changed!

One Year Ago Bitcoin Surpassed Gold In Value Per Unit… Look At How Things Have Changed!

This time last year, we published an article titled “Bitcoin Is Now Good As Gold, Actually It’s Better”. Now, this was back when a single bitcoin traded around $1,280. There were quite a few haters back then who commented on the vblog we did for that same article saying these this:       In […]

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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Uber Co-Founder’s Weird Coin Promises “A Sustainable World”

Uber Co-Founder’s Weird Coin Promises “A Sustainable World”

Known for co-founding Uber, StumbleUpon, and also founding the venture fund Expa, Garrett Camp is now trying his hand at cryptocurrency – but perhaps he should stick to what he already does well. Announced on March 1, Camp has launched “ECO” coin, a digital global currency that can be used as a payment tool for everyday […]

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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Economy Is Failing, Crypto Is A Threat To The Banking System – Jeff Berwick On The X22 Report

The Economy Is Failing, Crypto Is A Threat To The Banking System – Jeff Berwick On The X22 Report

I just went on the X22 Report to talk about a number of different things including firstly, the illusion that is the US economic “recovery” and the so-called “draining of the swamp” by selected president Donald Trump. Of course, there has been no recovery, and Trump did drain the swamp...before filling it back up with […]

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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Bitcoin To Replace The Dollar And Gold? Jeff Berwick On Crush The Street

Bitcoin To Replace The Dollar And Gold? Jeff Berwick On Crush The Street

I just did an interview with Crush The Street about how well this year’s Anarchapulco conference went, as well as the status of the cryptocurrency markets. Before I even knew about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, I said the market would provide a solution to the disaster that is the current fiat-based monetary system. Not long after […]

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Thursday, March 1, 2018

"Governments Are Shaking In Their Boots" Mike Maloney On Blockchain Tech

"Governments Are Shaking In Their Boots" Mike Maloney On Blockchain Tech SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MEDIA ➜ Patreon ➜ When it comes to blockchain tech decentralization is key moving forward. In this new age of digital currencies competing in an open market governments and bankers alike are scrambling to gain control of this new medium of exchange that is changing the way we interact with them! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Mike Maloney host of "Hidden Secrets Of Money" about the potential that blockchain tech has to move us "towards the liberation of mankind" To Learn more from Mike visit: Watch "Hidden Secrets Of Money" Episode 4 and Episode 8 Support independent media: Patreon ➜ Patreon Alternative ➜ Paypal ➜ Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin ➜ 13oNiHUNGn9vdfv7MT5kjwe7np9bwf5ccv Ethereum ➜ 0xEce2AEf1F26373a00BDC7243d1201a98578CC67e Bitcoin Cash ➜ 1MxgFpQdMujLYRTkSTw4PGDmL99s83PFKR Dash ➜ XirLdVdyaW9rXvhKic78ruc2X39HjNhdTV EOS ➜ 0x2BBB00605730feA136623CA366979705293DA659 Litecoin ➜ LVVaVCfNN25AuU1Ex2s4tX2Ze3iCig2kRo ARK ➜ ALLDoYdZTSo2G79Rn9RizzAes2bLwK2VVx Lisk ➜ 6851060122493388407L Verge ➜ DGx3kPjZmiYpsZfEePjEpT6sStsNXS1vK2 Reddcoin ➜ RkMCsv5mtMpKaQZRuQFE5fzadse2G2DNfp Raiblocks: ➜xrb_3rc4uthr5ahyxxzhu1riihcmudiefr4qxzpoq9tq3brbaqpxe6wn8twzb3pq Cardano: ➜DdzFFzCqrhsrGjJqD8F8NuPvhevcDkonwv3UfGwWxveZ5QQZ9ujtjmXpGxhrSXFa3AsxK94qdi8w2pq289FLqhgQVDyuUN3zxwd4g5M9 For more info from Press For Truth visit: Follow Dan Dicks: PATREON ➜ FACEBOOK ➜ INSTAGRAM ➜ TWITTER ➜!/DanDicksPFT ➜ STEEMIT ➜ SNAPCHAT ➜ Support PFT by donating ➜ Rock some PFT Gear ➜ Check out our sponsors: One World Digital Solutions: Get your digital content box and save $50 with promo code "PFT" AND Liberty Farms: Visit them in Squamish or online by going here:
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Whistle Blower: How To Co-Op and Buy A Politician

Whistle Blower: How To Co-Op and Buy A Politician In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news interviewing a whistleblower, former congress women Cynthia McKinney on how she saw politicians co-opt and bought. The buying of politicians is nothing new but how it's done is fascinating. Visit our MAIN SITE for more breaking news PATREON SNAPCHAT: LukeWeAreChange FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: STEEMIT: OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government owned help us out We take Crypto Coins Bitcoin - 1F6oeUnhXfr5UMC95apbJg7CLjm3BUrT8V Dash - XiZebHViTKxjngJ8U8Gekbz34XDcMjKe29 ETH -- 0x9124589c4eAD555F04a7214214c86EA80E129abB
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Crypto, Growth, EOS, & More! – Jeff Berwick with Crypt0 @ Anarchapulco

Crypto, Growth, EOS, & More! – Jeff Berwick with Crypt0 @ Anarchapulco

At Anarchapulco, I did an interview with Crypt0 about my view of the current state of affairs within the cryptocurrency and financial markets. I got to talking about how to maintain your concentration with so many new crypto’s, tokens, and other investment opportunities constantly arising and how to differentiate between scams like Bitconnect and actual, […]

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