Thursday, August 31, 2017

Google the CIA Monopoly Company We All Need To Do Something About

We Are Change

“It Should be possible for computers to detect malicious misleading and incorrect information and essentially have you not see it. We’re not arguing for censorship, we are arguing that you just take it off the page make it harder to find.” – Eric Schmidt – former CEO of Google

Welcome back beautiful and amazing human beings. That was Eric Schmidt the former CEO of Google who now runs Alphabet which is Google’s parent company. He was saying that they won’t censor misleading information, they will just put it in a place where no one can find it. That is the very definition of censorship, and it’s just more 1984 Orwellian disinformation doublespeak.

We are going to be talking about the multi-billion-dollar CIA Monopoly company that eventually wants to control the world. I am of course talking about Google which I see as big of a threat as the former robber baron industrialists and banksters like the Rockefellers of old. The new elites who want to control everything have learned that individuals who have the same goals and aspirations like the Rockefellers are vulnerable unless they have bigger institutions behind them. Like for example name-brand companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter to effectively reach the same goals that these individuals had.

This Behemoth multi-billion-dollar monopoly CIA company also has some other abilities which we will discuss later.

Let me preface this with how one of the biggest robber barons in the early nineteen-hundreds was able to gain power in influence. I am talking about John D. Rockefeller who had his Standard Oil trust broken up by the Supreme Court in 1911.

Mr. Rockefeller became one of the most influential and Powerful families in the United States through his horrible business practices. For example, he used his monopoly and power to build gas stations next to local small-business gas stations. He would lower the price of gas by a considerable amount and efficiently put the small local business out of business. He would then buy it for pennies on the dollar and have a monopoly on fuel prices in that region.

Something very similar is happening with something that is far more valuable than gasoline, and that is information. I know there’s a big portion of our audience that is for free market capitalism that are anarchists that are Libertarians but please before freaking out and talking about ‘muh roads’ just please read thru first. I am very interested in your comments.

Now Google is not just in the business of search engines but is also financially supporting left-leaning policy shops. Alphabet Google’s parent company has helped raise a liberal army intent on hashing out a policy to help influence US policy to their benefactors’ advantage.

What happens when these independent think tanks that are supported by Google publish something that questions the authority of Google. One researcher at the left-leaning New American think-tank learned that the punishment is swift and severe. His name is Barry Lynn, and he dared ask the question is Google a monopoly? He did spend years studying the growing power of tech giants like Google and Facebook, and he believes the answer is yes. That opinion has cost him his job. That’s because Google funds this scholarly research and supposedly independent think-tank the New American Foundation that he was working for.

According to the New York Times shortly after he posted an article that was publicized Eric Schmidt got on the phone with this supposedly independent think-tank. His blog post was temporarily removed, and Barry Lynn was fired. In his article, Barry Lynn mentioned how he agreed with the recent E.U. decision to levy a record 2.4 billion dollar fine on Google for breaching antitrust laws and for abusing its market dominance. Lynn wrote,

“Google’s market power is one of the most critical challenges for competition policymakers in the world today.”

I believe Google’s latest actions show how this multi-billion-dollar monopoly CIA-funded network that looks like it can never be stopped has a huge weak spot, of course, is government regulation.

Now hold on, calm down there, I see you typing away you free-market capitalist. Calm down I do believe there’s a solution outside of government regulation that I will talk about later in this video. I do not believe that government regulation will work primarily because Google is one of the biggest lobbyists in Washington DC and spends millions of dollars trying to influence DC lawmakers. They also receive government subsidies all the way up to 630 million dollars. Our tax dollars are being used to finance the rise of Google. A company that many analysts say is funded and started by the CIA.

The United States Intelligence Community funded in nurtured and incubated Google as part of a drive to dominate the world through control of information. Seed funding by the NSA and CIA. Google was merely the first among the plethora of private-sector startups co-opted by U.S. intelligence to retain information superiority. This is not a conspiracy theory even Obama said it himself that,

“Google, Facebook would not exist without government funding.’

This is the same Google that has a secret alliance with the National Security Agency. They work hand-in-hand with them and have virtually unchecked surveillance powers on you the American public. That is why the man you saw at the beginning of this video Eric Schmidt is now helping run the Pentagon surveillance program.

To add insult to injury Google has also moved billions of dollars to Bermuda to avoid paying taxes.

This is why I believe the argument that Google is a private company and they do what they want is entirely invalid.

The free market capitalist argument doesn’t work for Google since they are subsidized by U.S. intelligence agencies and by U.S. government seed funding. It beat out its competitors who didn’t comply with the U.S. government. This is a company that continues to get subsidies from your taxes as they are working with the US government to spy on you. They’re just switching back and forth. They use socialism to get more power, money, and control while relying on subsidies while at the same time saying that if anyone criticizes us you’re just an anti-capitalist. That’s bull-crap.

Before I get into solutions that we the people could take to prevent this monopoly from getting even bigger and dominating further. I want to talk about some of the more Sinister things that we have to understand right now.

It’s not just myself many other people see Google as a significant threat to our way of life. It’s Google, not the US government that is building the future.

They’re developing deep learning A.I. (artificial intelligence) systems whose abilities will be way more powerful and influential than say a representative government.

Julian Assange even said that,

“Google is not what it seems” and they can do things that the CIA cannot.”

Researchers and scientists have concluded that Google could rig elections through their search algorithm which could easily shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20% or more. Up to 80% in some demographic groups and they could do it with virtually no one knowing that they are being manipulated.

While they become more powerful by the day, they are waging a censorship campaign against news organizations that publish content which conflicts with the narrative of the Washington establishment. Not only have they proven ability to rig search results and to hurt the consumer but through their companies have been blatantly censoring content. Waging war on alternative media to bankrupt independent journalism.

Which for many years now Google has been severely destroying our income. Often to the point throughout my career where I didn’t know if I was able to continue my operation since Google decided to cut off my monetization. Of course, a lot of people are affected it’s not just me. What is very concerning about what’s happening right now with Google is the fact that they’re choosing to go after independent media as their first Target. Not terrorist videos or even disturbing videos for pedophiles on their network. Which demonstrates to me another very weak spot for Google, it shows how afraid of real independent media they truly are and how much of an effect we’re having.

Knowing what we know what is the best way to stop Google from getting more power, money, and control. The answer is straightforward. It may be more convenient, cheaper and easier to use Google services just like it was cheaper to use that gas station. Knowing what we know now and sharing this information with your friends and family members. Spreading it to as many people as you can you could take away this company’s main driving force.

That, of course, is you and your information. You have to understand when something is free you are the product. This company is only as powerful as it is right now because of our participation. We can take that away we could use alternatives search engines like Duck Duck Go instead of Google. We should set up Firefox browser instead of Chrome. You can start using alternative social media accounts like A service which helps you and me raise cryptocurrencies just by participating in their system.

The solutions go on and on and on because you have to understand the government which is so intertwined with Google will not regulate Google. It is up to us and only us to do this vital job. Now I understand by doing this video relying on YouTube as the platform to spread this which is owned by Google I am eventually shooting myself in the foot and taking the chance of totally being de-platformed from the biggest platform that I operate on.

Which is this YouTube channel make sure to go to and put yourself on our email list. We’re not sending out emails yet but we will when they take us down. Understand that without your participation and your donations whether through PayPal or Bitcoin I would not be able to be here. You’re more important than ever. Please take some actions together cohesively we can make a major difference in this world.

I love you guys thank you again.

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from We Are Change

The Governments Manufactured Hate Crisis CONFIRMED AND EXPOSED

We Are Change

Welcome back beautiful and amazing human beings!

I wanted to preface this article with a video showing you how a police officer physically assaulted me. The reason for this is because we’re about to get into a crucial topic about everything that’s happening behind the scenes in the upsurge of violence that we see on the streets in the United States. We investigate governments manufactured hate crisis.

This video took place during Occupy Wall Street protests where my friends and I thought we saw a police officer dressed up as an Anti-Fa. We began filming him, and then he jumped over a barricade and punched me because I was filming him.

I know he was a police officer because I chased him down the street screaming at police officers to arrest the man who just physically punched me.

“This man just assaulted me can you guys please take care of him. Just assaulted me I have it on video. Guys this guy just assaulted me.” To which no surprise to me at all the police officers just let him go. I didn’t stop and followed this man for a block and a half with other police officers letting him go away until he went behind police lines to fully avoid me. I also saw the same man later that night at the protest and confronted him again. This time he had to run into a police vehicle to escape me.

Now the reason I’m bringing this up is that I saw an old 1969 COINTELPRO document that was declassified it specified how the US government needed to exacerbate racial tensions on purpose. All of this was done to weaken the anti-war movement. You can see the document in full which will be in the description below. Does that remind you of anything that could be possibly happening today?

Now follow with me on this the official COINTELPRO program that was this instituted by the FBI used many dirty tricks to undermine progressive movements. The FBI planted false media stories, published bogus leaflets, and other publications in the name of a targeted group. They also forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls and they spread misinformation about meetings and events and set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents. The FBI also manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials, and others to cause trouble for activists.

They used bad jacketing to create suspicion about targeted activists sometimes with lethal consequences. There was illegal break-ins, vandalism, assaults beatings, and assassinations. All of this being conducted officially by the FBI to go up against protest movements. It’s well-documented that the NYPD has agent provocateurs police officers dressed up as activists during Occupy Wall Street to incite violence. This is why I looked for agent provocateurs and police officers dressed up as anti-Fa members in New York City. I knew what they were up to and because of that, I had to face repercussions from the NYPD. They beat the crap out of me on the number of instances knowing who I was and unsuccessfully failed to deter us from actually continuing to do this essential job.

We even have a whole playlist on our YouTube channel of all the things we have to go through because we were uncovering these agent provocateurs. It will also be linked in the description below so you can see it for yourself. The reasons I’m bringing all this up is to expose to you how COINTELPRO 2.0 is alive and well in the United States right now. It’s being used against all of us during Donald Trump’s inauguration. DC police infiltrated the anti-Fa group, and in many instances, the police are not only infiltrated them but helped cause the violence at these events. This has been documented time and time again.

Just like in Montreal when peaceful protesters tried to stop two masked men from throwing rocks and inciting violence with the police. These people were caught by peaceful activists with rocks in their hands when they were inciting violence to which the police department had to respond and of course denied that they were even involved.

Then later on when the dust settled did they finally admit that they were police officers who were instigating the violence. This occurred a few years ago, and the police have gotten a lot smarter than before. In this picture, you could even see the agent provocateurs having the same shoes as the riot police.


Obviously, the tactics by the police and the establishment and government have become more sophisticated and a lot more intelligent. After these obvious blunders that they made but we have to understand that this is continuing to happen. We are learning from the Toronto G20 where the police engaged in purposeful provocation as undercover agents.

This is bigger than just the left-right paradigm, larger than the alt-left or the alt-right because people are targeted on both political spectrums. It’s all a strategy to divide and conquer everyone as we just learned about an event a few days ago.

In this event, the FBI heroically stopped a plot by a far right-wing activist to blow up buildings in Oklahoma. They failed to tell you that the suspect is mentally ill man that was entrapped by the FBI. A man who was incapable of daily functions because of his mental disorder. The FBI went behind the parent’s backs. They used this man and pushed him towards more extremist views.

The FBI agents have even gone as far as to set up their own phony white supremacist gang. They not only infiltrated far-right causes but are also running them. The US government has never stopped inciting violence and extremist views on the left and right since 1969. This is a program that continues. When these two groups finally meet on the streets of the United States, the police stand down, and they allow the situation to become very violent. They fail to do their jobs and allow the violence to increase to the point where we now we have people dying in the streets.

I have seen this many times not only in Berkeley but all over the country where the police run away. They stand down and allow violence to escalate.

That’s exactly what we saw in Charlottesville. Charlottesville was only the beginning as we see violence increase throughout the country.

To the point where people are beating each other up for no reason at all and even occasionally assaulting individuals on their side.

The recent clashes in Boston and Berkeley have shown that the left and anti-Fa lose the optics game. They’re being disavowed by the Washington Post, MSNBC, Nancy Pelosi, Mayor Bloomberg, and others. To the point where the same repressive reciprocal actions that they used against the right will shortly be used against them. Which will just continue and perpetuate the cycle of violence, hate, radicalization, and extremism. Creating a situation which will hurt all of us.

When the average American sees this violence escalating on both sides, they will normally ask for a police state to stop it. That’s exactly what we see with Congress just quietly passing a that allows warrantless searches in some U.S. States.

We are seeing Trump moving to fully militarized police forces all across the country. He is rolling back Obama era restrictions on providing military gear for police departments. Sadly most Americans do support this. That’s only one aspect of an encroaching police state that is using these incidences to usurp our power and control and give it over to the government.

We see more restrictive laws put in place, further censorship of online content, both on the left and the right. Sadly the majority of the public are not only being manipulated into believing that this is good but they’re also pushing for it.

The whole situation from my point of view is engineered against us. Sadly there are very few rational voices exposing this problem-reaction-solution plot that’s happening against all of us. Both the mainstream media and alternative are a big part of that. I believe that the media are the main ones at fault here.

The biggest currency online right now is not Bitcoin. It’s victimization that’s being used by both sides of the spectrum to push people against each other. To further divide and conquer us. People are so hungry for victimhood that they’re even lying about it like this man who claimed he was stabbed after being mistaken for a Nazi. He was just caught lying and making the whole story up.

Then there is this Muslim woman who made up a New York City Subway hate attack by supposed to Trump fans. It turns out that it was made up and it never happened.

This Jewish man who was arrested for a series of anti-semitic phone calls and graffiti all over New York City.

There is an agenda here that you need to be aware of. We just witnessed openly hope for a civil war, not just call for one, but hoping for one. Telling you that you need to pick a side.

We’ve seen countless race baiting misinformation, and you need to realize this is not an accident it’s a two-pronged problem. One is a financial incentive with outrage that makes you click and the second one is an even more sinister.

We learned from other declassified US government documents of a program called Operation Mockingbird that was declassified. It shows how US intelligence agencies had full control of the US mainstream media. They even had executives at these media institutions and CIA journalists writing fake news for a bigger political agenda. This is what has happened in the United States, and it has not stopped. The US government just last year legalized operation Mockingbird where now the FBI can legally impersonate the media.

We found out from other brave journalists about how the CIA would come to them with written articles telling them to publish them or face repercussions. While the establishment media is helping the government polarized situations by dividing people on race, sex, class, and anything else they can make up. It’s people like myself and other alternative media including Ron Paul former congressman and presidential candidate who are now censored online.

The same people who created this problem, so that the American public would ask for a solution from, are the same ones who are making those that disagree with the status quo “hate speech”.

This is a multi-pronged attack that goes after free speech and freedom of expression.

We’re seeing elected officials in this country calling for the shut down of events. We need to realize that the people are calling for this censorship, for new laws. Those wanting people silenced will eventually be silenced themselves by those very same laws. While government agencies infiltrate and incite violence on both the left and the right the mainstream media continues doing their bidding. They use psychological warfare to divide us and radicalize issues. They spread more extremist ideologies that all lead to further violence.

The real problems in this country like the war on the middle class, the destruction of our food and water supply, foreign wars, the increase in power for corporations and governments and the censorship of real alternative independent media are the issues that are never dealt with or rectified. People are being engineered to argue about statues, please don’t be a dumbass. Don’t allow fear to rule you, do not be intimidated, do not be distracted, and do not be divided. The answer and solutions are within all of us and realizing this is happening as the first step to walking away from it.

So if you found this video relevant please share it with your friends and family members and remember we have more things in common than divide us.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everyone who donates on We mainly get one time five dollar donations, and that’s the only reason we’re able to be here. We won’t cater to the left or the right or the establishment nor the corporations or the government. We’re here for you.

I love you guys thank you so much for watching.


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from We Are Change

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Venezuela Readies For U.S Invasion, H3H3 Sargon Legal YouTube Limbo

We Are Change

Welcome back amazing and beautiful human beings. Today is August 27th, 2017 a Sunday which means it’s time for another WeAreChange Weekly Wrapup where we give you all their important news you should know about without all the dumbass distractions. This week was pretty crazy. Venezuela readies for U.S. invasion, and there are two legal court battles with H3H3 and Sargon of Akkad. There is also more legal trouble for Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Oh and the utter destruction of freedom of speech, self-expression, on something that used to be the free and wide open Internet.

Let’s start today’s broadcast with the next potential war. This occurring as the President of Venezuela Maduro said that relations between the United States and Venezuela are at the lowest point ever.

Right now the Venezuelan president is readying his military by launching massive military wargames and organizing civilian volunteers. This is in preparation for a potential conflict with the United States.

Why is this happening?

Trump: “Well I’m not gonna rule out a military option. We have many options for Venezuela this is our neighbor. This is you know we’re all over the world, and we have troops all over the world. In places that are very, very, far away. Venezuela is not very far away, and the people are suffering, and they’re dying. We have many options for Venezuela including a possible military option if necessary.”

Reporter: “Would that would be a U.S-led military operation?”

Trump: “We don’t talk about it, but a military operation and military option is certainly something that we could pursue.”

Donald Trump is threatening the country of Venezuela with war because of alleged human rights violations when it comes to the Venezuelan government persecuting people who are protesting against them.

If that’s the excuse, he’s using I wonder if he’s ever heard of a country called Saudi Arabia? Many Latin American countries have rejected Donald Trump’s military threat against Venezuela, and Donald Trump wasn’t lying when he said the US military is all around the world. We just found out yesterday that one soldier is missing after a US Blackhawk helicopter crashed off the coast of Yemen.

My response to that is why the hell are US soldiers in Yemen in the first place? Are they fighting alongside Saudi Arabia and al-Qaeda against the mainly Iranian Houthi Shia rebels in that country? A war that has caused mass human suffering, starvation, and incredible human rights violations.

This again shows the double sided hypocrisy of U.S. foreign policy as perpetrated and continued by Donald Trump. I’m sorry Trump supporters, but you have to wake up to the cold reality and the facts of who Donald Trump promised he would be and who he is right now.

In further horrible Donald Trump news, we have Congress that just passed a bill allowing warrantless searches of homes in the United States.

A bill that was just signed into law by Donald Trump. Very noteworthy is that the U.S. mainstream media that frequently harps on Donald Trump when he eats two scoops of ice cream but for some reason have forgotten to criticize him about getting rid of our basic human rights. This now affects the people of Virginia, the state of Maryland, and of those living in the District of Columbia. Police can now search your home without a warrant and violate your basic freedoms that are supposed to be protected underneath the US Constitution. I think that should put some things in perspective to who the mainstream media are and for what purpose they serve. Ultimately they have a very clear-cut agenda, and it is not one that benefits you and me.

In this new digital age, it’s not just the government that we have to worry about suppressing our freedoms. It’s a lot bigger entity called the corporatocracy. Freedom of speech is the basic core principle behind the United States. We are slowly seeing that freedom of speech being taken away by conglomerate monopolies. Organizations like Alphabet who along with Google and YouTube are increasing the velocity of online censorship.

We’re hearing that Google has just begun its biggest ever crackdown on supposed extremist content. Including videos from alleged KKK and ISIS members.

That’s not the truth because I’ve been personally hit by their latest crackdown effort. It’s not just me, but also former Congress member and presidential candidate Ron Paul were hit as well.


This has affected other non-controversial YouTubers like Philip DeFranco.

Some people want to make this a left and right agenda item, but in reality, it’s not just conservatives that are being hit but also independent YouTube channels. It’s killing our ability to earn a living and to continue to make YouTube videos.

This crackdown is only getting worse, and as I reported two days ago, YouTube has just begun isolating offensive videos.

They have started with a very political video that was a contract legal video but now cannot be liked, embedded, or earn any money.

They also disabled all the comments. You can’t even see the person who made the videos channel through that particular video. That video was singled out for political reasons.

This is what pisses me off that pedophile channels on YouTube that exploit children were allowed.

They still monetized them even though they were very disturbing, dark, sinister, horrid, videos but yet those videos were not a priority for YouTube to go after and censor. This shows you exactly what this purge and this crackdown is all about.

There’s a very important lesson that we all need to learn. I may not agree with some people on YouTube and their opinions. So long as they’re not exploiting or hurting children, I would always stand up for their right to share the opinions and arguments even if I disagree with them. The right to be heard is the only way to develop and evolve humanity. Even to hear out the stupid opinions online. Once you start supporting laws and policies that suppress any ideas that you think are bad, when you silence those people you disagree with, those same policies and laws could be used against you.

It’s not just censorship against the right that is happening there’s a bigger play being made here by the establishment. We’ve seen Germany that banned a far left website that they accuse of promoting violence.

We are also seeing laws being changed in England that are making online hate crimes be treated just as serious as offline offenses. We are also seeing similar initiatives being pushed by local governments here in the United States. Ultimately what’s happening is the mainstream media emotionally manipulates the public dividing and conquering people against nationalities, races, and sexes making us fight amongst ourselves. This is occurring to the extent where people on the left and right are going to government and asking them to take away the freedoms of others. The government would gladly take away more freedoms away from these people, and that is what is happening.

It’s all a big distraction, a divide and conquer game which ultimately benefits the people in power. They will gladly oblige the triggered people who are demanding more power and authority from the state to do their bidding. I think more people need to desperately understand that this play is being made against us all.

Let me know in the comment section below if you disagree or agree with me on this topic.

Now moving forward in other YouTube news we found out yesterday that popular YouTuber Karl Benjamin who goes by the name of Sargon of Akkad is being sued in US courts for “copyright infringement” and accused of perjury.

Left-wing YouTuber Akilah Hughes is suing Sargon of Akkad for using her video in one of his videos. This is going to be a very instrumental court case that will, of course, affect all YouTubers. We will be following it very closely.

At the same time this week we’re finding out that another popular YouTuber H3H3 productions just won a major copyright lawsuit again another YouTuber that they made fun of. After a year-long battle, a judge ruled that they were in the right for making a satire video making fun of another YouTuber.

It did not violate any copyright infringement since the video involved critical commentary. It was not a market substitute to the original YouTuber who was made fun of.

H3H3 made a video about this that gathered 3 million views in over 12 hours which exposed how YouTube’s trending homepage is being completely manipulated. This is not a surprise to me that Alphabet, Google, and YouTube would do this since. I think it’s clear now that they don’t have any ethical or moral background as a company.

In other news, we saw the resignation of nationalist and White House adviser Sebastian Gorka which of course many people consider to be another victory for the “deep state” as allegedly another anti-globalist person has been purged from Donald Trump’s administration. The former White House adviser will now join a joint venture with Breitbart news – supposedly to “create the platform for a true Jacksonian national foreign policy agenda.” More anti-war and anti interventionist policy makers are being removed from Donald Trump’s administration. There is a closer realignment of Donald Trump’s administration towards globalists and war mongers like H.R. McMaster. This is a bad indicator of a more military prone and aggressive Donald Trump administration which we covered in previous videos this week.

In other troubling news, we have the former DNC head and Hillary Clinton aide who is in hot water. The court admitted that it was the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz that rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders in the last presidential election.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz IT staffer is also in trouble after the information has come out that he may have compromised sensitive data to foreign intelligence agencies.

He was caught trying to flee the country and now his indictment ha expanded by four more counts.

This case has been fascinating to watch especially with all the recent developments. A lot of details that people are putting together surrounding the death of Seth Rich. There’s something up here, and it’s not just me saying so. It’s also a former US Attorney General that said: “There is something very strange going on here.” I’m gonna be following that story very closely so if any concrete developments come from that expect to here.”

Subscribe and stay tuned. I want to thank all the sponsors of this show. Which are you the people who donate five dollars a month on This is our own Patreon system that we set up on our website. This allows us to be fully independent, fully free to express and say what we want. Unless YouTube cracks down on us even more which we are expecting.

I just wanted to end that I’m not really that worried about it. Big institutions like Myspace came and went. Institutions like Facebook and Google hinge on us using their platforms. In this time of censorship, we have to understand that we the people have the power.

That’s why it’s important to spread alternatives like to let people know about other alternatives. These big massive social media companies have no power unless we are enabling them to have it.

I want to be here doing what I am right now. I love you guys thank you again.

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from We Are Change