Thursday, August 4, 2016

Another Mass Attack in London American Woman DEAD, 5 Others injured in Knife Attack MOTIVE UNKNOWN

We Are Change

It seems like everyday we are being bombarded now with attacks, and it doesn’t seem like it’s slowing down anytime soon.
With statistics now saying there is an ISIS attack every 48 hours in Europe alone. The world is going insane people are killing for the adrenaline rush and sick thrill of taking another persons life.


Now a male in his teens, a 19 year old Somali teenager Zakaria Bulhan has gone on a killing spree killing one woman Darlene Horton in her 60’s
and injuring five others – two women and three men. Three of which have since been discharged from the hospital with minor stab wounds.

The Incident occurred at around 10.30pm last night, when police were called to Russell Square to respond to a 999 call equivalent to a 911 call here in the U.S.

Police then chased and tackled the suspect down Bedford Place avenue ending the manhunt by searching then tasering him.

A video was captured by a witness Chanel Britton, who caught the moment police surrounded and detained the man according to the

The man was very big and required several officers to sucessfully finally take him down.

Britain’s top anti-terror officer Mark Rowley made a statement saying they have interviewed the suspect, his family issued a search of his home, spoke to
MI5 and MI6 anti-terror officials and believe it was a “spontaneous and random’ attack not ‘motivated by terrorism.”

Instead officials blamed the man’s mental health although, not fully ruling out the possibility of terrorism.

However Witness’s claim that the attacker Zakaria Bulhan didn’t act alone and had an accomplice saying that one man was seen speeding away on a motor bike.
Additionally according to witnesses Two men, allegedly of “Middle Eastern descent”, were seen acting suspiciously outside of the Imperial Hotel after the incident.

One witness who spoke to under the condition of anonymity said.

“I saw two men of Middle Eastern descent acting suspiciously outside the Imperial Hotel, on Southampton Row.
One man made off on a motorbike down the wrong side of the road with the other man heading in a different direction.”
~Anonymous witness, according to

Another witness Fernando who dialed 999 (911) for police to arrive said.

“I was cycling home from work and some people stopped me in the street asking for help to call an ambulance. I saw an old lady lying against the wall – she had collapsed. I had to call 999, but it took a bit of time because I didn’t know the postcode, then two or three minutes later a car full of police turned up. That was the moment I realised she had not just collapsed but had been stabbed.”
~Fernando told the Dailymail

In the aftermath of the attack the Met has increased security and sent dozens of armed Scotland Yard counter-terror unit forces and police out to patrol and protect the community in case of further attacks and to calm the public.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan issued a public statement urging the public to “remain calm and to remain vigilante” to further attacks in the coming hours, days and weeks to come. Additionally the MI5 has released a terrorism alert level chart to be used to categorize the potential of a terror attack.

An attack is unlikely
An attack is possible, but not likely
An attack is a strong possibility
An attack is highly likely
An attack is expected imminently

“I have spoken with the Commissioner, and the Assistant Commissioner, who have assured me that our police officers are working extremely hard to investigate exactly what has happened and to keep the rest of us safe. A man was arrested at the scene. Police have spoken to him and are seeking to establish the full facts including motives for this attack.
I urge all Londoners to remain calm and vigilant. Please report anything suspicious to the police. We all have a vital role to play as eyes and ears for our police and security services and in helping to ensure London is protected.”
~London Mayor Sadiq Khan

Following the attack ISIS was seen celebrating the stabbings through telegram with many ISIS members praising the attack, at the time of this writing authorities have not yet made any links to terrorism or the Islamic State.

Photo credit Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Photo credit Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

The post Another Mass Attack in London American Woman DEAD, 5 Others injured in Knife Attack MOTIVE UNKNOWN appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change

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