Tuesday, August 2, 2016

BREAKING: DNC Collapsing Amid Resignations In WikiLeaks Aftermath

We Are Change

Right before the rigged Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wassmerman Schultz resigned after Wikileaks exposed the DNC’s bias towards Hillary Clinton.

Now there is a rash of others following in Debbie’s footsteps. It’s damage control time at the DNC because it is collapsing.


A week before the DNC, Wikileaks leaked 20,000 DNC Emails proving the DNC’s bias towards Hillary Clinton and Against Senator Bernie Sanders. The bloody aftermath of that is hitting the DNC now. Predictably, Debbie Wasserman Shultz fell on the sword and was hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Now, DNC CEO Amy Dacey, CFO Brad Marshall, and Communications Director Luis Miranda are leaving the DNC.

The employees are officially “resigning,” but likely were fired for their behavior or comments in the leaked emails, like calling Latino voter outreach “Taco Bowl Engagement.”

Marshall wrote one email questioning Bernie Sanders’ Jewish faith and suggesting he could be portrayed as an atheist.

Beyond the rude and possibly racist comments, the DNC hack also exposed collusion with the media. The DNC asked media networks to not air any content that opposed Hillary Clinton and to broadcast Anti-Sanders content.

There was also outright bribery, as high end donors sought positions on federal boards and commissions in violation of federal law.

“The disclosed DNC emails sure look like the potential Clinton Administration has intertwined the appointments to federal government boards and commissions with the political and fund raising operations of the Democratic Party,” said Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group told Daily Caller.

The DNC failed to do it’s job ethically and unbiased when they plotted against their own candidate Senator Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton. The DNC also failed to investigate dozens of claims of election fraud all in favor of their candidate of choice Hillary Clinton.

Despite the resignations, will anyone be held accountable for the treasonous anti-democratic corruption that took place at the DNC? Or will Hillary Clinton hire them all onto her campaign like she did with Debbie Wasserman Shultz, further showing she has no morals and ethics?

But you can be sure that this isn’t over and won’t be the last resignation to come out of the DNC. I can think of a few more people they should fire by going through Wikileaks document dump and the DNC should probably think about firing it’s IT department since none of this would have been happened without those meddling hackers and their crappy computers. Unless of course, it was an insider that leaked the emails

Be sure to read our article archiving all of the most damaging Wikileaks Leaked DNC Emails HERE.

The post BREAKING: DNC Collapsing Amid Resignations In WikiLeaks Aftermath appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change http://wearechange.org/breaking-dnc-collapsing-resignations-amid-wikileaks-aftermath/

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