Friday, August 12, 2016

FBI MUTINY? WikiLeaks Tweets FBI Investigating Clinton Foundation

We Are Change

Full Disclosure – I am one of many journalists that has received inside information for months that the FBI has multiple joint investigation probes into the Clinton Foundation.

Now, the Daily Caller and WikiLeaks have tipped that investigations between the FBI and the New York State Attorney are working together to prosecute the Clinton Foundation.

A former senior law enforcement official is the official source that the probe will be led by Preet Bharara of the Civil Frauds Unit and Complex Frauds Unit in the Southern District of New York.

There are a number of lucrative deals that the Foundation has made, documented famously in the film Clinton Cash. The Clintons are in for it.

U.S. Attorney General Preet Bharara is known to be harsh on political corrupt figures, previously securing convictions of former New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Republican Majority Leader Dean Skelos.

So where does the investigation stem from — how did the FBI dodge the Department of Justice’s mandate not to prosecute? The key is Terry McAuliffe, who pledged $2 billion dollars to the Clinton Foundation. The FBI was able to skate around the Department of Justice by probing Terry McAuliffe’s time on the board of the Clinton Global Initiative, which is part of the Clinton Foundation. One major donor to the McAuliffe campaign also pledged $2 million to the Clinton Foundation. So investigators used Terry McAuliffe’s investigation to open a probe into the Clinton Foundation.

There are also several links to the Chinese shared by Terry McAuliffe and the Clintons. Both had a financial relationship with wealthy Chinese donors. Terry McAuliffe invited a Chinese donor to Hillary’s home and a subsequent donation to the Clinton Foundation was made.

Wang Wenliang, a former delegate to China’s legislative body, and the National People’s Congress, and Ng Lap Seng, a wealthy Chinese businessman accused of public corruption by the Chinese government, are both linked to the Clintons.

In 1996, before the U.S. presidential election, Ng Lap Seng was involved in a Congressional probe into how foreign money was funneled into to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton administration. Although, never convicted in that case, in another case he was accused and indicted on a scheme to bring $4.5 million into the U.S., while also being wanted in China on corruption charges. Those charges caused a revival of the former case against him implicating the Clintons, and he may sing like a canary in court.

An additional red flag raised by following the money 

“According to “Anthony Rodham, Hillary Clinton’s brother used an investment firm ran by McAuliffe to funnel money from a controversial U.S. visa program into McAuliffe’s electric car company. Then-Secretary of State Clinton ran the agency charged with overseeing the visa program, which benefited investors in U.S. companies”, reported the FreeBeacon.

This is a probe into public corruption — not emails. This also requires no intent — if there is a sliver of evidence found of missing money or a lucrative deal that left Bill and Hillary rich, that is guilt. In 2015 alone, the Clinton Fraudation failed to disclose 1,100 foreign donations to it’s “charity fund.”

In July, last month a congresswoman Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Fla.) and her chief of staff, Elias “Ronnie” Simmons were indicted on 24 counts for exactly what Bill and Hillary are doing – using a charity foundation as a slush fund to make lucrative deals, receive bribes and do political favors. Again, much of the evidence for the Clintons’ bribery has already been published in the documentary Clinton Cash.

Additionally last week, the feds raided an office of Philly Union Boss John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty whon is Tied to the DNC and Clinton. This went viral when social media got a hold of it and misidentified the raid as being a raid on Hillary’s campaign offices.

With Julian Assange holding further cards to play at any key moment, with Hillary already publicly dodging charges from the email scandsal, the Clintons have been backed into a corner and we might actually see Hillary and Bill brought out in handcuffs and paraded in front of the media.

The Clintons’ fall could take many other powerful people in the government who have used the Clinton Foundation to get rich with them, which explains the establishment is pulling every dirty trick in the book to try and save Hillary.

“When you look at any foundation, and the Clinton Foundation in particular, you have to check and see what its authorized tax exempt purposes are. Because this entity raises money from the public continuously…they have to be very specific.

Their authorized tax exempt purpose, stated in their application dated 23 December 2007, was just supposed to be a presidential archival research facility in Little Rock. They never have been authorized as far as I can tell from the public filings, they have never been authorized to fight HIV/Aids, fight climate change, convene meetings in New York and set up these various initiatives.

None of them has been validly authorized, which means they have been raising money with materially false and misleading public filings. They have been doing it using the mail, using the Internet and using telephones, all of which is a federal crime.” ~Charles Ortel, to USA Watchdog.


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