Saturday, August 6, 2016

Hackers Stole And Reprogrammed More Then 100 Cars Using A Laptop In Houston

We Are Change

Two men, Michael Arce, 24, and Jesse Zelaya, 22, were jailed in Houston, Texas for allegedly using pirated computer software to steal more than 100 vehicles exploiting a vulnerability to reprogram the targeted vehicles electronic security so their own key they generated worked.

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They focused on newer vehicles from Jeep and Dodge which according to authorities bring in a big pay day in Mexico’s black market of stolen vehicles.

The keys they used were a computerized database of codes used commonly by dealers, locksmiths and independent auto repair shops to replace lost keys by customers.

“As you get more and more computers installed in vehicles—if somebody has that knowledge and that ability, they can turn around and figure out a way to manipulate the system”
~Houston police officer Jim Woods said.

Vice’s Phreaked Out, displayed an episode early 2014 how it was possible to hack a vehicle and take control of it’s computer car system to accelerate or decelerate the vehicle even turning it off from a mile away. Although, adding it’s not easy to hack a car it’s very possible.

As technology advances and we put computers into our transportation vehicles it has to be a firm reminder that security also needs to play a role otherwise you will have a jungle where hackers can choose to do whatever they please by exploiting these systems.

“With more automotive tasks becoming computerized and more cars being linked to the internet, such thefts are likely to increase across the globe”
~Yoni Heilbronn, a computer security expert said.

The investigation started in May when Houston authorities were looking into the theft of a Jeep Wrangler near downtown when they received a tip from Homeland Security and Immigration Customs Enforcement officers that vehicles were being stolen using a laptop. Arce and Zelaya then were identified as the primary suspects. Police then arrested the pair last weekend driving a stolen Jeep Grand Cherokee that was stock piled with electronic devices, keys, drugs, firearms and body armor.

Michael Arce, remained in jail without bond on charges of – unauthorized use of a vehicle, felony possession of a weapon, and possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance due in court at the end of August. While Jesse Zelaya is being held on $500,000 bond on a charge – of unauthorized use of a vehicle and was due in court Wednesday.

This is only the start of a new wave of cyber crime with experts saying it’s only a matter of time until cars are held hostage for ransom just like cell phones and computers using ransom ware or whole streets of cars stopped at a time.

“The auto industry has worked hard in the past year to develop protections, but hackers with multiple motivations will always be looking for ways to get in,
While increased computerization brings safety benefits, I foresee more thefts, malicious software being installed that shuts down cars until a ransom is paid, and even attacks that disable many cars at a time. The industry, has to install multiple layers of defense.”
~Heilbronn, vice president of marketing for Argus Cyber Security, said.

The post Hackers Stole And Reprogrammed More Then 100 Cars Using A Laptop In Houston appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change

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