Saturday, August 6, 2016

Hillary Slipped Up Again Accidentally Calls Donald Trump Her Husband Instead Of Cousin

We Are Change

Hillary slipped up again, this time she accidentally referred to her opponent Donald Trump as her husband i know the words husband and cousin sound similar but Hillary, Donald Trump isn’t Bill Clinton he is in fact your 19th cousin through your 18th great grandparents John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and Katherine Swynford, Duchess of Lancaster though, if we are going to be political accurate.


The mix up of family genealogy happened last night during her speech in Washington, DC for the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. Where Hillary was speaking out on her formulated polices if she were elected president.

“I hope you will compare what I’m proposing to what my husb — my opponent is talking about…”

She then corrected herself but not before several people in the audience burst out in hysterical laughter realizing her mistake.

The press conference marks an end to her hiatus not talking to the press in more then 200 days.

She also attempted to save face today over the way she characterized the FBI assessment of her activities with her email server and the way she handled herself when speaking to the FBI and about the matter. Saying she may have “short-circuited” this comment spawned the twitter-verse to troll her coming up with the hashtag “#WhatMakesHillaryShortCircuit.”

“I was pointing out in both of those instances that…Comey had said that my answers in my FBI interview were truthful. And I have said during the interview and in many other occasions over the past months that what I told the FBI, which he said was truthful, is consistent with what I have said publicly. So I may have short-circuited, and for that I, you know, will try to clarify.”

To answer that question of what make’s Hillary “short circuit” we have to go back to an old report by Breitbart which talks about Hillary’s health and something being seriously wrong with her mental health according to a law enforcement official John Cardillo.

“Health issues stemming from a previous brain injury are affecting Hillary” maybe that explains the insane out burst of laughter, constant coughing and at time’s insane outrageous behavior like compulsive sociopolitical lying Hillary displays?

“Strong source just told me something I suspected. Hillary’s debate ‘bathroom break’ wasn’t that, but flare up of problems from brain injury”
~John Cardillo

This comes after Hillary read “Sigh” in one of her speeches off a teleprompter in Raleigh, North Carolina prior to the Democratic National Convention.

The post Hillary Slipped Up Again Accidentally Calls Donald Trump Her Husband Instead Of Cousin appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change

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