Monday, August 15, 2016

Milwaukee Uprising Day 2: 17 Arrested, 5 INJURED, 30 Reports Of Shots Fired

We Are Change

For a second night violence broke out in Milwaukee following the death of Sylville K. Smith.

Smith was shot and killed by a black police officer Saturday afternoon. Smith turned toward the officer while holding a gun in his hand. Smith was attempting to flee after the officer pulled Smith over for a traffic offense.

Milwaukee businesses were burned to the ground, rioters threw rocks and concrete bricks and bottles at police, and burned squad cars.

Seventeen people were arrested after police declared the “protest” unlawful and asked the crowd to immediately disperse or face arrest. The crowd didn’t listen and officers began making arrest.

“I hereby declare this assembly to be unlawful and hereby order you to disperse… If you do not disperse immediately you will be arrested.”
~Milwaukee police lieutenant, talking over a loud speaker.

Milwaukee County Sheriff’s spokeswoman Fran McLaughlin said “four deputies were injured when demonstrators clashed with law enforcement, the deputies were hit by concrete bricks or rocks and that two of them have yet to return to duty.”

Another unknown, presumably white 18-year-old Milwaukee man was seriously injured when he was shot during the unrest on Sunday night. This prompted officers to respond and use an armored vehicle to retrieve the man and bring him to a hospital. In addition to this incident, 30 different incidents of shots fired were reported.

“I’m not saying protesters provoked them, but I would say a good handful of idiots took it upon themselves to abuse the confusion and started throwing things at the police”
~Daiveon Lee, 20, of Milwaukee, who marched with the crowd.

Wisconsin’s governor Scott Walker put the National Guard on standby to protect against further violence.

While the officer’s bodycam video has not yet been released, according to Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn, “The officer certainly appeared to be within lawful bounds based on video from his body camera. The officer told Smith to drop the gun and he did not do so. Its unclear how many rounds the officer fired. Smith was hit in the chest and arm,” Flynn said.

To curtail further violence and riots in the community, the video will
need to prove this was a legitimate shooting of Sylville K. Smith, justified because he pulled a gun and the officer fired back in self-defense after telling him to drop his gun. In videos that appeared online today after the riots, some black people chose to take out their anger on white people, chasing down whites and beating them.

Of course, the bigger issue here is the growing racial division. “They white get they ass,” and “He’s white beat his shit,” are just some of the disturbing quotes from the video that can be heard.

Car windows were smashed, and people were grabbed and drug out from their cars. Police even left the scene after witnessing this horror show.

“A still image pulled from the footage clearly showed a gun in Smith’s hand as he fled a traffic stop Saturday.  I want our community to know that,” adding he wanted understanding for Smith’s family.”  ~Mayor Tom Barrett said.

The author’s thoughts:

Some in Black Lives Matter have gone awry with their ideals and the leaders need to seriously denounce these attacks and further not tolerate these attacks by people who choose to wear the BLM tag.

I am not saying this is all of Black Lives Matter, but I’ve witnessed how some are using BLM to create a racial divide amongst people. Flat out we are all human beings here. Your skin color doesn’t change who you are as a person – it’s your actions and behavior that shapes who you are and the people who participated in beating up random white people because some ignorant whites in the past treated their ancestors as slaves is not justifiable. In fact every race has been treated as a slave. In Egypt, whites were traded as slaves. By such actions like these we are going backwards instead of forward in racial relations, a wedge that is being driven by globalists like George Soros, a wealthy rich white man who has invested in BLM.

They want chaos so they can bring a solution — it’s ordo ab chao, Latin for order out of chaos and although some see it many don’t the tension is high and we need to come together for peace.

What’s worse is the alleged victim Sylville K. Smith’s brother Sedan Smith tried to blame police, saying “the riots are justifiable because once again the police failed to protect us like they said they were going to do and us as a community we aren’t going to protect ourselves but if we don’t have anyone to protect us this is what you get you get riots we losing loved ones every day by the ones who sworn in to protect us.”

This will only fuel the fire. The real solution is police reform, better training, police accountability, a council formed to oversee police conduct that is not ran by the police departments, but by the citizens that these officers are supposed to serve and protect. I’ve yet to see any video released of the shooting but if this turns out to be another cover up instead of transparent investigation showing Milwaukee’s citizens this was justified, I fear for America and even then with videos like the above going viral, I am not at ease.

According to the Milwaukee Journal, Sentinel Smith was also charged in a previous shooting and was later charged with pressuring the victim to withdraw testimony that identified Smith as the gunman. “The charges were dropped because the victim recanted the identification and failed to appear in court,” Chief Deputy District Attorney Kent Lovern said to the Sentinel. So based off the information available this seems to be a violent man riling up more violence.

The post Milwaukee Uprising Day 2: 17 Arrested, 5 INJURED, 30 Reports Of Shots Fired appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change

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