Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Uber Style Private Jets, Ending the TSA and the Drug War, Bitcoin Investing and Ending the Fed

Uber Style Private Jets, Ending the TSA and the Drug War, Bitcoin Investing and Ending the Fed
http://youtu.be/bXhZ2sjqXgM Anarchast Ep.298 Jeff interviews anarcho-capitalist entrepreneur Joby Weeks, topics include: the UBER of private jets, traveling the world, #goodbyeTSA, neutraceuticals, Bitcoin and blockchain apps, smart contracts, the non aggression principle, statism is evil, Showing Sanders supporters their error, this election is an opportunity to prove the system does not work, taxation is theft, a $100,000 mining fee, creating the largest Bitcoin mine in the world, Ethereum mining, the Dao debacle, the mining fee, Bitclub business opportunity, vote with your wallet, spend with good companies and change the world, wealth and freedom, Anarchapulco is the biggest private conference in Acapulco, the smartest and richest people in the world are behind bitcoin and changing the world. Check out Bitclub: http://www.anarchopreneur.com JetSmarter website: https://jetsmarter.com/ Anarchast on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Anarchast/?fref=ts The Dollar Vigilante: http://dollarvigilante.com Anarchast: http://anarchast.com/ Anarchapulco 2017: http://anarchapulco.com Enjoy our content and would like to see us get more amazing guests and spread the word of freedom? A donation to this BTC address will give us more resources to do so: 16AJs5DFEcfCuXkwmx1o54Ld4yXzPP1gVR
via YouTube http://youtu.be/bXhZ2sjqXgM

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