Sunday, August 7, 2016

Wikileaks Emails Bring New Attention to Hillary Victory Fund Money Laundering

We Are Change

On May 2 earlier this year, the Sanders campaign released a statement accusing Clinton with “looting funds meant for the state parties to skirt fundraising limits on her presidential campaign.” Wikileaks confirmed the Sanders campaigns accusation of the “Hillary Victory Fund.”


The DNC agreed to participate in the “Hillary Victory Fund” a joint fundraising that distributed money to both Hillary’s main committee, Hillary for America, as well as the DNC itself.

The DNC worked behind the scenes to tell media outlets and journalist like “Ken Vogel” to not talk about the “Hillary Victory Fund.” Not only showing unethical bias towards Bernie Sanders but out right campaigning for Hillary when they are supposed to be neutral and unbiased.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz even resigned then was hired by Hillary Clinton, but the bigger story here isn’t the bias towards Hillary Clinton it’s the money laundering that took place from the DNC to Hillary Clinton. Just another form of money laundering we already exposed the lucrative Clinton Foundation in one of our previous articles on the new documentary “Clinton Cash.” Now this is further concrete evidence of the dirty money laundering Hillary Clinton takes part in.

Ken Vogel, and another journalist Isaac Arnsdorf of Politico brought up the following revelations in Wikileaks and Guccifer 2’s DNC leak.

“Between the creation of the victory fund in September and the end of last month, the fund had brought in $142 million, the lion’s share of which — 44 percent — has wound up in the coffers of the DNC ($24.4 million) and Hillary for America ($37.6 million), according to a POLITICO analysis of FEC filings. By comparison, the analysis found that the state parties have kept less than $800,000 of all the cash brought in by the committee — or only 0.56 percent.”
~Ken Vogel, and Isaac Arnsdorf, Politico said.

“The emails show the officials agreeing to withhold information from reporters about the Hillary Victory Fund’s allocation formula, working to align their stories about when — or if — the DNC had begun funding coordinated campaign committees with the states.”
~Ken Vogel, and Isaac Arnsdorf, Politico said.

So what’s worse then money laundering from a national party to your own campaign? Besides the FBI not doing anything about it? A dirty lawyer, helping to cover it all up.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign attorney, Marc Elias also appears in a Wikileaks email suggesting media strategy to the DNC saying.

“The DNC should push back DIRECTLY at Sanders and say that what he is saying is false and harmful to the Democratic party, Marc Elias, an attorney who advises the DNC and the Clinton campaign, wrote in an email to DNC officials. DNC CEO Amy Dacey responded ‘I do think there is too much of this narrative out there — I also worry since they are emailing to their list (which has overlap with ours!”

If you are interested further read the very informative article written on Politico. We will continue to keep you up to date on Wikileaks further leaks of Hillary Clinton as they happen stay tuned to We Are Change.

The post Wikileaks Emails Bring New Attention to Hillary Victory Fund Money Laundering appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change

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