Friday, September 16, 2016

DC LEAKS: Colin Powell Emails Talk About Bohemian Grove

We Are Change

This election cycle keeps getting more and more intense with Wikileaks calling it the leak election. With Guccifer and a mysterious hacking group dubbed DCLeaks never in the history of U.S. elections has there ever been so many leaks. Now it’s been revealed that Colin Powell emails talk about Bohemian Grove.

A place surrounded by mystery and secrecy that Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton’s husband once mocked a question about saying.

“You mean that place where republicans go to get necked and hug red wood trees”

~ Bill Clinton

Our own Luke Rudkowski also confronted Newt Gingrich about the Bohemian Grove in 2012. President Nixon called it “the most faggy goddamn thing you could ever imagine that San Francisco crowd that goes in there it’s just terrible I won’t shake hands with anyone from San Francisco.” Newt responded to Luke saying, “It’s nice to know that some people have fantasy lives.” Hey, Newt, Bohemian Grove is a real place, we know it exist we know it’s purpose is of a secret society. Infowars Alex Jones, the person who snuck into the Bohemian Club confronted David Gergen (top presidential adviser) who was very displeased with Alex and ended up walking away when confronted with the question. Bohemian Grove was also revealed by Paul Bonnaci to be a child trafficking and snuff film meeting place before Alex even infiltrated it and made it main stream.

Although, you don’t have to be a “crazy conspiracy theorist” to believe something is occultic about the Bohemian Grove, they worship a stone owl called “Moloch.” That’s on record the ceremony ritual is called “Cremation of Care.” Who would want to cremate care? Even if you don’t find it odd that a bunch of politicians and business men dress up in robes, some participating in the actual ceremony. It’s a conflict of interest, having a secret meeting and society where the biggest world leaders, and financial industry leaders can meet in secrecy to discuss policies and make deals. It’s a meeting of the rich and powerful to gain more power, it’s a place to network.

In an email provided to Breitbart News by the hackers with a password Powell addresses his friend “Canadian politician and lawyer Peter Gordon MacKay, former Canadian Member of Parliament, who also served as Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Minister of National Defense, and Minister of Foreign Affairs” Aaron Klein of Breitbart news writes.

Peter, I am back from the Bohemian Grove. Surprise, surprise, I sat next
to Stephen Harper a couple of times and had a nice discussion.  Grove
attendees know that Trump is a disaster. Most will vote against, but quite
a few will not vote for Hillary and will vote for a third party candidate.
Strange doings down here. Otherwise all is well with the Powells. We’ll
sneak away for a few days in August. Of course I’d love to see you. Let me
know your dates.  I told Stephen that you seemed quite content in your new
place in life.

~Collin Powell, said.

In an email earlier this year leaked from Hillary Clinton’s emails Amselem, W Lewis, can be seen writing “With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .  to Task Force Honduras; Otero, and Maria.

What the actual fuck? Who says that? Keep in mind, Hillary’s emails were leaked, so the joke aspect of mocking conspiracy theorist goes out the window. It’s begun, secret societies that influence our elections are being exposed. No more “it’s a conspiracy theory,” when it’s in two Former Secretary of States emails. Not only does one single email out of Hillary’s email archive expose the occult but it exposes that Bohemian Grove exist because of the used word “Moloch.” No one casually says, “i am going to go sacrifice a chicken to Moloch!” But there is one more email by long time illegal state adviser Sidney Blumenthal, where Blumenthal talks about Philip Bobbitt meeting with Kis singer and Colin Powell.

“Meanwhile: I had lunch yesterday with Philip Bobbitt, who told me he had recently been at the Bohemian Grove and had lunch there with Kis singer and Colin Powell. Powell offered his opinion that if the Democrats do poorly in the mid-term elections, Obama, as he judges him, would quickly reduce the commitment in Afghanistan. That, at least, is Powell’s private opinion. I am now on way to NYC, Emmys ceremony tonight (Monday).”





The post DC LEAKS: Colin Powell Emails Talk About Bohemian Grove appeared first on We Are Change.

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