Sunday, September 11, 2016


We Are Change

The unthinkable has happened for Hillary Clinton, Democrats are preparing to meet to consider replacing her, with less then 3 Months remaining until November’s election according to David Shuster MSNBC.

After Hillary’s episode today it appears many Democrats are finally seeing that Hillary Clinton is unfit to be president of the United States, one Democrat operative said “she hid the fact about her pneumonia from them for three days Friday, Saturday and Sunday.” Calling it “uncharted political territory.”

So wait, it took a sickness for them to consider replacing Hillary Clinton not the emails that will be released shortly by Wikileaks or any of her other criminal actions, habitual lying and other scandals?

After almost a month of back and forth episodes, constant coughing, seizure short circuits firing of Dr. Drew for saying she isn’t well, the media has tried to cover up Hillary’s health saying it’s just pneumonia. Another Doctor, Dr. Milton Wolf on Twitter disagrees with those claims saying pneumonia doesn’t explain the seizures, Brain blood clots, Neurological deficits 3. Long-term Coumadin 4. Today’s Van episode and it’s an ever changing story on Hillary’s health.


Who will replace Hillary Clinton? If anyone is it too late to replace Hillary Clinton? Will Hillary’s poll numbers plunge after this latest episode? Will 9/11/16 be known as the day that corrupt crooked Hillary Clinton who won the primaries off sheer voter fraud, was prevented from entering the White House? Will Senator Sanders enter back in the race, clearly he would be the next choice since he was the runner up at the DNC.

It seems some what fit and karmic that potentially Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid ends here as another one of her big lies was about 9/11 when she said to Dateline, NBC. That her daughter Chelsea Clinton was jogging around the World Trade Center, when the planes hit and Chelsea herself later contradicted her mother’s story. What kind of sick sociopath lies about a tragedy that just took 3,000 innocent people for media attention? Absolutely disgusting, I guess the same person who lies about being under attack by Bosnia Snipers even though the media was with her at the time. The same person who lied to the American people about Benghazi an attack that took four American’s lives, blaming a Youtube video while telling her daughter Chelsea Clinton it was a terrorist attack. Lastly, the same person who said she didn’t send classified information, then claims she doesn’t even know what the classification (C) means and says it’s to number paragraphs. What is it Hillary your lies are obvious and the American people, the media even your bought press isn’t putting up with it anymore. You have been the most scandalous politician since Nixon and what you have done makes what Nixon and the CIA did with Watergate look like child’s play. You should know you were a lawyer on that case,  I am not sure what being a lawyer did to you or if you ever had a heart or soul laughing about getting a rapist off who raped a little girl because his DNA wasn’t on any evidence. You are a sick deplorable individual, that word you used to describe Donald Trump’s supporters and that’s not even scratching the surface of what you did to other countries with the Clinton Foundation using it as a pay to play scheme while Secretary Of State. Then raping countries of their natural resources like when you setup your brother Tony Rodham with a mining deal in Haiti.

Did you really think you would never get caught because you have the surname Clinton? Or were you that desperate to get elected to pardon yourself? In either case Hillary, the probe of the Clinton Foundation will continue long after you exit the election or don’t and you can’t pardon a money laundering charge. You face Preet Baraha one of the most aggressive District Attorneys and Senior FBI agents not James Comey this time around and it’s not just you it’s Bill Clinton too you are both being probed it’s Game Over either way no smashing of phones or losing of laptops is going to save you and honestly if you lose or commit obstruction of justice in a string of investigations you might as while just turn yourselves in. But remember there is no intent needed for money laundering.



from We Are Change

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