Thursday, September 8, 2016

FBI: Hillary’s Crooked Aide and Lawyer Cheryl Mills Destroyed Evidence

We Are Change

According to the recently released FBI report on Hillary’s server investigation, the FBI found evidence that Hillary’s crooked aide and lawyer Cheryl Mills destroyed evidence and committed obstruction of justice. Despite the evidence, the FBI has done absolutely nothing.

In an interview with the New York Post, Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton said the FBI saw massive document destruction and intent to withhold material evidence by Cheryl Mills, but did nothing and ignored the evidence and even let Mills sit in on Hillary’s interview as one of Hillary’s lawyers. Mills ultimately decided which emails of Hillary’s were “personal” and which were “work-related.”

“The smoking gun is on page 16 of the FBI’s 47-page report. It details how Mills ultimately made the determinations about which emails should be preserved before she and Clinton decided to delete the rest as “personal.” Paul Sperry writes.

“It’s absolutely outrageous, the FBI saw massive document destruction and clear intent to withhold material evidence,” he added, “and they just ignored that obstruction, and even let her sit in on the interview. The FBI invited Mills to attend Hillary’s interview at FBI headquarters as one of her lawyers. – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.

Fitton also brought up the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play scandal at the State Department –

“The whole thing was designed to keep Clinton Foundation emails away from investigators,” – Fitton said.

In addition, Hillary ordered aides to strip classified material and send it insecure to her private server. A direct example of deliberate negligence and willful intent.

Hillary also burned her calendar and daily schedules (public records) illegally – admitted by her aide Huma Abdeen during her own deposition early on in the FBI investigation of Hillary’s server.

The fix was in for Hillary’s email investigation, as her top aide Cheryl Mills was involved in the whole email scandal fiasco by helping Hillary delete emails was also allowed to sit it as her interview as one of her lawyers – something that should have been seen as a major conflict of interest to the case by the DOJ. Instead the DOJ protected Mills and others from being prosecuted or even questioned.

Mills’s also has claimed she was unaware of the nature of Clinton’s email setup during Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State despite documents showing that Mills was deeply involved as chief of staff in resolving questions regarding Clinton’s email use. So Cheryl Mills not only committed obstruction of justice but she lied to the FBI to protect her boss Hillary Clinton and the FBI did nothing.

Federal criminal law states 18 U.S.C. 207(a) makes it a crime for any former government employee to communicate with the government on certain matters “in which the person participated personally and substantially while in government.”






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