Friday, September 2, 2016

FBI Releases Clinton Investigation Documents That Prove Shes Guilty

We Are Change

Hillary’s had a rough few months scandal after scandal after scandal with many now catching steam and the Clinton foundation being investigated by the FBI for pay to play deals.
Now today the FBI Releases Clinton Investigation Documents, pertaining to it’s investigation of the Hillary’s private server and it’s findings aren’t good news for Hillary.


Friday, the FBI released 58 pages of notes on it’s investigation of Hillary Clinton and her private closet server that seem to indicate she was guilty so why then did the FBI let Hillary walk?]


FBI Director, James Comey said in July, that he did not recommend charging Clinton with willfully mishandling classified information and no reasonable prosecutor would try to pursue the case but I am not a prosecutor and i can see that they have enough evidence to indict her on exactly that severe negligence, obstruction and more.

FBI agents said they recovered 17,448 “unique work-related and personal” emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server that she did not provide when she was court ordered to do so.

So let me get this straight they have proof that she committed obstruction of justice but she wasn’t charged? In addition to another charge of obstruction Hillary’s server was wiped with computer software bleachbit weeks after The New York Times published a story reporting her use of a private email server while secretary of State, according to notes from the FBI’s own investigation.

The summary of the FBI’s interview with Hillary is the most complete record of the conversation that we will get, which was neither on the record nor recorded, in accordance with FBI’s own policy. South Carolina congressman Trey Gowdy has even expressed that the FBI barely probed Hillary’s intent with her server.

The state department was even warned about using a private server with unauthorized cell phones the FBI said in the released document.
Additionally it was revealed that one of Clinton’s IT aides enabled the Remote Desktop Protocol on the server, despite known vulnerabilities of the protocol which could have been exploited and allowed hackers access to her server.

“In 2011, a notice to all State employees was sent on Clinton’s behalf, which recommended employees avoid conducting State business from personal e-mail accounts due to information security concerns. Clinton stated she did not recall this specific notice, and she did not recall receiving any guidance from State regarding email policies.”
~FBI document on Hillary’s server investigation.

Hillary even used the excuse that she had a concision and couldn’t remember all her briefings and key details. Which may give further fuel to the fire that Hillary Clinton has health issues with the words out of her own mouth.

Trump’s campaign spokesman Jason Miller has responded saying that the FBI interview further reinforces the display of Hillary’s bad judgement and dishonesty.

“Hillary Clinton is applying for a job that begins each day with a Top Secret intelligence briefing, and the notes from her FBI interview reinforce her tremendously bad judgment and dishonesty, Clinton’s reckless conduct and dishonest attempts to avoid accountability show she cannot be trusted with the presidency and its chief obligation as commander-in-chief of the U.S. armed forces,”
~Trump Spokesman Jason Miller, said.

The post FBI Releases Clinton Investigation Documents That Prove Shes Guilty appeared first on We Are Change.

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