Thursday, September 1, 2016

Hillary Clinton Hacker “Guccifer” Sentenced to 4 Years In Prison

We Are Change

The Romanian hacker “Guccifer” – Marcel Lazar Lehel, 40 – was sentenced to 4 years in prison today. Guccifer was made an example for his political motivated hacks of Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush and others.


Guccifer received an extreme, near-maximum sentence of 52 months in prison.  “The severe sentencing is meant as a deterrent to future hackers,” according to U.S. federal judge James Cacheris.

Guccifer will be sent to his home country of Romania to serve out his sentence there first, then will return to the U.S. in 2018 to serve out his prison sentence in the U.S.

“This epidemic must stop, A tough penalty would deter future hackers.”
~U.S. District Judge James Cacheris, said.

Guccifer revealed to the world the existence of Hillary Clinton private email server and conversations with her long time friend and confidant Sidney Blumenthal, a man so corrupt he was banned from participating in the Obama Administration.

When Guccifer leaked an email exchange between Clinton and Blumenthal talking about Libya that has not been included in Hillary’s 30,000+ released emails, it proved Clinton had illegally deleted it.

Hillary Clinton denies that Guccifer or any foreign individual or government breached her server, but Guccifer says other wise saying “it was easy.”

Of course, it’s the hacker revealing corruption that is going to jail, not the woman exposed doing corrupt deals and hiding the evidence. While Hillary Clinton got off,  the hacker known as Guccifer, Marcel Lazar Lehel is going to prison.

Guccifer’s other hacking victims include Bush family members and friends, Colin Powell, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, a senior United Nations official, Rockefeller family members, former FBI agents, security contractors in Iraq, a former Secret Service agent, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Negroponte, as well as some Hollywood stars.

Guccifer previously warned about a plot to use a nuke in a major city in the NYTimes – a treasonous plot if true, possibly stopped by Gufficer revealing it. If you doubt that the U.S. government or any government would use a false flag attack against it’s citizens, refer to Operation Northwoods, stopped by John F. Kennedy, that reads a lot like what happened on 9/11.


Guccifer was very intrigued by the possibility of the globalist elite “Illuminati” running the political and financial spectrum, as well as the documented secret societies like the Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones. His full alleged archive is available here for download, roughly 7GB archived by Cryptome. Other documents can be found here including Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission members.

The post Hillary Clinton Hacker “Guccifer” Sentenced to 4 Years In Prison appeared first on We Are Change.

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