Thursday, September 8, 2016

Julian Assange: Wikileaks May Start Releasing Hillary Clinton’s Emails Next Week

We Are Change

Julian Assange said in an interview with Sean Hannity Tuesday night on Fox that “Wikileaks may start releasing Hillary Clinton’s emails in the coming weeks.” Assange added Wikileaks may release the first batch reasonably soon, possibly next week or the week after.

Assange also brought up the fact that Wikileaks has previously released thousands of documents with Hillary using the [C] marking that she told the FBI she thought was used for identifying paragraphs, saying that she is absolutely lying.

“It is also disturbing that FBI director Comey goes along with this game,” Assange said.

An old video going viral online shows Clinton saying she was briefed on how to handle classified material. The problem for Hillary is that her lies come back and bite her time and time again. Remember, Hillary skipped her cyber security training test. So she can’t give excuses that she had a concussion and can’t remember when she remembered in 2015, but can’t remember one year later?

Well, that shows the American public Hillary Clinton is completely unfit to be the President – she is blatantly lying. How can someone who has such a reckless disregard for National Security be President of the United States Of America? The fact that she mishandled classified information and told her aides to delete classification tags and send classified information through a clear channel email to a public server should disqualify her for the highest chair of the land. A U.S. veteran pointed this out to Hillary last night at the Commander-in-Chief Forum, and Hillary’s answer was a pathetic new lie that she used a secure server.

To excuse her blatant law breaking, Hillary introduced a new lie, saying “I communicated about classified material on a wholly separate system. I took it very seriously.”

FBI director James Comey announced back in July that Clinton sent classified emails – clearly marked as classified – on her private, non-secure email server.

No wonder Hillary is constantly blaming Putin and others for her problems that she created. Hillary created these scandals, and she needs a boogeyman to blame them on. The email scandal isn’t a “right wing conspiracy,” that line isn’t going to work this time.

Assange additionally talked about the FBI’s decision to release it’s document dump on Hillary’s investigation on Labor Day weekend, questioning the timing of the release.

The FBI’s report shows that Clinton used 13 mobile phones, a direct contradiction that she wanted to use it for convenience purposes.  The report even detailed that the FBI found that one of her aides smashed phones with a hammer which is a form of obstruction of justice.

“The first batch is reasonably soon. We’re quite confident on it now. We might put out some teasers. I don’t want to promise anything because we want to see how the formatting goes. We might put out some teasers as early as next week.” – Julian Assange

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