Tuesday, September 6, 2016

LEAKED: Hillary’s Burned State Department Schedules

We Are Change


Months ago Huma Abedin revealed that Hillary Clinton burned her schedules as Secretary of State.

Last week, Clinton’s schedule leaked online but it received virtually no media attention.

The State Department previously said that it would release Hillary’s schedules after the election, then backtracked, claiming it would release them before the election.  The Schedules were requested from the State Department by FOIA requests and litigation from the conservative group Citizens United.

Totaling 3,721 pages, the leaked schedules show half of Hillary’s State Department appointments during her tenure of Secretary of State from 2009 to 2011. The schedules purport to show Hillary’s meetings, briefings, conference calls with foreign ministers, sessions in the White House situation room, and more. Clinton met with a number of billionaires and press members.

On Monday, Sept. 20, 2010, Hillary Clinton went to The New York Times offices in New York for an off-the-record, “Coffee with NY Times Publishers and Editorial Staff.” When she arrived at the office at 10 a.m., the schedule shows she was greeted by New York Times Chairman Arthur Sulzberger. Was Hillary’s desire to hide her close relationship with “impartial” media outlets the reason she burned her schedule?

When Hillary burned portions of her schedule as Secretary of State, was she aware that’s against the law?
Besides the fact that destroying public records is illegal, what was Hillary trying to hide by burning her schedule? Who did she secretly meet with that she doesn’t want the American public and prosecutors to know?

Maybe you were trying to hide your meetings with Clinton Foundation donors when you turned the State Department into a pay to play organization? These would be excellent questions to ask Hillary, but she hasn’t held a press conference in over 275 days, and frequently walks away from reporter’s questions.

As it is now a fact that Hillary was involved in shady, lucrative deals with foreign leaders, it is apparent her private email server was setup not for convenience, but to deter freedom of information requests and hide from investigators – as she said to Peter Paul.

I will comb through these documents until I find what Hillary was trying to hide. Although these aren’t the full schedules, the State Department has promised to release the  full schedules before the election.

The post LEAKED: Hillary’s Burned State Department Schedules appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change http://wearechange.org/hillarys-state-department-schedule-leaked-that-she-burned/

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