Wednesday, October 12, 2016

#BREAKING: Wikileaks Releases Fourth Batch Of John Podesta Emails

We Are Change

It all began last Friday, when the international whistle-blower organization Wikileaks began releasing a new series of email leaks of Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta. Assange has adamantly began leaking a couple thousand of emails a day. Assange pledges he has 50,000 emails in his possession all of which he says will be released by November before the Election. Today Wikileaks released it’s fourth batch of John Podesta Emails totaling the number of emails released so far to be 6,526.wikileaks-logo-wallpaper-e1345132156820


So far Wikileaks has revealed collusion between journalist and the Clinton Campaign, as well as coordination between the DOJ and Hillary’s closest circle, as well as coordination between the State Department, Illegal campaign coordination and John Podesta’s own obsession with UFOs. It was also revealed that Hillary Clinton said in an email that Saudi Arabia and Qatar were funding ISIS, in which she has still taken money from a country she believes is sponsoring ISIS a terrorist organization. Hillary was also painted as hating everyday American citizens by John Podesta in the latest leak. Hillary’s hate of everyday American’s is also expressed by leaked Goldman Sachs transcripts in which she says that everyone needs a private and public opinion. Which essentially means lie to your voters sell them out for high paying donors in politics.

As we all sit and sift through these emails we will keep you up to date on what is found as journalist from all over the globe comb through these emails. Check out the breakdown on the previous three releases revelations. Oh and no we are not supporting Donald Trump we are non biased against all political corruption and just reporting the facts.


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