Sunday, March 19, 2017

Peru Floods: Peruvians Cry For Help Over Social Media

We Are Change

As the death toll reaches 72 following a heavy set of floods in Peru, the country is in a state of emergency. The flooding has been ongoing for over a week now. Thoughts go back to the Peruvian flood of 1998, in which around 300 people were killed.

Several parts of the country are affected by the flooding and it seems there is little that the government can do to help. One company in particular from Trujillo, Peru (Ocupa Aventuras) is crying out for help over social media to feed the locals in their city:

(WARNING: Video is in Spanish)

Por favor y de corazón la ayuda es urgente e inmediata en el Porvenir (Trujillo_Perú). No hay luz, agua ni comida y cientos de familias damnificadas. Se necesita:- Comida preparada: *sándwich*pan con mermelada-pollo-queso-etc*Galletas*frutas-sandías-manzanas-mangos* Desayunos, Almuerzos y cenas.- Bebidas:* Agua embotellada (preferencia 7 L) o hervida* Refrescos para repartir en vasos * Vasos descartables – Alimentos para preparar: * papas* verduras* agua* arroz* huevos* menestras* aceite* tapers o platos, y cucharas descartables?* linternas frontales * lámparas a batería* leña – ayuda física:* Palanas* Cientos de sacos para llenar arena* Mano de obra para llenar sacos y sacar barro de las casas. Mañana 7 am iré llevando desayunos, estaré todo y el día ayudando, mi número celular 976061301, si deseas ayudar. La comida para preparar dejarla en las ollas comunes, la comida preparada repartir a los damnificados y trabajadores que están en reconstrucción. El agua repartirlo entre las ollas comunes, los trabajadores y damnificados. La ropa repartir a los damnificados (busquen familias y preguntar por la ropa que necesitan). #UnaSolaFuerzaNo tengo plata, ni camioneta, pero si una bicicleta y buenos brazos para ayudar. Ayer estuve en el huaico. Hoy desde las 8 am estuve ayudando a llenar sacos, repartir agua a trabajadores que llenaban sacos o sacaban barro de sus casas, llevé pan con mermelada y los repartí. Amigos me dieron el alcance con sus donaciones y ayuda física, y juntos ayudamos a la reconstrucción de El Porvenir. Luego vino el huaico y los pobladores unidos sacamos máquinas de calzado de una pequeña emprendedora. De corazón pido tu ayuda, todos apoyar, así sea un pan con mermelada y un vaso de agua, los damnificados estarán eternamente agradecidos. Mi número celular 976061301. Mañana domingo 7 am regresaré al Porvenir, puedo ayudarte a repartir la ayuda.

Posted by Ocupa Aventuras on Saturday, March 18, 2017

In the video, the man explains that there is no food and water, and that they are taking food and water donations to help save families that are affected by the flood. If you want to see more information or help the city of Trujillo, click here to view the original post and get in contact with the company.

Lima Faces Flooding and Closures

Rutger Bosker, who has been living over 8 years in Peru recently spoke with me, describing the situation in Lima to be “flood everywhere, roads are closed, people got evacuated from several places, nobody has water… Rain is expected for at least two more weeks.”

Bosker also said that her wife was not able to go to work as a teacher for several days due to the flooding in Lima. The flooding in Peru has also affected the city’s fresh water supply, resulting in massive lines for non-potable water. Peru has apparently been out of tap water and in a state of emergency since Wednesday in many parts of the country.

Fresh Water Crisis in Peru

The country of Peru had a fresh water problem before these floods occurred. Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski had previously promised that he would improve the fresh water situation. Tourists who visit Peru today have to purchase bottled water or face the consequences.

Now that the country faces a heightened water problem to add on top of their fresh water problem, we can only hope the best for country of Peru. This flood comes right as tourist season is supposed to kick off, which is an industry that Peru depends on economically.

The post Peru Floods: Peruvians Cry For Help Over Social Media appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change

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