Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pokemon NO Forbidden Zones Essential Tips!

We Are Change

Now that my 90’s child hood is back in a crappy remake of a button smasher with two moves.
Let’s discuss the forbidden Pokemon NO zones and essential tips for the new Pokemon installment Pokemon GO.


But first lets give some tips kiddies, please remain out of ghetto’s and dangerously high risen crime rate cities for your own safety. Also if your parents didn’t tell you don’t talk to strangers. Did you hear about that story of the Oregon man who got stabbed over Pokemon Go? What a bed time story for Suzzie or Tommy!

Second, don’t take beacons from strangers yes i said beacons not bacon Nintendo and Niantic seems to think its a great idea to tell others where Pokemon are. Yeah that can’t be abused at all. Well some “smrt” guys figured out this could be abused to rob people at gun point. And again more robberies – LA, MD, MO due to the Pokemon revolution!

It can also be used to abduct kids remember this is a kids cartoon game. Basically Nintendo just created a pedophiles paradise paedo bear is thanking you don’t get in the van kids its a trap!

Third, this goes with don’t take beacons from strangers know your surroundings don’t walk blindly into a dark alley way, don’t fall into a ditch, avoid quicksand, don’t walk into traffic, don’t Pokemon GO and drive, don’t find dead bodies or guns, don’t tape your phone to your ceiling fan, don’t enter restricted zones and don’t get lost in a forest or desert. There is no re-spawn in real life.


I know its only a matter of time until someone trys to go catch a legendary Pokemon at the legendary Area 51 or another military base just don’t.. or you’ll gotta catch a bullet cause military-mon.

This just breaking news apparently someone tried to go on a Pokemon trip on the S.S. Anne to the U.S. Pentagon and Whitehouse the ship has set sail.. Pokemon NO! Although, i won’t lie a Snoralax being the Pokemon at the Whitehouse is pretty accurate to describe the U.S. government well played Nintendo!

Another forbidden zone is the Holocaust Museum and grave yards so don’t go hunting for Gengars in grave yards and Dragonites at the Museum poke trainers!

Do go troll the Westborro Baptist Church and battle it’s Jigglypuff for the lulz!
Do use the GPS on your phone and google maps to know the area you are in.
Do look up from your smartphone!
Do know the data policies of this game know that they are quite extensive including –
catching your phone’s data, contacts, find accounts on device, storage, location, and camera. Even a U.S. senator Al Franken has brought up his concerns about Pokemon GO’s privacy policy.
Do play in safe locations, public parks, and around your neighborhood.
Do have fun and explore your area but do be vigilant.

PokemonGO permissions

I have this great idea for adding a panic button implemented directly into the game like how AOL had that panic button for a pedophile although that too will probably be abused anyway Nintendo ill take my paycheck for giving out the warning you probably should have?

Now then let’s discuss this idea i have for an augmented reality game for activist ill call it Activist GO. For every good deed you do you’ll get digital cash that can go towards real life prizes and enter contest. These good deeds will include – filming police, helping people, feeding the homeless, sheltering someone, saving wild animals, saving someone from drowning and saving someone from a fire. Okay, maybe that last one might be a bit dangerous and lawsuit worthy and might get me sued. Speaking of lawsuits i wonder how many Nintendo and Niantic will get? Don’t get me wrong I loved Pokemon growing up but this just seems like a bad idea let’s try virtual reality a much safer option.

The post Pokemon NO Forbidden Zones Essential Tips! appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change

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