Saturday, July 9, 2016

POLL: 94% of People Wanted Hillary Indicted Troubles Mount for HIllary

We Are Change

Despite career criminal Hillary Clinton getting off scotch-free from the FBI investigation a massive 94% of people wanted Hillary Clinton indicted according to a recent ABC poll.


Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has been under scrutiny for almost a year after it came to light that she used a private email server for her government and personal emails, rather than the State Department’s email system while serving as Secretary of State to President Obama. She recently met with the FBI about an investigation being conducted to decide whether or not to criminally prosecute her for her actions.
Clinton has said relying on a private server was a mistake but that other secretaries of state had also used a personal email address previously.


Unfortunately no charges will be brought against Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton as FBI investigator James Comey said in a press conference the FBI won’t recommend charges to the DOJ . Instead he called Hillary’s blatant neglect carelessness not criminal intent. In fact the FBI didn’t even record Hillary Clinton’s deposition or do it under oath.

Her lapdog and tower roomie Loretta Lynch wasted no time announcing an end to the investigation exonerating her of the charges of misconduct with her private email server , after having a conflict of interest meeting with ex- President and husband of Hillary Bill Clinton. Denying that they talked about anything involving Hillary Clinton’s investigation which is a complete and utter bogus lie. Common on you mean to tell me the husband of someone under investigation isn’t going to talk about his own wife? That’s just an illogical belief that has no basis in reality.

Hillary won’t be charged, despite Hillary telling aide’s to strip classification tags and then send the material in emails insecure and skipping her cyber security training classes. A blatant display of deliberate neglect.

As well as deleting emails , wiping her own server and illegally burning daily schedules according to Hillary top aide Huma Abedin a very odd behavior indeed what was she hiding?

We may soon find out, Hillary’s troubles aren’t over as Judicial Watch continues mounting it’s case against Hillary Clinton and is seeking to put Hillary Clinton under oath.

While Wikileaks is planning to publish a massive dump further on Hillary’s emails. In which Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has previously promised to provide enough evidence to indict her. Which may help Judicial watch to do just that.

Already last week Wikileaks published 1,200+ new emails on Hillary Clinton talking about the Iraq war . Then on Thursday tweeting for users with over 1,000,000 followers to DM them for a preview of what’s to come also taunting the FBI and it’s investigation saying that the FBI didn’t ask them for their information before choosing to not indict Hillary Clinton.

Hillary also has the Russian government to worry about which has been floating around the intelligence community that the Russian’s have all of her emails.

Also don’t hold your breathe but,
FBI Director James Comey has hinted at by not answering the question that there is still possibly an on going investigation into the Clinton Fraudation (Foundation) however after this blatant display of abuse of power i would take this information as a grain of salt.

We will continue to update you on Hillary’s growing nightmare stay tuned to We Are Change this isn’t over many questions remain unanswered and some accountability needs to happen especially for the Clinton Foundation in which Hillary gave countries weapon deals after they donated to the Clinton Foundation that is blatant bribery and a form of political corruption.


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from We Are Change

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