Monday, July 4, 2016

Why the Huffington Post Fails At Punking Trump on Unemployment

We Are Change

The Huffington Post recently tried to lambaste Donald Trump’s claim of 20% or more U.S. unemployment. In a recent video, HuffPo tried to portray Donald Trump as stumbling over the unemployment rate. But could he be right?

Since 2013,  20 percent of American families did not have a single person that is working in their household.

So what is the real unemployment rate, and how do we find it?

According to Presidential candidate Donald Trump its 20-40% and we aren’t being told the real unemployment numbers the scary part is he just might be right! Because The government doesn’t actually count people who have stopped looking for work and people working part time looking for full time work. A report released in 2014 seems to support his claim we aren’t being told the true rate 1 in 4 American’s in their prime are out of work. That’s people aged between 25-54 years old who are out of work. Then again in 2014, another report was released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics .


So how is everyone surviving?

Well these unemployed people depending on the government
Section 8, Food stamps, people with various disabilities who get government checks for conditions, diseases etc. If you need Financial help in the U.S. you turn to the government. These People can’t work won’t work or can’t find work due to the economy. But whole households aren’t working? Can all these people have some type of medical condition and can’t find any form of work? Lets be honest some people are just being lazy and mooching off the government.


“the number of Americans getting money or benefits from the federal government each month exceeds the number of full-time workers in the private sector by more than 60 million.”
~Tyler Durden ZER0HEDGE


The entire unemployment rate has to be re-evaluated differently but honestly there are an infinite amount of factors to calculate joblessness that it is literally impossible to find a true percentage.

The problem lies with the way the government defines the unemployment rate you are only considered “unemployed” if you are aren’t working you can work and are actively looking for work in the past four weeks. (U-3) If you don’t look for work you aren’t considered unemployed. Now why the hell does that make any sense? Well it’s how the government gets it’s “Official” unemployment rate. So that’s not really accurate. And according to a recent shocking poll an astronomical 59% who have been looking for work for 2 years or more say they have quit looking for work. That is the reason that the “official” unemployment rate has dropped not because there are more jobs it’s because people exited labor force by stopping looking for work.

So If you take into account these different factors (U-1 – U 6) you can come up with different higher numbers then the single digit numerators from U-3 alone. So how do we get 20-40% like trump suggest?
He is getting this number by using the Labor Force Participation rate (U-6) which is on the monthly jobs report. Which includes everyone over the age of 16 and up and people who want jobs vs everyone else. But this number is calculated differently and has a wider scope.
This number includes – full time students, stay at home parents, the disabled and even people retired from the workforce. If we take the current Labor Force Participation rate for June 62.6% – 100% we are left with 37.4% of the population who is not participating in the labor force it’s simple math really. In may a Record 94,708,000 Americans were not in the labor force . Keep in mind this is again defined by the stipulations above. So depending on how you want to get the rate Trump is correct the rates are higher then the standard shown U-3 rates.


“The U-3 unemployment rate as a proxy for full employment does not even make it as primitive grade school economics”
~Former Reagan administration Budget Director, David Stockman


“Almost all of the decline that we’ve seen over the last decade or so is due to three factors: retiring baby boomers just leaving the labor force, college students getting more education than ever, and disability,”
Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist at job placement site Glassdoor


The post Why the Huffington Post Fails At Punking Trump on Unemployment appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change

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