Friday, September 2, 2016

Guccifer’s Smoking Gun Nails Democratic Party In Benghazi Cover Up

We Are Change

The hacker Guccifer hacked into Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s computer and what he found is shocking – a document that implicates the entire Democratic party in the Benghazi cover up.

The Democrats, led by Susan Rice, claimed the Benghazi attack was a spontaneous reaction to an Internet video posted on Youtube. Hillary also said this lie to the American public.

Newly released documents by Guccifer show a whole new broad spectrum that the entire Democratic party was involved in the cover up and knowingly told lies to the American people.

The internal party memo admits that Ambassador Susan Rice lied about the attacks in the days after 9/11/2012 and that security was reduced at the U.S. annex in Benghazi and this move was approved at a high level of government.

The memo also shows talking points the Demcrats created were intentional lies in order to cover up for the lies they had already told regarding the Benghazi attack.

Hillary claims she didn’t lie to the families of the victims of Benghazi, yet a memo from her own party shows they all knew and created talking points to cover it up. The same talking points Hillary used for the families of those who died were the same points she used on a mother of Benghazi victim Patricia Smith, who Hillary has continuously called a liar. Patricia Smith has blamed Hillary outright for the death of her son Sean Smith and focused on Hillary in her speech during the RNC.

It’s very interesting that these documents surface from a hacker after it’s been revealed that 30 out of the 15,000 emails the FBI recovered from Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton are about Benghazi.

But this isn’t just about Hillary Clinton, this is about the entire Democratic party knowingly lying to the American public. The Democrats are spreading known lies and propaganda, orchestrating a fraudulent story to cover up what really happened in Libya.

I’ve been told privately why Benghazi happened and I posted my intelligence information on my recently shadow banned twitter account while the Obama administration was running guns through Libya, Benghazi to Syria and using the consulate as a rendezvous point.

Rand Paul suspected this was going on when he questioned Hillary if the U.S. was involved in gun running operations in Benghazi to Turkey. He got the country wrong but he was 100% correct that gun running was going on.

It’s since come out publicly that the CIA was gun smuggling when Benghazi occurred. That’s the deep dark secret they want to hide – Benghazi happened because they were running a gun smuggling operation that either backfired a bad deal or was a result of rebel Al-Qaeda forces in the region fighting back.

Not only did the Democratic party knowingly lie about Benghazi and cover Hillary Clinton’s back on her lies about a video causing Benghazi but documents obtained from Judicial Watch prove that the State Department and Dept. of Defense knew about the attack 10 days in advance.

Remember all this occurred under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Can America really handle Hillary as the commander and chief? You can read the document below.

The post Guccifer’s Smoking Gun Nails Democratic Party In Benghazi Cover Up appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change

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