Wednesday, December 14, 2016

#BREAKING: Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Hold Press Conference On Obama’s Birth Certificate

We Are Change

(Phoenix, Arizona) – Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is scheduled to hold a press conference today, December 15th at 4pm MST at the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Training Center.


The event is closed to the main stream media and will only be streamed live on the Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.

Arpaio will be releasing 3 years of analysis of the alleged fake document.

On March 1, 2012, Arpaio and members of the Cold Case Posse investigation held a news conference announcing their findings that President Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate, released by the White House on April 27, 2011, is a computer-generated forgery.

Additionally, other investigators have said the electronic PDF document released by the White House clearly shows evidence of ‘kerning’ – where parts of letters overlap each other for a pleasing visual effect – this is produced by modern computers and was not possible on 1960’s typewriters.

Just last week author Jerome Corsi further released proof that indeed it was a forgery releasing two other birth certificates from the same time period at the same hospital in which they show that the term “African American” used on Barack Obama’s birth certificate wasn’t used during that time in history and instead the terms – Colored or Negroes were most commonly used on Black Americans birth certificates.

What will Sheriff Joe Arpaio say today? Will it be the starting of a Watergate type scenario as Jerome Corsi has said? We will keep you up to date as information develops.



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from We Are Change

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