Monday, October 2, 2017

Sargon Of Akkad On Trump, Google And Who’s Really In Charge

We Are Change

This is Luke Rudkowski reporting for WeAreChange. Today I was at the University of Berkeley in efforts to document any extremist activity here on the leftist front lines of the war on reality. The police presence was intense, and tensions were high from the time I had arrived. I ran into the one and only Sargon of Akkad, while I was getting shoved around by the bullies in blue who are now adorned in more fashionable tactical black. For those who are unfamiliar with Sargon, he is mostly a YouTube personality that is dedicated to, “finding the truth of the matter using rational arguments backed up by evidence.”

The police began cordoning off areas of the campus, and we were asked to vacate certain areas on multiple occasions.

Video is also available on DTube

Since Sargon and I were already being boxed in by imperial storm-troopers, we decided to conduct an on the spot interview. Sargon is a very rational and sometimes blunt online celebrity, so I expected this discussion to be riveting. In the interview we discussed many of, in what I consider, today’s more critical and burning issues. For example the fact that Google has received billions in government subsidies in exchange for censoring information and selling the government our information.

This evolved into a discussion about how through their influence and power Google is trying to aid in shaping the narrative. They can already control access to information like some Orwellian big brother’s sidekick. Even Google’s top ranking woman has made headlines after making questionable statements about gender. This lead to her writing an essay to try and save a crashing plane.

This brought us to a discussion involving the “Ministry of Truth” role that Google is playing in this era of, what John Stuart Mill called, Social Tyranny. An era where the loudest collective voice drowns out the individual’s voice, penetrating deeper into the matters of life, leaving little hope of escape.

Google which has become an information superconductor to billions of people. Lately it has become a tool dedicated to the suppression of free speech. Sargon and I discussed the implications of this denial of human rights and the rights. Even though Google as a “semi-private?” business should be able to deny access to whatever service they please.

Google claims to be a private business that operates for profit essentially selling your information to the highest bidder. Then comes the issue of their monopoly in the industry of data mining. This ability to direct and control the world’s information makes Google a very powerful entity. We discussed the implications of letting such an entity exist. Maybe it is the time to stop using their services and vote with our dollars.

I then brought up the topic of North Korea and the ridicules tweet war between Trump and Kim Jong-un. A tweetstorm that might spark a real hot war. We dove into the irresponsibility that the leader of “the free world” is showing by engaging in Twitter.

Also discussed was the fact that both of us can agree that Trump caved to pressure from the military-industrial complex. Whether his intentions began as benevolent or not Donald Trump has abandoned what he said he stood for. Trump has reversed course on a lot of the talking points that got him elected. I had predicted this many times, who couldn’t, and Sargon gave him an “A” for effort for making it as far as he has. Never the less we can all now see that the murderous war machine has gained influence in Trump’s decision-making abilities.

Sargon respected Donald Trump’s stance on the Political Correctness Culture that is currently festering above the skin in the United States.

Sargon gave Trump credit for keeping his “Make America Great Again,” attitude during the recent U.N. Speech but I was inclined to point out that Trump was yet again threatening North Korea in the same address. He may say one thing, but his actions and warmongering attitude are pointing to a much deeper issue here.

Both Sargon and I agreed on the fact that Donald Trump was very anti-establishment and had disrupted the plans of the Republican party.

The fact remains that there are others who call the shots even if Trump doesn’t wants to admit it.

Sargon and I both remember the hopes that Trump had given many in dealing with globalist issues. Many individuals had touted him as the vanquisher of the New World order. Sadly there is only so much power one man can have when faced with the kind of monstrosity the elites have created.

There were still many police present as we wrapped up our interview. The overall tension on campus had not lessened, but students and faculty went about their day as best they could. Maybe this was the plan getting those passionate on both sides used to RoboCop’s continual presence.

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