Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Brazil Indicts President Dilma Rousseff Begins Impeachment

We Are Change

Amidst the Olympic aroma the Brazilian Senate has voted to indict President Dilma Rousseff on charges of breaking budget laws in a 59-21 vote Wednesday morning according to Reuters.


President Dilma Rousseff will be facing the allegations that she manipulated government accounts and spent money without congressional approval. A verdict expected at the end of this month and will need two thirds of votes from the senate to convict Rousseff of corruption.

Her party the Workers Party has ruled Brazil for 13 years straight so a conviction would bring an abrupt end to her party’s rule. President Michel Temer the Vice President of Brazil took over in May after the allegations arose against Rousseff.

Dilma Rouseff has also been largely blamed for the economic status of the country with some calling it Brazil’s worst recession since the 1930’s.

Rousseff has denied any wrongdoing denouncing her impeachment as a “right-wing conspiracy” that has used accounting faulty numbers as a pretext to illegally remove a government a coup.

“My government was the target of nonstop sabotage, the objective was to stop me from governing and therefore allow an environment inviting the coup.”
~President Dilma Rousseff

A Senator inside her party, Jorge Viana has agreed calling the trial rigged saying a sentencing has already been decided.

“The cards are marked in this game. There is no trial, just a sentence that has already been written The impeachment was driven by the elite which oppose social welfare gains.”
~Workers Party Senator Jorge Viana said.

Dilma Rouseff may be right, many have questioned whether what’s happening in Brazil is a coup including Glenn Greenwald a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who run’s the intercept and was the first journalist to release documents by NSA leaker Edward Snowden.

Greenwald brings up Romero Jucá’s transcripts published by local Brazilian media Folha de São Paulo which revealed how Romero plotted to oust President Dilma Rousseff with Sérgio Machado a former oil executive in order to end Operation Car Wash an investigation that was targeting him and Sérgio. Operation Car Wash was launched to investigate money laundering and corruption at state-controlled oil firm Petrobras.

“We have to change the government so the bleeding is stopped.”
~Romero Jucá

Wikileaks also brought up that Brazil’s current interim acting President Michel Temer was an embassy informant for U.S. Intelligence and the Military. Additionally Wikileaks brought up suspicions that the Current US Ambassador to #Brazil Served in Paraguay Prior to 2012 Coup in Paraguay so there was a U.S. Ambassador there with coup experience.

Whether it was a planned coup or not though, more problems are await Brazil and soon it’s interim President Michel Temer may also face charges of corruption as three members of his cabinet have already been forced to resign and he could also be implicated according to a plea bargaining testimony published by local media. In which a jailed construction tycoon Marcelo Odebrecht claimed Temer had received illegal campaign funding.

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