Wednesday, August 10, 2016


We Are Change

In a report released by the Department of Justice (DOJ) today, the DOJ inclines to say that the Baltimore police have failed at doing nearly everything but that’s what they really wanted to say when it comes to administrative task the BPD failed like that report card you got in school a giant F for Failure.
Including but not limited to – Training, policy guidance, holding officers accountable for misconduct, equipping officers.

BPD report

The funny thing about this is no one is going to get charged for this lack of oversight and negligence. Just like all the cops in the Feddie Grey case walked off without any reprimanding no punishment for the way they handled the situation letting Freddie Grey die in their custody. Despite the fact that according to the DOJ the BPD ENGAGES IN A PATTERN OR PRACTICE OF CONDUCT THAT VIOLATES THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION AND LAWS, AND CONDUCT THAT RAISES SERIOUS CONCERNS. All caps because that’s how they wrote it so you’d think it would be important but still there is a lack of accountability and no charges in the Freddie Grey case.

But this isn’t only about one case that the Baltimore PD has been involved in no this is a review of the entire department itself and how the officers uphold themselves on the field.
This is how these officers treat everyone of the City of Baltimore, Maryland and it’s not good according to the DOJ report.

The BPD makes unconstitutional stops, searches and arrest with ill oversight. Officers also, escalate encounters resulting in excessive use of force.
While others display racial discrimination against African Americans. Oh and if you are mentally handicapped look out these officers use an unreasonable amount of force and fail to make reasonable modifications when interacting with people with mental disabilities because people who are mentally ill or classified autistic are going to harm you.
I am surprised that there wasn’t a report about the way the BPD treats the elderly but if you are an activist journalist or juvenile look out that angry Baltimore bear is coming for you.

Baltimore PD doesn’t like free speech they unlawfully detain and harass individuals who speak and sometimes they feel those words a little too much and assault citizens using force that participate in protected free speech. As well as interfere with those who seek to record their behaviors and actions towards the public. This misconduct is a concern and speaking about the public.
BPD doesn’t have a strong relationship with it’s community which the DOJ says that BPD recognizes that they have to change and improve their relationship with their citizens but much work remains to be done.

Here’s an excerpt from the shocking report by the Department of Justice.

“The pattern or practice occurs as a result of systemic deficiencies at BPD. The agency fails
to provide officers with sufficient policy guidance and training; fails
to collect and analyze data
regarding officers’ activities; and fails to hold officers accountable for misconduct.
BPD also fails to
equip officers with the necessary equipment and resources they need to police safely,
constitutionally, and effectively.
Each of these systemic deficiencies contributes to the constitutional
and statutory violations we observed.”


from We Are Change

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