Friday, October 14, 2016

Bogus Assault of Mosul: Islamic State Is at Washington’s Service

We Are Change


It seems Washington needs American voters to see its combat advances in the Middle East.

To achieve this goal the U.S. President ordered to launch the offensive to retake IS-held Mosul. Mosul’s liberation will ensure the Democrat triumph at 2016 presidential election.

The USA and Saudi Arabia intend to allow terrorists and their families to quit the city bringing weapons with them before the assault. US-led coalition will then launch airstrikes on isolated targets within the city while avoiding attack against terrorists as they will be among civilians, including women and children. Saudis agreed to back ISIS militants’ departure from Mosul. The Saudi secret services did the same liberating Fallujah in Iraq last June.

The bogus assault of Mosul will allow the White House to pursue another important aim – to discredit Moscow efforts in Syria and to undermine Bashar al-Assad’s power.

More than nine thousand terrorists will leave Mosul and move to Syria to strengthen ISIS in the Eastern part of the country, capture Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra. The White House strategists believe, this scenario will lead the Syrian government to catastrophe and make Russia leave the Middle East.


Considering that the ISIS state has already reached deep inside Europe, one wonders why the US is more fixated on halting the Russian encroachment, and defense of the Assad government, in Syria than pursuing its stated course.

The revelation comes a day after Reuters reported that the US risks being branded a war criminal for its support of the Saudi war in Yemen, which has led to thousands of innocent civilian casualties, and which is only possible due to US military support and weapons. As a reminder, since March 2015, or when the Saudi conflict in Yemen started, Washington has authorized more than $22.2 billion in weapons sales to Riyadh.

Saudi Arabia has previously been accused of funding other terrorist organizations, such as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The kingdom also has a policy of torture and public executions, not entirely dissimilar to the actions of IS.

Earlier this year, it seemed that Qatar and the US had at least a working relationship in the effort to fight IS. In June, American B-52 Stratofortress bombers flew to the Al Udeid Air Base, where they were to be deployed to fight IS.

Saudi Arabia has also claimed to be on the US’ side in the fight against IS. However, actions speak louder than words. In September, an Al-Nusra commander identified as “Abu Al-Ezz” claimed that both the US and its Persian Gulf allies were providing his group with weapons.

While the US categorically denied arming the terrorist organization in order to fight IS, State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters, “there are those – not the US – who back various opposition groups in Syria, who might also seek to arm them,” and that would lead to escalation.

So why would the U.S. and its allies back ISIS, when they are barbarian Islamic terrorists?  Well – assuming it’s true – oil and gas could be the explanation. After all, there is evidence that the U.S. and her allies have wanted to break up the nations of Iraq and Syria for decades.  And ISIS has done so.

In any event – whether or not it’s true of ISIS – it’s well-documented that the U.S., Saudis and Israelis have been backing the world’s most dangerous and radical Muslim terrorists for decades. And anyone who looks at the battle against ISIS as a religious war is being played.

The post Bogus Assault of Mosul: Islamic State Is at Washington’s Service appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change

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