Monday, August 22, 2016

Assange Assassin? Intruder Tries To Scale Ecuador’s London Embassy

We Are Change

Mere hours after the news broke that the rape warrant for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s arrest was canceled, an unknown intruder tried to break into the Ecuador’s embassy in London where Assange has been living in asylum. Assange Assassin?


At approximately 2.47 a.m., an unknown male intruder tried to scale the embassy wall, then fled after being caught by security climbing.

Again, this comes just as Assange’s warrant on a dubious rape allegation was canceled in Sweden.

So who could this unknown male intruder be? Wikileaks hasn’t confirmed the reason for the intrusion.

Twitter responded by speculating it was a hit on Assange by Hillary Clinton, who likely has a rather large body count this year alone. Clinton can’t afford another high profile death – according to sources Hillary is under investigation for dozens of charges of fraud in regards to the Clinton Foundation by the IRS and U.S. Attorney’s office.

Additionally, WikiLeaks tweeted out that Hillary Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta was being probed by the FBI and DOJ.

Wikileaks later tweeted out a document dump on John Podesta saying “114 emails from #Podesta Group to Stratfor showing foreign government lobbying in action”

Wikileaks has previously said they have way more on Hillary Clinton that will be released leading up to the election, including her deleted emails she thought were gone.

Assange has previously said that he has emails that Hillary funded an ISIS front company in France.

The Clinton’s can’t be that stupid can they? Are they that much in their own little world so daft to believe that they can go around assassinating their enemies? Sure they’ve gotten away with it for years, but there is a growing consensus that the Clinton hit list is real and they run a huge risk if they kill one too many people.

One of the more blatant cases is the case of Vince Foster, where experts even said the suicide note found was a forgery. Besides Foster, several staffers of the Clintons have mysteriously ended up dead including – Ron Brown, Barbara Wise, Charles Meissner, Hershell Friday, Ed Wiley, Luther Parks, Paula Grober, Paul Tully, Suezanne Coleman, Daniel A. Dutko, Mary Mahoney, Duane Garrett, Christine M. Mirzayan, John Glasgow.

Now you can add Seth Rich onto that list – shot dead, nothing taken same as what happened to Mary Mahoney at a coffee shop.

Several twitter users called for Assange to be safe and stay alive. Wikileaks is a huge resource and Assange has done a hero’s work in bringing journalism into the digital age.

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