Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hillary’s ‘Poisonous Chocolates’ Distract From Clinton Scandals

We Are Change

Hillary Clinton offered chocolates to the press for being “cooperative” during a surprise stop at a coffee shop in Reno, NV.


When Clinton was asked by a journalist about allegations of “pay-for-play” at the Clinton Foundation and other scandals, her response was to ask, “want some chocolates?”

Several reporters took to twitter to express their dismay that Clinton offered them chocolate instead of answering their questions.

Run forest run! It has now been 265 days since Clinton held a press conference. (100 more days and it’ll be a year—just to put that in perspective for you).

With the election in November, I can’t see Clinton not having a press conference prior, though I could be wrong. She seems to be avoiding the press’s questions and acting like nothing is happening and in her own little world as she has always been when scandals involved her and her husband, Bill Clinton, constantly dismissing them as “Right-Wing Conspiracies.”

What is worth noting is how she offered the press the chocolates, while calling them “wonderful,” “cooperative,” and “hard working.” That in itself is a form of poison. As a journalist you shouldn’t be cooperative, you should be hard hitting and ask the questions no one wants to ask. That’s what being a true investigative journalist is like our own Luke Rudkowski.

It’s those moments where people are left dumb-founded and speechless due to your forth coming questions and research and catching them in a lie that make you into a true journalist.

Exposing what the corrupt don’t want to be shown, shining light into the darkness—that’s what being a journalist used to mean. Nowadays, as Clinton said, some in the press are cooperative and that is what’s killing American main stream media. That’s why only 6% trust the media.

Perhaps this is because the NDAA act legalized propaganda against American citizens and repealed the Smith-Mundit act which previously protected American’s against government sponsored propaganda after the CIA was exposed faking news stories.

That is why more people are turning to alternative media like We Are Change and others for their dose of news because the mainstream media doesn’t do their job.
I know several mainstream reporters and I know how it works reporters have to submit stories and get them cleared by their editors and their editors boss and up the chain and just like how the movie Anchorman 2 highlights if a story affects a sponsor or someone with influence it gets pulled.

The post Hillary’s ‘Poisonous Chocolates’ Distract From Clinton Scandals appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change

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