Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Austin Police Officer Caught on Camera Kicking Drunk Woman

We Are Change

In a video that is quickly going viral, an Austin police department officer Michael Wade shows blatant disregard for safety and human dignity.

Officer Wade shockingly kicks a drunk woman that is wandering around downtown Austin, Texas.

The incident occurred on Sunday, August 7th, 2016, around 2:35 a.m. The video has been spread by the Peaceful Streets Project, a group that has been documenting Austin PD’s weekend ritual of clearing drunken pedestrians from the street using horse mounted officers, resulting in dozens of injuries.

An unknown woman was a part of that crowd Sunday. When she was inches away from the curb, she was assaulted by officer Michael Wade, badge #6699.

This type of behavior by officer Wade not only reflects back on him and the Austin PD, but on the growing problem of police feeling they are above the law and not prosecutable for their offenses. This is a prime example of police brutality defined as unnecessary use of force. This woman was neither a threat nor a problem for law enforcement when this officer decided to kick her out of the way.

This abuse is an insult to all those who do wear their badge with integrity, respect, and dignity. Put it bluntly, this is unjustifiable assault — this w0man did nothing to deserve this, and this officer should be fired immediately. A suspension with pay is laughable when this is clear on camera — not much of an investigation needs to ensue as officer Wade’s clear display of disgust is captured as he kicks her riding on his horse, then continues down the street.

The Peaceful Streets Project has asked journalists and concerned citizens alike to report this incident and to contact the Austin Police Department, Office of Police Monitor, and Austin Mayor Steven Adler to inquire as to whether they find this type of behavior appropriate for a law enforcement officer whose job is to serve and protect.

In this instance, no one was served and no one was protected. The only thing served was a kick directly to a drunk woman, potentially in the face. A possible tourist, a possible pregnant woman, potentially kicked in the face. Is this the type of action that Austin wants to be known for? Come to Austin let our police kick you in the face at your local night out at one of our fancy clubs after curfew.

This type of misconduct and display of carelessness affects everyone. This is criminal. A badge is not a license to commit crime.

The post Austin Police Officer Caught on Camera Kicking Drunk Woman appeared first on We Are Change.

from We Are Change

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