Thursday, August 4, 2016

HISTORIC: First Law Official Charged Under U.S. Terror Law Entrapped By The FBI

We Are Change

Today Nicholas Young, a DC metro transit officer was arrested for giving material aid to ISIS.
Mark one for the record books as this is the first time in U.S. history that U.S. government prosecutors have charged a law official under the Terror Law. But theirs a twist
It’s also the first time the FBI has entrapped a Law Enforcement Official then charged him with the terror law.

DC MetroCop

FBI spokesperson FBI spokesman Andrew Ames, confirmed that Young is the first law enforcement officer to be charged under the federal government’s terrorism law.

Nicholas would buy $250 worth of gift cards for someone he thought was working with the Islamic State group but it was actually the FBI.

Yes you read that right another entrapment for the FBI. Makes me think about an old New York Times Article, FBI STOPS PLOT BY FBI. Yeah that’s what this appears to be just another case of a setup by an agency on an individual.

This man, Nicholas Young thought that he was funding ISIS they likely paid him large sums of money to buy gift cards. But wait the story doesn’t end there the official FBI report goes on to state.

“Young bought the gift cards last month that he intended for the Islamic State to use to purchase mobile messaging apps. Young actually gave the codes for the gift cards to an undercover FBI officer” the affidavit said.”

Does this make any sense to you? Because it doesn’t to me. “He intended for the Islamic state to use these gift cards to purchase mobile messaging apps and gave the codes to an undercover FBI agent.”

If by “he” the FBI means they this seriously plays like an entrapped fake scripted exchange.
I find it highly coincidental and unlikely it’s a “mobile messaging app” and honestly it’s quite ridiculous.
Maybe if the headline on the news media was different people would see through this, bull shit?

DC Metro Authority Arrested For Trying To Fund ISIS communications.

This appears to be Operation Mockingbird Style propaganda to push more anti- encryption legislation i bet they run with the narrative that they need to worry about encrypted phone messaging next in the on going war on terror coming soon more anti-privacy legislation through congress and the senate. It doesn’t end there.

“Young was deeply paranoid about law enforcement spying on him, often taking out the battery of his cellphone when he wanted to go somewhere and talk, the document said.”

This is anyone who cares about privacy rights as NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden said the NSA can remotely turn on your phone to record conversations. So soon anyone who removes their phone battery and doesn’t want government snooping and to
relinquish their privacy rights will be a potential terrorist.

Allegedly On Jan. 24, 2011, an undercover officer said Young told him “he once aimed an AK-47-style rifle out of a window at his residence, scanning for law enforcement he believed was watching him. On another occasion, he grew angry that the FBI talked to his family and co-workers and said he wanted to find the FBI agent and kidnap and torture her.”

Am I watching a movie? Because this has the potential to be a block buster movie, “he once aimed an AK-47 rifle out of a window at his residence scanning for law enforcement.” Another convenient addition to the narrative to add on to the fact he was also trying to finance ISIS encrypted messaging apps. Oh one more fun factual tidbit he also happens to know other jihadi’s but he asked the FBI, where he could donate to the isis jihadist communication network. Do you see how this whole story just doesn’t add up?

In any case the FBI claims that young In 2014, met about 20 times with an FBI informant, and gave the source advice on how to avoid law enforcement detection as in the source’s acting role he planned to travel overseas to join the Islamic State. The icing on the cake though, young was also associates with two men – Zachary Chesser, who pleaded guilty to trying to join the African militant group al-Shabab and Amine El Khalifi, who pleaded guilty in another sting operation in which he planned to attempt a suicide bombing attack at the U.S. Capitol in 2012 in the name of ISIS.

Okay perfect plot check, what’s missing? Oh the weapons!

In March 2015, Nicholas Young raised suspicion when he brought a large amount of ammunition, AK-47s and a pistol to an off-duty weapons training event at the DC metro and bragged to another officer that he owned more weapons.

While the mainstream media makes this out as Metro police official supported ISIS the truth is Metro police official was entrapped by the FBI to support ISIS.

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from We Are Change

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