Thursday, August 4, 2016

Telsa: Fully Autonomous cars by 2017 “What we’ve got will blow people’s minds” ~Elon Musk

We Are Change

Tesla founder Elon Musk said in a conference call today that Tesla’s progress has succeeded to level 4 fully autonomous driving,
while he was hesitant to make an official announcement he said it’s coming sooner then people think.


Musk recent prediction about when the technology would be available sets its release for the fourth quarter of 2017.

“We’re going to end up with complete autonomy, and I think we will have complete autonomy in approximately two years.”
When I say level 4, I mean level 4 autonomy with the probability of an accident is less than that of person”
~Elon Musk while talking with Fortune’s Kirsten Korose.

In June, when Musk was asked about whether the Tesla Model 3 version of it’s car would include the autonomous driving feature at Code Conference he looked like he was going to give a direct answer and then hesitated and talked about another big upcoming event according to

This shows that Musk has something big planned and it may just be that the Tesla 3 model car includes autonomous driving.

Musk hinted at this by saying that the technology the hardware itself exist but it’s a matter of choosing the software to use that hardware. So the technological capabilities are there it’s only a matter of implementing them for practical use.

“The hardware necessary for self-driving currently exist, it’s only a question of software.”
~Elon Musk

Although what may be the hard part is making a car that is accident prone less then humans as Musk suggest and might be ultimately the big hurdle to over come for the Tesla team. Musk ended his speech talking about what Tesla is currently focusing on regarding the automation technology. They are in the process of “developing an advanced narrow AI and improving its advanced neural maps based system” according to musk.

This is a huge step for automation technology and a step that will completely kill businesss like Uber or Lyft job potential soon they will be replaced with automated driver bots that dispense champagne. The robots are coming for our jobs! Speaking of automation did you see all the google automated car crashes? Lets hope Musk can fix that pesky problem of human error for those who can’t afford an autonomous vehicle that thinks it’s clear to speed up when there’s another car or truck ahead up a hill that the car can’t see or communicate with because the other driver doesn’t have a smart car.

Then theirs the problem that implicating autonomous vehicles would have on society, would police be handing out tickets to autonomous driving vehicles? Or would that now be an insurance matter that Geico would have to pay cause surely you can’t charge someone for speeding when it’s their car that is doing the speeding. The greatest excuse ever, “officer my car was speeding it wasn’t me.”

Maybe even going too slow or stopped at a light/intersection like this recent google autonomous car crash where the automated driving vehicle got rear-ended in LA. The reality is humans are going to be humans certified assholes when it comes to driving on the road technology can not anticipate spur of the action decisions or humans speeding not following the speed limit while the autonomous car is programmed to follow the speed limit creating another problem to over come human stupidity.

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